Mask Pressure? Why it's Correct to Not Listen to Biden and the Fear Porn

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
So here we go again. Democrats and Leftists freaking out over some slight increases in cases. However, there's plenty of things they aren't addressing in all of this.

1. Different people are betting infected in this wave.
It's the young, healthy, unvaccinated who are getting COVID. And that's fine. The data says their survival is VERY high, statistically almost certain. That's why you're seeing spikes in cases but not in deaths. In previous waves, it was the old and fragile who were dying. They've all been mostly vaccinated. So, the case/death ratio is WAY down, and we WANT the unvaccinated young to get the disease in order to build immunity. High cases with low death are signs of a healthy reaction, not a freak out CRISIS as the left is performing in political theatre. Notice, the media is not differentiating between who is primarily being affected here between different waves of the virus. They're erroneously comparing cases of different populations that have been affected by different waves. Misinformation anyone? Meanwhile, no disease on earth is judged by amount of cases. It's deaths, and since they are low, the media will not address this ironclad statistical data. They will make COVID the one disease that is defined by cases, not death.

2. Why are we worrying about Kids?
Kids are pretty much not affected in a general statistical sense. The data clearly dictates that any suggestion of under 18yo masking should result in you looking at the person like they're insane. You're more likely to get struck by lightning than die from COVID under the age of 18. Yet, we have mainstream leftist politicians demanding we mask up our youth. These people should possibly be put through mental testing, or at the very least laughed at, and certainly not listened to.

3. Democrats enjoy bullying
Leftists are in all-out anti-Conservative, bully mode. They aren't addressing the reasons why some aren't getting vaccinated. For example: Bob is 21 years old. He's almost certainly not in any risk of COVID. He's concerned about a brand new vaccine that hasn't passed through proper testing being put into his body. He trusts his immune system, and he sees the data that says he's not going to die from COVID. So, Bob doesn't get the vaccine. Those are sensible reasons to not get the vaccine. What are Biden, Leftists, and the Media doing? BOB MUST BE LOOKING AT STUPID MEMES FROM ALT RIGHT SOURCES ON FACEBOOK, HE'S JUST A DUMB TRUMP VOTER. Gosh, that's so much how you get people to do things in life. Fear Porn Leftists (Biden, Fauci, Media, etc.).. You aren't listening to people in why they're not getting the vaccine, you're making up a boogeyman and insulting the very populace you said you desired to unify with. This clearly isn't about "saving" Bob (even though he doesn't need saved), this is about clubbing Conservatives by branding them as something horrible and blaming them. That's it.

4. Here's the difference between the two sides

Example: 40yo Jerry with 2 health conditions

Democrats: Jerry is in danger, and he's too stupid to realize it. He's probably a right wing conspiracy nut job who voted for Trump, and because of Jerry's stupidity we're going to try to shut down people's ability to speak on major platforms, and then impose massive pressure and outright mandates to force the population to mask everyone everywhere to "save" Dumb f*ck Jerry. Oh, and everyone like Jerry is dumb as f*ck too. But, we're uniters! Remember that!

Republicans: It's on Jerry. Jerry has to weigh his options and make a choice. Jerry has the vaccine available, but if he choses not to get it, he knows the risks. To ask all of us to mask our 4 year olds to save Jerry is a very bizarre request. Jerry is no threat to the youth, and all of those who are vaccinated are well defended against anything Jerry can do to them as well. Hey government, get the F out of our lives and stop trying to punish us because you want to "save" people who are making choices that don't effect other people. You're not the heroes you're claiming as you stroke yourselves, you're government bullies who are overstepping your bounds in the name of safety. Many have done it before you, and many will do it after you, but it's gov't overreach, and you're just seeking to use a crisis to pass more of your wasteful, inefficient, big-gov't agenda, not to mention just merely virtue signal. Wearing a mask is the theatrical "Seig Heil" of unity of your crew. F off.
Meanwhile Xi Bai Dung and his Commie Democrats have allowed nearly 1.5 million illegal aliens from various countries to invade America since January, all unvaccinated and potentially carrying variations of Covid-19 virus into this country and distributing these illegals across the country.
Is there any wonder why Delta and Lambda Covid variants have taken a foothold in America?
1-- think about how you viewed the common cold in 2019.

2 -- fast forward to today and ask yoursef how you view the delta variant.

3 -- hit your head repeatedly with a blunt object if your views in the scenarious 1 and 2 differ significantly.

