Marriage clerk targeted by gays revolts

Jeff Warren should be released from jail. He was only following his deeply held religious beliefs and after all he doesn't have to follow the law when it conflicts with his religious beliefs. Warren's religious liberty is being violated. lol

This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Discrimination is not a recognizable religious custom or practice. If these people want to be jerks in their own private lives, that's one thing, but they do not have the right to dictate to the rest of the people who they should live their lives. Religious people are some of the MOST annoying busy bodies that exist.

The only people being oppressed are taxpaying American citizens who are denied their equal rights. Not your frumpy old hateful church lady. :D
There's somebody you should talk to........

....His Name Is Jesus.

Why can't you religious folks just let other people live their lives as they see fit. Worry about your own self. You are FAR from perfect.
I'm not religious. I'm spiritual.

When the Televangelist comes on Sunday morning I feel a bit ill. I quickly switch to my XBOX or a movie.

I just know when hatred, bigotry, and discrimination is being used to step all over people's beliefs by jack-booted thugs.

Lol. What poor little victims. You can't discriminate against people in your job. :crybaby: Your religion is really disgusting. It really is.
Obviously you're biased.

If you find religion disgusting you must hate love and peace too.

Sorry I have yet to see any of you people who claim to be "religious" display any kind of peace or love. Mostly just hate and anger is what I see. I want no part of that, thanks.

The only people being oppressed are taxpaying American citizens who are denied their equal rights. Not your frumpy old hateful church lady. :D
There's somebody you should talk to........

....His Name Is Jesus.

Why can't you religious folks just let other people live their lives as they see fit. Worry about your own self. You are FAR from perfect.
I'm not religious. I'm spiritual.

When the Televangelist comes on Sunday morning I feel a bit ill. I quickly switch to my XBOX or a movie.

I just know when hatred, bigotry, and discrimination is being used to step all over people's beliefs by jack-booted thugs.

Well, I see people like you as being the hateful ones in this situation.

The only people being oppressed are taxpaying American citizens who are denied their equal rights. Not your frumpy old hateful church lady. :D
There's somebody you should talk to........

....His Name Is Jesus.

Why can't you religious folks just let other people live their lives as they see fit. Worry about your own self. You are FAR from perfect.
I'm not religious. I'm spiritual.

When the Televangelist comes on Sunday morning I feel a bit ill. I quickly switch to my XBOX or a movie.

I just know when hatred, bigotry, and discrimination is being used to step all over people's beliefs by jack-booted thugs.

Why would you want to deny a person like MDK the right to marry who he chooses? He is just a regular person like you and me. You are too caught up with other people's sexuality. Let it go.
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Lol. What poor little victims. You can't discriminate against people in your job. :crybaby: Your religion is really disgusting. It really is.
Obviously you're biased.

If you find religion disgusting you must hate love and peace too.

What would you think if it was a Muslim who was denying Jewish people the right to be married for whatever weird reason?

Probably wouldn't like it, but I have serious issues with them cutting their friggen heads off for general purposes or setting off bombs on their buses.

The only people being oppressed are taxpaying American citizens who are denied their equal rights. Not your frumpy old hateful church lady. :D
There's somebody you should talk to........

....His Name Is Jesus.

Why can't you religious folks just let other people live their lives as they see fit. Worry about your own self. You are FAR from perfect.
I'm not religious. I'm spiritual.

When the Televangelist comes on Sunday morning I feel a bit ill. I quickly switch to my XBOX or a movie.

I just know when hatred, bigotry, and discrimination is being used to step all over people's beliefs by jack-booted thugs.

Well, I see people like you as being the hateful ones in this situation.

Jeff Warren should be released from jail. He was only following his deeply held religious beliefs and after all he doesn't have to follow the law when it conflicts with his religious beliefs. Warren's religious liberty is being violated. lol

This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Discrimination is not a recognizable religious custom or practice. If these people want to be jerks in their own private lives, that's one thing, but they do not have the right to dictate to the rest of the people who they should live their lives. Religious people are some of the MOST annoying busy bodies that exist.

