You serve satan.Satan wasn't promising anyone to be gods. He did not have the power or authority to do so. He used deception to fool Adam and Eve because their eyes had not been open. Or, in other words, they did not know the difference or what good and evil were. When their eyes were opened by partaking of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, The Lord said that they have become like us, knowing good and evil. So, it was the Lord who said they had become like gods knowing good and evil. The fruit came from God, not Satan. The Lord reminded David of this and told him that they knew the difference and had the choice between choosing good or evil. And, that he said in Genesis, the Jew's (Israel) law, they were gods in training (embryo children of the Most High God or Father in Heaven). So, stop saying Satan could promise anything. He could not. He deceived Adam and Eve using that true information. They responded by saying if they ate, they would die and at first refused to. So, Satan deceived them by saying they would not die but be as the gods. Together, that is a deception. A truth and a lie together is called deception. The question really is, why would Eve trust Satan? I know that answer. Unfortunately, you do not. And so, you cannot sway me to agree in your deceptions.