Mark Kelly Defeats Blake Masters

You call for curtailing the number of people who rape. But you are against telling US Citizens to stop having children. Why don't you have empathy for people raped by US Citizens?

And since you are just seeking to relieve anxiety due to Kelly's victory, I summarize in conclusion:
1) You don't care about those whose relatives are raped by green card holders and US Citizens.

2) You learned a lesson today.

3) To make your bad day worst, Kelly won.

Enjoy your depression
I’m not sure who you think you’re talking to. I’ve said nothing of those things.

You are a nasty, confused Leftist.
The fat lady sang her song


Kelly's projected victory on Friday comes three days after polls closed, and as Arizona officials continued counting ballots that were mailed or dropped off, particularly in the vote-rich Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. It gives Democrats 49 Senate seats, one short of securing a majority, with Nevada still counting votes and Georgia's contest headed to a Dec. 6 runoff.

:biggrin: :biggrin:

Kelly's projected victory on Friday comes three days after polls closed, and as Arizona officials continued counting ballots that were mailed or dropped off, particularly in the vote-rich Maricopa County, home to Phoenix. It gives Democrats 49 Senate seats, one short of securing a majority, with Nevada still counting votes and Georgia's contest headed to a Dec. 6 runoff.

:biggrin: :biggrin:
We really need to get back to in-person voting. We are going to have to deal with these delayed counts every single election cycle. It’s looking more and more like the fake elections they have in incompetent 3rd world countries (which of course Biden is turning us into).
We really need to get back to in-person voting. We are going to have to deal with these delayed counts every single election cycle. It’s looking more and more like the fake elections they have in incompetent 3rd world countries (which of course Biden is turning us into).
Then there's 7 million in Florida who can do it in half a day.
Vendor Florida's election people out to the democrat states?
We really need to get back to in-person voting.
NFBW: The following speech of yours references a very provable election crime against Trump in 2020 as it involves trucks and fake ballots. Why is there no proof of this crime being found after two years and you are suggesting it’s happening again right now?

Lisa558 211019-#122 3) Finally, on election night, when Trump was leading despite the media headwings, Plan B went into effect. - - - Lisa558 wrote: Almost on cue, five states that had Trump well in the lead all screamed “halt!!!” while they trucked in tons of UNFOLDED mail-in ballots, with the statistical impossibility of many batches going 100% for Biden.​
NFBW: Who are “they” and where are the Republicans who witnessed the trucks hauling tons of fake ballots into counting systems that no Republican poll watcher saw happen?

You’d think the quarter million the MAGA morons donated to the MaraLago church to find election fraud would have solved this one.

END2211112127 Portland
The GA Lt. Gov said Hershel has to call governor Kemp and ask for his help, he has to call Trump and ask him to keep out of it, and he has to ask the RNC for money and lawyers...
You think Warnock isn’t about to get help from billionaires and the entire DNC, and MSM?
Immigration reform, is needed by congress. Both sides need to work together.
But the priority is to first enforce the border and stop the continual and massive stream of foreigners lying about asylum, and then failing to show uo for their hearings.
Which blue states do not cheat?

Define "cheating". If "cheating" is being someone you don't like..... then.....

The reality is the whole stinking electoral system is a pile of poop. The system cheats so much more than either party could do on their ownsome.
Nevada and Georgia are the only two states without a clear winner. Stay tuned:


I hope you also manage to win the House-- I mean the Democrats. At this point, the young people who don't have jobs, can't pay rent, etc, should get EXACTLY what they voted for and should see EXACTLY how that will turn out.

I think you should own it all....with Biden at the helm. I am now actively rooting for a clean Dem sweep. I can't wait to see what all the young Dem voters do when they find out the House, Senate and Biden WILL NOT PASS college loan forgiveness

And they still can't pay for gas

And inflation is still bad
Define "cheating". If "cheating" is being someone you don't like..... then.....

The reality is the whole stinking electoral system is a pile of poop. The system cheats so much more than either party could do on their ownsome.


Delayed vote counting
Ballot dumps
Absentee shenanigans

Delayed vote counting
Ballot dumps
Absentee shenanigans

I think at this point the best plan is to let them have it, and hopefully the House too.

The vapid, narcissistic young vote who voted on abortion and college loan forgiveness should see just what the Dems have for them. Honestly. At this point the Republicans will probably lose the Senate and have the slimmest majority in the House, serving only as a fall guy for the feckless Dems.

No, I hope we lose, and instead use the next two years to shore up election reform in the states we can and watch the Democrats fail and attempt to deal with Joe Biden.
I think at this point the best plan is to let them have it, and hopefully the House too.

The vapid, narcissistic young vote who voted on abortion and college loan forgiveness should see just what the Dems have for them. Honestly. At this point the Republicans will probably lose the Senate and have the slimmest majority in the House, serving only as a fall guy for the feckless Dems.

No, I hope we lose, and instead use the next two years to shore up election reform in the states we can and watch the Democrats fail and attempt to deal with Joe Biden.


We need to fight for our country

Maybe you should shut down the PC and watch something really good like

Star Trek voyager

We need to fight for our country

Maybe you should shut down the PC and watch something really good like

Star Trek voyager

Have you raised children?

Do you understand there comes a point you give someone the consequences of their own decisions?

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