Maskless MA

Same morals where you support killing unborn babies…quite moral you are.

you're pro choice, so lol@u.

donny will get his due & i have a bigley stick just waiting to poke you with.

bank on it.
I am pro choice but I never claimed to be superior morally. I do not judge others on their personal choices. You do. That makes you a hypocrite. Don’t misunderstand. Abortions are murder. But to me if a mother wants to murder her unborn kid she may. It’s her right. Donny never watched as my people were attacked in the US and Israel. Biden has. Who is the asshole?
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.
How many people were smoking and blowing second hand smoke into the air in your free ass bar? Bwahahahaha. Enjoy your clean air - love Big Govt.
Zero. Smoking isn't allowed at the TD Garden. Smoking no longer allowed at the bars. Not sure what you're trying to prove with your post?
People conformed with no smoking 30 years ago and considered it an assault to their rights. We mowed them down. Will do the same here.
About what?
Same morals where you support killing unborn babies…quite moral you are.

you're pro choice, so lol@u.

donny will get his due & i have a bigley stick just waiting to poke you with.

bank on it.
I am pro choice but I never claimed to be superior morally. I do not judge others on their personal choices. You do. That makes you a hypocrite. Don’t misunderstand. Abortions are murder. But to me if a mother wants to murder her unborn kid she may. It’s her right. Donny never watched as my people were attacked in the US and Israel. Biden has. Who is the asshole?

yep. i would never could never be the vile, repugnant,, morally bankrupted , & inhumane creature that makes up donald J trump.

don't even try to think that all morality or the lack there of is the same.

it's beneath you.... or is it?
Same morals where you support killing unborn babies…quite moral you are.

you're pro choice, so lol@u.

donny will get his due & i have a bigley stick just waiting to poke you with.

bank on it.
I am pro choice but I never claimed to be superior morally. I do not judge others on their personal choices. You do. That makes you a hypocrite. Don’t misunderstand. Abortions are murder. But to me if a mother wants to murder her unborn kid she may. It’s her right. Donny never watched as my people were attacked in the US and Israel. Biden has. Who is the asshole?

yep. i would never could never be the vile, repugnant,, morally bankrupted , & inhumane creature that makes up donald J trump.

don't even try to think that all morality or the lack there of is the same.

it's beneath you.... or is it?
But you could kill an unborn baby. You could shame those who disagree with you politically. You could shrug when trans girls take spots of biological girls on athletic teams or participate
Against them in athletics. You could shrug as the Democratic Party openly spews Antisemitic views. Spare me your outrage. The hypocrisy is deafening. Grow up. Maybe if you were a better person you would be in a better place in your life?
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Don’t recall

you don't recall ... cause you can't recall ... because him & his 'wife ' got vaxxed in secret.

like i said. & the only logical reason is cause he didn't want his pawns to know.

and now you’re against women’s right to choose?

what in the serious fuck are YOU talking about? what kinda twisted deflection are you trying now, zogster?

So you’re not OK with some soft porn

never said i was ok with it or not. i just stated facts. you seem to have a problem with facts. NOW, had i made that up, then calling me 'petty' would have been justified.

but telling the truth when it IS the truth isn't really 'petty'. i can't help if donny & his family are sleazebags ... it just goes with the whole trump persona. always was ... always will be.

but you are Ok with baby killing.


are you? <pssssst> infanticide is murder. didn't you know that?

Your morals are interesting.

lol ... says a dude who 'misses trump'.
You mocked Melania for soft porn but you are OK with abortions aka killing of babies. Guess you’re not OK with the women’s right to choose. Soft porn isn’t illegal. In terms of vaccines I recall he and the Mrs. getting them but when it was reported I do not recall. This childish outburst of yours is interesting. Under Trump we didn’t see Jews get openly attacked by Muslims in LA, we didn’t see such a significant amount of death in Israel since 2014, we didn’t see the price of gas nearly double here in MA, the price of business materials increased by about 70%, we didn’t see or border in such a mess. Lastly, Biden supports trans girls playing sports with and against biological girls. That is pure insanity.