If Democrats care about 200 deaths per week from COVID, but ignore tons of other issues that cause more deaths... it's not about the lives. They're just standing on graves like they always do, such as after any school shooting.

Oh, and they'll only invite the anti-gun parents of dead kids to speak. If the parents are pro-gun, they get no invitiation.

If Democrats care about 200 deaths per week from COVID, but ignore tons of other issues that cause more deaths... it's not about the lives. They're just standing on graves like they always do, such as after any school shooting.

Oh, and they'll only invite the anti-gun parents of dead kids to speak. If the parents are pro-gun, they get no invitiation.

How many time do you need to be told that the problem with Covid is not just how many people are dying. The biggest problem with Covid is the cost of treating those who are hospitalized and survive.

There was a woman on television recently saying that when they delivered her husbands personal effects from the hospital, they delivered their bill for $4 million for his treatment. If every hospitalized person is costing your economy $100,000 or more, and it appears that the bills may be running into the millions per person, how many people can you afford to have sick at one time. And what does it do to your economy to continue to treat them.

It’s not just the number of people who are dying that is a problem, the economic problem is the cost of treating those who live. That’s why the virus must be stopped.

Not to mention that hospitals are now having serious staffing problems as thousands of nurses are simply leaving the profession at the end of this. This is not why people get into the medical profession. They are sick to death literally, of working 12 hour shifts trying to keep people from dying, hoping not to get this virus themselves.

97% of the people who are going to the hospital have not been vaccinated. More than 99% of the people who are currently dying have not been vaccinated.

Medical personnel are rapidly losing empathy or patients with the sick orthodontic since they are now dealing with people who chose not to be vaccinated.
So here we go again. Democrats and Leftists freaking out over some slight increases in cases. However, there's plenty of things they aren't addressing in all of this.

1. Different people are betting infected in this wave.
It's the young, healthy, unvaccinated who are getting COVID. And that's fine. The data says their survival is VERY high, statistically almost certain. That's why you're seeing spikes in cases but not in deaths. In previous waves, it was the old and fragile who were dying. They've all been mostly vaccinated. So, the case/death ratio is WAY down, and we WANT the unvaccinated young to get the disease in order to build immunity. High cases with low death are signs of a healthy reaction, not a freak out CRISIS as the left is performing in political theatre. Notice, the media is not differentiating between who is primarily being affected here between different waves of the virus. They're erroneously comparing cases of different populations that have been affected by different waves. Misinformation anyone? Meanwhile, no disease on earth is judged by amount of cases. It's deaths, and since they are low, the media will not address this ironclad statistical data. They will make COVID the one disease that is defined by cases, not death.

2. Why are we worrying about Kids?
Kids are pretty much not affected in a general statistical sense. The data clearly dictates that any suggestion of under 18yo masking should result in you looking at the person like they're insane. You're more likely to get struck by lightning than die from COVID under the age of 18. Yet, we have mainstream leftist politicians demanding we mask up our youth. These people should possibly be put through mental testing, or at the very least laughed at, and certainly not listened to.

3. Democrats enjoy bullying
Leftists are in all-out anti-Conservative, bully mode. They aren't addressing the reasons why some aren't getting vaccinated. For example: Bob is 21 years old. He's almost certainly not in any risk of COVID. He's concerned about a brand new vaccine that hasn't passed through proper testing being put into his body. He trusts his immune system, and he sees the data that says he's not going to die from COVID. So, Bob doesn't get the vaccine. Those are sensible reasons to not get the vaccine. What are Biden, Leftists, and the Media doing? BOB MUST BE LOOKING AT STUPID MEMES FROM ALT RIGHT SOURCES ON FACEBOOK, HE'S JUST A DUMB TRUMP VOTER. Gosh, that's so much how you get people to do things in life. Fear Porn Leftists (Biden, Fauci, Media, etc.).. You aren't listening to people in why they're not getting the vaccine, you're making up a boogeyman and insulting the very populace you said you desired to unify with. This clearly isn't about "saving" Bob (even though he doesn't need saved), this is about clubbing Conservatives by branding them as something horrible and blaming them. That's it.

4. Here's the difference between the two sides

Example: 40yo Jerry with 2 health conditions

Democrats: Jerry is in danger, and he's too stupid to realize it. He's probably a right wing conspiracy nut job who voted for Trump, and because of Jerry's stupidity we're going to try to shut down people's ability to speak on major platforms, and then impose massive pressure and outright mandates to force the population to mask everyone everywhere to "save" Dumb f*ck Jerry. Oh, and everyone like Jerry is dumb as f*ck too. But, we're uniters! Remember that!