I actually really like religious people for the most part. I have deep respect for those with faith despite the fact I lost mine ages ago. It is the sanctimonious holier-then-thou folks that give religious folks a bad name.

Lol. What poor little victims. You can't discriminate against people in your job. :crybaby: Your religion is really disgusting. It really is.
Obviously you're biased.

If you find religion disgusting you must hate love and peace too.

What would you think if it was a Muslim who was denying Jewish people the right to be married for whatever weird reason?

Probably wouldn't like it, but I have serious issues with them cutting their friggen heads off for general purposes or setting off bombs on their buses.

That is why it is important to keep other people's religious beliefs out of our government business. Just one reason anyway.
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Jeff Warren should be released from jail. He was only following his deeply held religious beliefs and after all he doesn't have to follow the law when it conflicts with his religious beliefs. Warren's religious liberty is being violated. lol

This has gotten beyond ridiculous. Discrimination is not a recognizable religious custom or practice. If these people want to be jerks in their own private lives, that's one thing, but they do not have the right to dictate to the rest of the people who they should live their lives. Religious people are some of the MOST annoying busy bodies that exist.

I actually really like religious people for the most part. I have deep respect for those with faith despite the fact I lost mine ages ago. It is the sanctimonious holier-then-thou folks that give religious folks a bad name.

I probably should have said "so called" religious folks. :) Anyways, you know what I'm talking about MDK!
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Why does this woman make it her business who is sleeping with who or who wants to marry who?
I'm sure she doesn't care........but she's not going to be forced to be a part of this type of perversion.

I know most of America has developed callousness and their senses have been dulled, but because of our human condition, perversion and sin is naturally repulsive to people who are close to God. The more they become clean and godly the more the sins of the world disgusts them. It's a fact.

Obama has been trying to get people to accept failure, bending the rules, and generally give up their morality. That way it's easier for him to transform America into the shithole he thinks it deserves to be. If you have no principles then nothing is out of bounds. That's how they trick you into giving up your freedoms.

Lol. What poor little victims. You can't discriminate against people in your job. :crybaby: Your religion is really disgusting. It really is.
Obviously you're biased.

If you find religion disgusting you must hate love and peace too.

What would you think if it was a Muslim who was denying Jewish people the right to be married for whatever weird reason?

Probably wouldn't like it, but I have serious issues with them cutting their friggen heads off for general purposes or setting off bombs on their buses.

That is why it is important to keep other people's religious beliefs out of our government business. Just one reason anyway.
Well, if you can find any Christians doing that let me know.
Why does this woman make it her business who is sleeping with who or who wants to marry who?
I'm sure she doesn't care........but she's not going to be forced to be a part of this type of perversion.

I know most of America has developed callousness and their senses have been dulled, but because of our human condition, perversion and sin is naturally repulsive to people who are close to God. The more they become clean and godly the more the sins of the world disgusts them. It's a fact.

Obama has been trying to get people to accept failure, bending the rules, and generally give up their morality. That way it's easier for him to transform America into the shithole he thinks it deserves to be. If you have no principles then nothing is out of bounds. That's how they trick you into giving up your freedoms.

She isn't being forced. She can resign and move on to a job that she can actually do. HER PERSONAL religious beliefs are not everyone else's problem!!
Lol. What poor little victims. You can't discriminate against people in your job. :crybaby: Your religion is really disgusting. It really is.
Obviously you're biased.

If you find religion disgusting you must hate love and peace too.

What would you think if it was a Muslim who was denying Jewish people the right to be married for whatever weird reason?

Probably wouldn't like it, but I have serious issues with them cutting their friggen heads off for general purposes or setting off bombs on their buses.

That is why it is important to keep other people's religious beliefs out of our government business. Just one reason anyway.
Well, if you can find any Christians doing that let me know.