While Trump may have hurt your feelings, Biden is hurting this country and his party openly voted against sanctions of countries that support Hamas. I asked you why and you said “I do not know”. So please spare me your outrage.
riiiiiiiiight. okey dokey - you're quite wrong, but that's not anything new. you voted for a man child - twice - so don't utter the word 'childish' - it makes you looks petty.

what i said was trumpco was sleazy - & melania is sooooooooooo in that category.

mrs? that would be mrs # 3. the one he also rawdogged an affair with a playboy bunny behind her back... that whole world is sleaze. & what i said was fact.

FEC spares Trump but fines tabloid publisher for hush-money payment to ex-Playboy model who claimed affair with him​

WASHINGTON - The Federal Election Commission has fined the National Enquirer's parent company $187,500 for "knowingly and willfully" violating election law by making a payment in 2016 to Karen McDougal, a former Playboy model who said she had an affair with former president Donald Trump years before he was elected.

FEC spares Trump but fines tabloid publisher for hush-money payment to ex-Playboy model who claimed affair with him

& you missssssssss........hiiiiimmmmmmm........
More proof that having the government regulate campaign finance is like asking a fox to guard the hen house - inane.

It is flatly impossible that the tabloid violated the law and Trump did not. Literally impossible.
It saved thousands of lives and could have saved thousands more...if only it hadn't been made a political issue.

Prove it.

Post a peer reviewed link that states such a fact.

You can't, because there is no such evidence.


Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review

Version 1 : Received: 10 April 2020 / Approved: 12 April 2020 / Online: 12 April 2020 (17:41:10 CEST)
Version 2 : Received: 12 May 2020 / Approved: 13 May 2020 / Online: 13 May 2020 (13:16:04 CEST)
Version 3 : Received: 10 July 2020 / Approved: 12 July 2020 / Online: 12 July 2020 (16:11:50 CEST)
Version 4 : Received: 30 October 2020 / Approved: 2 November 2020 / Online: 2 November 2020 (10:18:00 CET)

A peer-reviewed article of this Preprint also exists.

Journal reference: PNAS 2020
DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2014564118


The science around the use of masks by the general public to impede COVID-19 transmission is advancing rapidly. Policymakers need guidance on how masks should be used by the general population to combat the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we synthesize the relevant literature to inform multiple areas: 1) transmission characteristics of COVID-19, 2) filtering characteristics and efficacy of masks, 3) estimated population impacts of widespread community mask use, and 4) sociological considerations for policies concerning mask-wearing. A primary route of transmission of COVID-19 is likely via small respiratory droplets, and is known to be transmissible from presymptomatic and asymptomatic individuals. Reducing disease spread requires two things: first, limit contacts of infected individuals via physical distancing and contact tracing with appropriate quarantine, and second, reduce the transmission probability per contact by wearing masks in public, among other measures.

The preponderance of evidence indicates that mask wearing reduces the transmissibility per contact by reducing transmission of infected droplets in both laboratory and clinical contexts.

Public mask wearing is most effective at stopping spread of the virus when compliance is high. The decreased transmissibility could substantially reduce the death toll and economic impact while the cost of the intervention is low. Thus we recommend the adoption of public cloth mask wearing, as an effective form of source control, in conjunction with existing hygiene, distancing, and contact tracing strategies. We recommend that public officials and governments strongly encourage the use of widespread face masks in public, including the use of appropriate regulation.
Face Masks Against COVID-19: An Evidence Review

you're welcome for correcting you.

The problem is that all those studies are irrelevant. When we compare covid death rates and measures like mask mandates and lockdowns between states it looks as though the restrictions were not effective. If they were then state4s with the harshest measures like CA would have far better numbers than those without. That does not seem to be the case at all. They are all over the place.

You can demand that one study or another has the right of it, stamp your foot and demand they are clearly effective but when actually implemented in the real world it seems reality simple does not agree.