Republicans: It's on Jerry. Jerry has to weigh his options and make a choice. Jerry has the vaccine available, but if he choses not to get it, he knows the risks. To ask all of us to mask our 4 year olds to save Jerry is a very bizarre request. Jerry is no threat to the youth, and all of those who are vaccinated are well defended against anything Jerry can do to them as well. Hey government, get the F out of our lives and stop trying to punish us because you want to "save" people who are making choices that don't effect other people. You're not the heroes you're claiming as you stroke yourselves, you're government bullies who are overstepping your bounds in the name of safety. Many have done it before you, and many will do it after you, but it's gov't overreach, and you're just seeking to use a crisis to pass more of your wasteful, inefficient, big-gov't agenda, not to mention just merely virtue signal. Wearing a mask is the theatrical "Seig Heil" of unity of your crew. F off.
Your lies are pernicious and deadly. So who cares if people die, seems to be your point. Typical Republiscum---selfish, spoiled, entitled, ignorant and toxic.
How many time do you need to be told that the problem with Covid is not just how many people are dying. The biggest problem with Covid is the cost of treating those who are hospitalized and survive.

There was a woman on television recently saying that when they delivered her husbands personal effects from the hospital, they delivered their bill for $4 million for his treatment. If every hospitalized person is costing your economy $100,000 or more, and it appears that the bills may be running into the millions per person, how many people can you afford to have sick at one time. And what does it do to your economy to continue to treat them.

It’s not just the number of people who are dying that is a problem, the economic problem is the cost of treating those who live. That’s why the virus must be stopped.

Not to mention that hospitals are now having serious staffing problems as thousands of nurses are simply leaving the profession at the end of this. This is not why people get into the medical profession. They are sick to death literally, of working 12 hour shifts trying to keep people from dying, hoping not to get this virus themselves.

97% of the people who are going to the hospital have not been vaccinated. More than 99% of the people who are currently dying have not been vaccinated.

Medical personnel are rapidly losing empathy or patients with the sick orthodontic since they are now dealing with people who chose not to be vaccinated.
So we need socialized medicine where people don't get 4 million dollar hospital bills?

I'm in! :)
How many time do you need to be told that the problem with Covid is not just how many people are dying. The biggest problem with Covid is the cost of treating those who are hospitalized and survive.

There was a woman on television recently saying that when they delivered her husbands personal effects from the hospital, they delivered their bill for $4 million for his treatment. If every hospitalized person is costing your economy $100,000 or more, and it appears that the bills may be running into the millions per person, how many people can you afford to have sick at one time. And what does it do to your economy to continue to treat them.

It’s not just the number of people who are dying that is a problem, the economic problem is the cost of treating those who live. That’s why the virus must be stopped.

Not to mention that hospitals are now having serious staffing problems as thousands of nurses are simply leaving the profession at the end of this. This is not why people get into the medical profession. They are sick to death literally, of working 12 hour shifts trying to keep people from dying, hoping not to get this virus themselves.

97% of the people who are going to the hospital have not been vaccinated. More than 99% of the people who are currently dying have not been vaccinated.

Medical personnel are rapidly losing empathy or patients with the sick orthodontic since they are now dealing with people who chose not to be vaccinated.
Define: Panic porn.
As to the OP, the fact that Joe Biden is a demented rapist, child fondler, career criminal, extortionist, swamp dweller and running the country into the ground as his brain turns to soup...

...makes me believe every word he says.

As to the OP, the fact that Joe Biden is a demented rapist, child fondler, career criminal, extortionist, swamp dweller and running the country into the ground as his brain turns to soup...

...makes me believe every word he says.


Do you have any evidence of these "facts" or are these simply "Republican facts", otherwise known as "lies we make up and our base believes them because they'll believe anything we tell them".

Remember all of the stories about how the Clintons were criminals, rapists and murders???? Where are the charges, the evidence, the witnesses?
Do you have any evidence of these "facts" or are these simply "Republican facts", otherwise known as "lies we make up and our base believes them because they'll believe anything we tell them".
See my siggie & edjumicate yourself. :)
Remember all of the stories about how the Clintons were criminals, rapists and murders????
Not sure about (domestic) murder, but Hill loves her some rape & other (war) crimes, and Bill too.
Where are the charges, the evidence, the witnesses?
Edjumication is key - larn yourself. :)
People as individuals are smart. They know what's best for them as individuals. Wear a mask, get vaccine, social distance, or dont. Everyone makes their own choices for themselves.

