Marx's 'Communist Manifesto' Most Frequently Taught Text in U.S. Colleges

Critical thinking has never been a major American value, Guno, even among the college educated.

It is easier to follow, than thinking for yourself. USMB posters demonstrate that fact daily. Look at all the reliance on partisan blogs instead of actual research. It's the easy way and that's more important than adding substance to one's life.

do you ever stop whining?

Do you ever demonstrate intelligence?
More than any libtard has on this board.
I don't think there's anything wrong with being exposed to Marx. His work is flawed and the more students who realize that the better off we all are.

so what books of Marx have you read?

in Das capital what are the flaws you see ? How about Grundrisse?

The main problem I have with Capital is that Marx didn't actually study capitalism before criticizing it, He studied England which was not what we would call capitalist at the time and most of his study wasn't even economic in nature. He was a philosopher play acting at being an economist and even he knew it which is why he called his field of interest social economy.
Guess we can just throw out Smith, Ricardo, and Malthus then eh smart guy?

Tell us, who did live enough in a capitalist society to actually write about it, Donald Trump?
Better than Marx.
.... even a unit on critical thinking and other subjects considered taboo in America. .......

Critical Thinking is not a "taboo" subject, you idiot.
So how many schools teach it?

A) that is not how you define "taboo," idiot

B) pretty much all of them
And your evidence?

Over 20 years teaching experience.
So what does that have to do with knowing how many schools teach critical thinking?

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