One thing is crystal clear in this pandemic, the CDC is a disaster.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Republicans have vaccine hesitancy? Link please
Same morals where you support killing unborn babies…quite moral you are.

you're pro choice, so lol@u.

donny will get his due & i have a bigley stick just waiting to poke you with.

bank on it.
I am pro choice but I never claimed to be superior morally. I do not judge others on their personal choices. You do. That makes you a hypocrite. Don’t misunderstand. Abortions are murder. But to me if a mother wants to murder her unborn kid she may. It’s her right. Donny never watched as my people were attacked in the US and Israel. Biden has. Who is the asshole?

Who is the asshole? You are. Bigly.

You don't judge others but abortion is murder. Riiiiight!!
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Republicans have vaccine hesitancy? Link please

Any group that you point to will have some vaccine hesitancy - that is just a hard fact. Are you going to claim that there are is significant vaccine hesitancy with republicans? I cannot think you can honestly make that statement.

And Trump getting the vaccine would have alleviated much of that hesitancy.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Republicans have vaccine hesitancy? Link please

Have YOU had the vaccine, and don't give me that bullshit line about how you had the disease and don't need it. Trump had the disease and HE got vaccinated.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.

This is the mentality of our buddy Azog here.

After 12 months of ignoring Dr. Faucci and the CDC which lead to a year of lockdowns, wearing masks, and 600,000 dead Americans, the incoming President of the United States started listening to Dr. Faucci, and shut the virus down in 4 short months.

On the first day you get to go maskless, because the nation finally following Dr. Faucci's advice, and the CDC Guidance, you claim your freedom by chanting "F U Faucci". No wonder you voted for Donald Trump!!!

Please tell me you aren't really a business consultant because, man oh man, if this is the level of your critical thinking ability, you shouldn't be anywhere near somebody's business or retirement portfolio.
Shut the hell up, 99% of the people in The states masked up. I wore a mask everywhere and still got Covid-19, my wife, my mother, my daughter and her three kids lived in the same house I did and none, not one got Covid. The vaccines and heightened immune systems went a long way in causing the numbers go down, Biden’s rules did little if anything.

I tire of your stupid lies, try telling the truth for once. You make everyone on this board look like a genius.
Same morals where you support killing unborn babies…quite moral you are.

you're pro choice, so lol@u.

donny will get his due & i have a bigley stick just waiting to poke you with.

bank on it.
I am pro choice but I never claimed to be superior morally. I do not judge others on their personal choices. You do. That makes you a hypocrite. Don’t misunderstand. Abortions are murder. But to me if a mother wants to murder her unborn kid she may. It’s her right. Donny never watched as my people were attacked in the US and Israel. Biden has. Who is the asshole?

Who is the asshole? You are. Bigly.

You don't judge others but abortion is murder. Riiiiight!!
Abortion is 100% murder, you antisemite. If one is pregnant and a drunk driver kills the woman, it is considered a double homicide. How do you explain that?

PS - you said “Jews invented whining”. You hate Jews
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Republicans have vaccine hesitancy? Link please
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Republicans have vaccine hesitancy? Link please

Any group that you point to will have some vaccine hesitancy - that is just a hard fact. Are you going to claim that there are is significant vaccine hesitancy with republicans? I cannot think you can honestly make that statement.

And Trump getting the vaccine would have alleviated much of that hesitancy.
Post a link please. I have hesitancy only because I have the antibodies otherwise I d get it tomorrow. I do Not see Republicans as any more or less hesitant than anyone else. But you made the assertion so please provide the link per USMB rules. Thank you.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.

This is the mentality of our buddy Azog here.

After 12 months of ignoring Dr. Faucci and the CDC which lead to a year of lockdowns, wearing masks, and 600,000 dead Americans, the incoming President of the United States started listening to Dr. Faucci, and shut the virus down in 4 short months.

On the first day you get to go maskless, because the nation finally following Dr. Faucci's advice, and the CDC Guidance, you claim your freedom by chanting "F U Faucci". No wonder you voted for Donald Trump!!!

