Masha Gessen allegedly gives away the true motive of the Gay Marriage movement

Would TK be honest and tell the class where he came up with the Gessen quote for today's bullshit thread? Who turned you on to it, dummy? Name the source of your sudden interest in this woman.

The quotes from this woman are three years old as well. As a supporter of gay marriage wouldn't TK know of this women? I mean she a 'true leader' in the fight for gay marriage or something.
I am a survivor of gay marriage in Canada.


Now I do understand the battle between feds and states and thats a whole different issue.

But trust me we played Elton John BEFORE he got married to David.

Look when I can look in the mirror and go "I just found my third love" and I'm third time lucky" I can't claim marriage in this day and age to be what my great grandparents thought it was.

It's supposed to be. But I'm also a realist.

I also lived among the heathens. :lol: And I can't thank the good Lord enough for all the LGBT community that embraced me in the 70's. I don't think I could have made it without them.

I just hope we can move forward now. And people who love each other can now commit in a public way that is acceptable.
Welp. Now that this little experiment is over, time to skidattle.

I am not buying for a hot second that TK is a supporter of gay marriage. He is only looking to have his bias confirmed in this thread.

I remember a thread where he condescended to allow same sex marriages.

But he has changed that position more often than he changes his underwear.

As to the OP, who cares what a very few people want? Gays account for less than 5% of the population. Their marriages will impact no one but themselves.

Gays are just like the rest of us. They're just trying to live their lives the best way they know how and no one has the right to tell them they can't marry for any reason they want. Leave people alone.
No, you're not looking for "consensus" - you're looking for something to confirm the biases you already have.

Well, not knowing who the true leaders are then, I only have the words of advocates to work off of. Yes, I have biases, and yes, I like any of you, do things to seek their confirmation. But when I read actual words by actual gay people and gay rights activists, what am I to think?

I would hope you could think for yourself.

But that appears to be a stretch.

By your standards, I should assume that the Westboro Baptist Church speaks for all of Christianity.
Do I get to pick one rightwing nut and declare him representative of you and all the other conservatives?

I'm pretty sure you did that with George W. Bush.

But nice deflection. Is this true, what Gessen is saying? You won't address her words, so I must take them as truth.

I haven't heard you address Jimmy Swaggart's views on homosexuality.
Do I get to pick one rightwing nut and declare him representative of you and all the other conservatives?

I'm pretty sure you did that with George W. Bush.


I'm pretty sure you're the biggest asshole on this board,

but to be clear (take heart) I only believe that because I think you know better than to behave like this.

99% of your conservative pals are too stupid to know better.
Do I get to pick one rightwing nut and declare him representative of you and all the other conservatives?

I'm pretty sure you did that with George W. Bush.

But nice deflection. Is this true, what Gessen is saying? You won't address her words, so I must take them as truth.

I haven't heard you address Jimmy Swaggart's views on homosexuality.

Jimmy (I have sinned) Swaggart. Why are they always such hypocrites?
Call me cynical, call me whimsical, call me whatever vulgar name you wish. Call me a Christian bigot, quote the Constitution, the SCOTUS ruling, or cherrypicked bible verses; make fun of my weight or the fact I live in grammaw's basement. Tell me that I want to hurt, dehumanize, or deprive gays of their rights. Compare me to ISIS, or tell me to get a job. Go ahead and get that out of your system.

Rightly so, I'm probably going to take a lot of heat for this, but so be it. I don't like being lied to, and I don't like having my trust betrayed. My support for gay marriage was wrought out of a lot of moral introspection. I have two sides warring within my conscience, my Christian moral objection to it, and my legal support of it. I wrestled with this issue mightily for a long time. But I decided that I would support it, accept it, and tolerate it. Now I find that my support may have been misplaced.

So, what were the motives of the gay marriage movement? How would I know? I was of the understanding it was for the right to marry like everyone else. I support that. But if Masha Gessen is of any indication, that wasn't really the goal in the first place. And as a result of that, I feel like I was misled. How do you ignore the words of Russia's most prominent LGBT activist?

In her own words, Masha Gessen explained how the institution of marriage should be destroyed. I am getting the distinct impression here that the fight for "marriage" wasn't the goal, it was merely a step along the path. The fight wasn't to attain the right to marry, but right to destroy it. It also seems as if the elites in the LGBT community are purposefully misleading their members as well.

Why would you work to destroy something you fought so hard to attain? Well, it appears the movement, according to Gessen, was never about the right to marry. Marriage is but a dispensable thing in the fight to destroy the institution of marriage.

"It’s a no-brainer that (homosexual activists) should have the right to marry, but I also think equally that it’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist.Fighting for gay marriage generally involves lying about what we are going to do with marriage when we get there — because we lie that the institution of marriage is not going to change, and that is a lie.

The institution of marriage is going to change, and it should change. And again, I don’t think it should exist. And I don’t like taking part in creating fictions about my life. That’s sort of not what I had in mind when I came out thirty years ago.

I have three kids who have five parents, more or less, and I don’t see why they shouldn’t have five parents legally… I met my new partner, and she had just had a baby, and that baby’s biological father is my brother, and my daughter’s biological father is a man who lives in Russia, and my adopted son also considers him his father. So the five parents break down into two groups of three… And really, I would like to live in a legal system that is capable of reflecting that reality, and I don’t think that’s compatible with the institution of marriage.”

-Masha Gessen

Why get married when you could be happy - Life Matters - ABC Radio National Australian Broadcasting Corporation

If your entire new-found moral acceptance of same-sex marriage can be toppled over night by the words of nuts and extremists, it couldn't have been very deep to begin with.

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