The problem is people in large groups or masses are fucking completely stupid, irrational and dumb.

So personally I wish people would make their own choice and stay out of other people's business and just go on their way.
People as individuals are smart. They know what's best for them as individuals. Wear a mask, get vaccine, social distance, or dont. Everyone makes their own choices for themselves.

The problem is people in large groups or masses are fucking completely stupid, irrational and dumb.

So personally I wish people would make their own choice and stay out of other people's business and just go on their way.

Oh, you mean like having a Governor having an unmasked party at the French Laundry, or a former president throwing a mega birthday party in Martha's Vineyard with no masks or surety of vaccinations. While preaching to others they Must wear their masks or else.
Not to mention all those hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens infected with alpha, Delta and Lambda variants of Covid-19 virus being distributed throughout the U.S.
Is that what you're referring to?
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How many time do you need to be told that the problem with Covid is not just how many people are dying. The biggest problem with Covid is the cost of treating those who are hospitalized and survive.

There was a woman on television recently saying that when they delivered her husbands personal effects from the hospital, they delivered their bill for $4 million for his treatment. If every hospitalized person is costing your economy $100,000 or more, and it appears that the bills may be running into the millions per person, how many people can you afford to have sick at one time. And what does it do to your economy to continue to treat them.

It’s not just the number of people who are dying that is a problem, the economic problem is the cost of treating those who live. That’s why the virus must be stopped.

Not to mention that hospitals are now having serious staffing problems as thousands of nurses are simply leaving the profession at the end of this. This is not why people get into the medical profession. They are sick to death literally, of working 12 hour shifts trying to keep people from dying, hoping not to get this virus themselves.

97% of the people who are going to the hospital have not been vaccinated. More than 99% of the people who are currently dying have not been vaccinated.

Medical personnel are rapidly losing empathy or patients with the sick orthodontic since they are now dealing with people who chose not to be vaccinated.
What happened to healthcare is a right?
People as individuals are smart. They know what's best for them as individuals. Wear a mask, get vaccine, social distance, or dont. Everyone makes their own choices for themselves.

The problem is people in large groups or masses are fucking completely stupid, irrational and dumb.

So personally I wish people would make their own choice and stay out of other people's business and just go on their way.
Stop being rational!!!! :mad:
Is it not "fear porn" to tell people that without consistently wearing OTC masks that they will mostly likely become infected and die? Or unknowingly pass on the virus and kill someone else? Especially when there is no evidence to support such?

Is it not propaganda to virtually ignore any and all information from reputable scientist and doctors that does not adhere to the drum beat to get any and all "vaccinations" because they are totally safe?

Is it not willful ignorance and "fear porn" to ignore contradictory information from the very organizations and people pushing experimental gene therapy as "vaccines"?

Is it not absurd to base all statistics on a "test" that was not and cannot diagnose active infectious disease when it's creator time and again lectured such? Does all the dire stats based on such not fit the criteria as "fear porn"?

Is it not "fear porn" to push a "vaccine" that DOES NOT GUARANTEE IMMUNITY, A CURE OR NOT BECOMING A CARRIER?

Inquiring minds want to know.
What happened to healthcare is a right?

When you do NOTHING to prevent your deadly illness, even though you’ve been told what to do for a year, and vaccines and treatments are available but you dose yourself with horse wormer instead, it’s hard to have ANY sympathy when you get sick and die as a result.

A big part of the reason these people are dying is because they try to treat themselves with stuff they read about on the internet instead of going to the doctor and getting REAL medicine.

Thousands of doctors and nurses have died. The survivors are exhausted from the stress of treating dying people every single days endlessly for the past 18 months. They’re leaving the healing professions in droves.

Those of you refusing to get vaccines or seek treatment are harming them as well as draining the economy in their treatment.
Is it not "fear porn" to push a "vaccine" that DOES NOT GUARANTEE IMMUNITY, A CURE OR NOT BECOMING A CARRIER?
No vaccine guarantees 100% immunity. Not even the polio vaccine. Doesnt mean that vaccines are worthless. LOL at your "logic".

Is it not "fear porn" to tell people that without consistently wearing OTC masks that they will mostly likely become infected and die?
Nobody is saying this.

Is it not propaganda to virtually ignore any and all information from reputable scientist and doctors that does not adhere to the drum beat to get any and all "vaccinations" because they are totally safe?
That's your problem. You dont know the difference between someone who is reputable and someone that isnt.

Get help.

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