Please tell me you aren't really a business consultant because, man oh man, if this is the level of your critical thinking ability, you shouldn't be anywhere near somebody's business or retirement portfolio.
Shut the hell up, 99% of the people in The states masked up. I wore a mask everywhere and still got Covid-19, my wife, my mother, my daughter and her three kids lived in the same house I did and none, not one got Covid. The vaccines and heightened immune systems went a long way in causing the numbers go down, Biden’s rules did little if anything.

I tire of your stupid lies, try telling the truth for once. You make everyone on this board look like a genius.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Republicans have vaccine hesitancy? Link please

Have YOU had the vaccine, and don't give me that bullshit line about how you had the disease and don't need it. Trump had the disease and HE got vaccinated.
Not yet. I still have the antibodies per my last donation. The CDC may change its guidance where I only need one shot. If they don’t then I will get one. I ll Give it another month or so to see.
Bruins game last night. I was there as we kicked the shit out of the Islanders. First day of masks no longer being required in MA as well. A lot of “F U Fauci” chants. A lot of “CDC sucks” chants…bars were jammed before and after the game. Few if any masks.

Americans do not want to be told by the Govt what to do. This is why we are Americans. Check out the picture and the sea of humanity as they open the gates to the TD Garden.

This is the mentality of our buddy Azog here.

After 12 months of ignoring Dr. Faucci and the CDC which lead to a year of lockdowns, wearing masks, and 600,000 dead Americans, the incoming President of the United States started listening to Dr. Faucci, and shut the virus down in 4 short months.

On the first day you get to go maskless, because the nation finally following Dr. Faucci's advice, and the CDC Guidance, you claim your freedom by chanting "F U Faucci". No wonder you voted for Donald Trump!!!

Please tell me you aren't really a business consultant because, man oh man, if this is the level of your critical thinking ability, you shouldn't be anywhere near somebody's business or retirement portfolio.
Shut the hell up, 99% of the people in The states masked up. I wore a mask everywhere and still got Covid-19, my wife, my mother, my daughter and her three kids lived in the same house I did and none, not one got Covid. The vaccines and heightened immune systems went a long way in causing the numbers go down, Biden’s rules did little if anything.

I tire of your stupid lies, try telling the truth for once. You make everyone on this board look like a genius.
I can Post articles refuting it. Means zero.
Why would I admit it? You made the assertion you provide the links

are you that lazy that when a 'leftist' says something like that, you aren't curious enough to challenge it by showing it wasn't true - or you know damn well he's a fuckwad like that & he probably did & kept his orange piehole shut.

anyhoo............. i never lie.

Published March 2

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

Former president and first lady got both doses, official confirmed

Trumps received COVID-19 vaccines at White House in January

and I disagree it was BS and a Deflection. 100% factual.

i'll expect it in yer next post.

In fact you cannot refute any of the points.

what points? the bs deflection YOU gave about abortion.... biden ...& jews.... & moooooslems .... & israel on a thread about masks? damn, at least my FACTUAL point that donny & wifey poo #3 got their shots on the down low telling none of his pawns - who might follow his lead & stop being anti science morons is a hell of lot more on topic than the crappy deflection you threw at the wall but isn't sticking.
You have to wait three weeks before receiving the 2nd dose and two more weeks after that to be clear. Right in time for March. Not sure what you’re getting at?

uh-huh. soooooooooooooooooo not a word after the 1st dose - no big announcement? not even on hannity? orrrrrrrrrr fox& friends where he would go & ramble & bloviate.

not a word after the 2nd dose. nothing nadaaaaaaaaaaaa.

you can't man up 'eh? pity & petty.
Why would you announce anything until you're fully vaccinated? You're grasping at straws. Your TDS is off the rails.
Because it would have reduced vaccine hesitancy by a large margin with republicans.
Republicans have vaccine hesitancy? Link please
That’s not hesitancy

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