What? What about this woman? She is refusing to issue marriage licenses based upon her personal religious beliefs. Other people do not have to abide by her religious convictions. That is what is great about living in a FREE country. You are free to have your religion but you are not free to enforce it upon other's who disagree with it.
I honestly feel that most of these people are using their religion to try to hide their hatred for homosexuals. They find them icky and disgusting. That is the bottom line here! If God is so omnipotent and it feels that homosexuality is a sin, then this entity does not NEED your help. It will pass judgment when the time comes, but you've no right to try to force people to comply with your personal beliefs. This is not Iran.

The only people being oppressed are taxpaying American citizens who are denied their equal rights. Not your frumpy old hateful church lady. :D
There's somebody you should talk to........

....His Name Is Jesus.

Why can't you religious folks just let other people live their lives as they see fit. Worry about your own self. You are FAR from perfect.
I'm not religious. I'm spiritual.

When the Televangelist comes on Sunday morning I feel a bit ill. I quickly switch to my XBOX or a movie.

I just know when hatred, bigotry, and discrimination is being used to step all over people's beliefs by jack-booted thugs.

Why would you want to deny a person like MDK the right to marry who he chooses? He is just a regular person like you and me. You are too caught up with other people's sexuality. Let it go.
Look.....I've made it clear that I support the law, if it's just. I don't support trouncing all over people that get in your way.

I think gays should have the right to marry.
I think the pros and cons must be considered, like the obligations and the expense that an actual marriage can become, as well as a divorce. Before the SCOTUS decision, they could walk away from bad relationships. Now they're gonna get the shaft like the rest of us.
Obviously you're biased.

If you find religion disgusting you must hate love and peace too.

What would you think if it was a Muslim who was denying Jewish people the right to be married for whatever weird reason?

Probably wouldn't like it, but I have serious issues with them cutting their friggen heads off for general purposes or setting off bombs on their buses.

That is why it is important to keep other people's religious beliefs out of our government business. Just one reason anyway.
Well, if you can find any Christians doing that let me know.

What? What about this woman? She is refusing to issue marriage licenses based upon her personal religious beliefs. Other people do not have to abide by her religious convictions. That is what is great about living in a FREE country. You are free to have your religion but you are not free to enforce it upon other's who disagree with it.
Personally I don't think it's any of our fucking business.
I don't get it. Why don't those wanting a same sex marriage license go to another county??? Same with same sex wedding cakes. Why not go to a bakery that doesn't care?

Personally, I hope this woman continues doing what she is doing. I saw where one lesbian lady said "they can't keep pushing off onto us THEIR beliefs by denying us". Um. Hello? The THEY and THEIR also pertains to those no tolerant to SSM. Doesn't it?
This woman said it goes against her religious beliefs. Does she not have rights too?

This is an easy one to answer. I JUST answered this same question on another thread & will just c/p the same thing to you:

It's a matter of civil rights & equal protection under the law per the 14th amendment.

Equal Protection: An Overview
The Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibits states from denying any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. See U.S. Const. amend. XIV. In other words, the laws of a state must treat an individual in the same manner as others in similar conditions and circumstances. A violation would occur, for example, if a state prohibited an individual from entering into an employment contract because he or she was a member of a particular race. The equal protection clause is not intended to provide "equality" among individuals or classes but only "equal application" of the laws. The result, therefore, of a law is not relevant so long as there is no discrimination in its application. By denying states the ability to discriminate, the equal protection clause of the Constitution is crucial to the protection of civil rights.

Equal Protection | Wex Legal Dictionary / Encyclopedia | LII / Legal Information Institute

Just substitute the word 'individual' for 'homosexual' & 'employment contract' for 'marriage license' In this situation Kim Davis is the 'State' because she is employed by & is an agent working on behalf of the 'State'.
I honestly feel that most of these people are using their religion to try to hide their hatred for homosexuals. They find them icky and disgusting. That is the bottom line here! If God is so omnipotent and it feels that homosexuality is a sin, then this entity does not NEED your help. It will pass judgment when the time comes, but you've no right to try to force people to comply with your personal beliefs. This is not Iran.
You are assuming issues that are not in evidence here.
Do you hate a child when you prevent him from doing anything he or she wants, right or wrong?


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