Mark Steyn: The US has 'the most dirty, stinking, corrupt electoral system in the Western world'

Democrats still refuse to support securing The Vote. Other Nations do voter verification and MAKE SURE YOU CAN ONLY VOTE ONCE.
Why aren't we doing this in The US?
Cuz Dems like to Cheat that's why.
Have you noticed the stock market and how it is going up, because the speculators think the red wave is coming? If the Marxist steal the states that they did in 2018 and 2020 again, you can bet the market is going to tank, like a mafia boss with stone shoes.....
The US military will be making preparations by looking long and hard at suspected high ranking officers who could join a coup attempt..

If America is in as much trouble as it appears already, there could be measures taken ahead of time against suspects.

But will the military remain loyal to government?

Or is the divide already too big to deal with?
The US military will be making preparations by looking long and hard at suspected high ranking officers who could join a coup attempt..

If America is in as much trouble as it appears already, there could be measures taken ahead of time against suspects.

But will the military remain loyal to government?

Or is the divide already too big to deal with?
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
Have you noticed the stock market and how it is going up, because the speculators think the red wave is coming? If the Marxist steal the states that they did in 2018 and 2020 again, you can bet the market is going to tank, like a mafia boss with stone shoes.....
If the Democrats win and cheat to win, I think we will go into a Depression, not a Recession but a Depression. Everyone is tired of Joe Biden and his Global Warming Anti-Capitalist Anti-Freedom Anti-Life Cult.
The US military will be making preparations by looking long and hard at suspected high ranking officers who could join a coup attempt..

If America is in as much trouble as it appears already, there could be measures taken ahead of time against suspects.

But will the military remain loyal to government?

Or is the divide already too big to deal with?
Why didn't The US Military stop The Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP Obama, Clinton and Biden launched against our Democracy in 2016?
This will be the excuse. Time to take over elections to "save" us from the "corruption".
There is NO excuse for machines going down.

The dimwits have had TWO YEARS to prepare for this day.

EVEN YOU have to admit this is gross incompetence and a gaping security hole.

Come on man, running out of paper BEFORE NOON?

So you're going to force everyone to use the broken machines?

Give us a break. Mac.
Get out and vote like our lives depend on it, because they do!

Maybe Mark Steyn should haul his sorry ass back to Canada because nobody with a brain gives a shit what he thinks. He's just another asshole with a big mouth who's pissed because his orange god had his ass beat at the hands of Joe Biden.
Why didn't The US Military stop The Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP Obama, Clinton and Biden launched against our Democracy in 2016?
Too bad the military couldn't stop you from stuffing your head up Trump's ass.
Long before Trump. Our elections have always been a joke.
A Republic Is a Foster Government

The ruling class's elitist and openly anti-democratic Constitution is a joke on us, the people. It enables a tiny, isolated clique of their pre-owned politicians to take away the people's self-determination, which can only be realized through national referendums on all important issues.

For starters, whatever their Supremacist Court claims to be unConstitutional should go on the ballot. We must have the final say because we are saddled with the final pay.
Why didn't The US Military stop The Operation Russian Collusion Crossfire Hurricane COUP Obama, Clinton and Biden launched against our Democracy in 2016?
Before you stuff your head in Trump's ass does he use Lume for the stink?

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