Mark Judge, Key Witness To Alleged Brett Kavanaugh Assault, Refuses To Testify

Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Fake news.

You read the posted letter?

"September 14, 2018
The Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 135 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein:

We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983. For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the Committee at this time. Brett attended Georgetown Prep, an all-boys high school in Rockville, Maryland. He was an outstanding student and athlete with a wide circle of friends. Almost all of us attended allgirls high schools in the area. We knew Brett well through social events, sports, church, and various other activities. Many of us have remained close friends with him and his family over the years. Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity. In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day. The signers of this letter hold a broad range of political views. Many of us are not lawyers, but we know Brett Kavanaugh as a person. And he has always been a good person.

What do you think?

why did they have it ready if they didn't know about the allegations?

oh right.... trumpkins elected a sexual predator so couldn't care less

Because the Democratic Party does this with every person they oppose. Look at Moore, Cain, Carson and on and on, it is all very predictable, in fact I’m waiting for the racist card to be played. They need to change it up.
Democrat smut peddlers floated a #METOO trial balloon on Kavanaugh and it blew up in their face. :eusa_clap:
What ever happened to "When they go low, we go high?" :lmao: Democratic leaders are political bottom feeders.
Why should they hold to a standard to shit all over? Going high was proven to fail. Won’t make that mistake again.

Going high? Like you did with Bork and Thomas?
2 who are better for the world in the grave
Democrat smut peddlers floated a #METOO trial balloon on Kavanaugh and it blew up in their face. :eusa_clap:
What ever happened to "When they go low, we go high?" :lmao: Democratic leaders are political bottom feeders.
Why should they hold to a standard to shit all over? Going high was proven to fail. Won’t make that mistake again.

Going high? Like you did with Bork and Thomas?
2 who are better for the world in the grave

Ahhhhh, how sad that St Hillary the Inevitable's loss denied the poor little Fascist fuckwit your chance to goosestep and round your their domestic "enemies"
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Fake news.

You read the posted letter?

"September 14, 2018
The Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 135 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein:

We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983. For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the Committee at this time. Brett attended Georgetown Prep, an all-boys high school in Rockville, Maryland. He was an outstanding student and athlete with a wide circle of friends. Almost all of us attended allgirls high schools in the area. We knew Brett well through social events, sports, church, and various other activities. Many of us have remained close friends with him and his family over the years. Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity. In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day. The signers of this letter hold a broad range of political views. Many of us are not lawyers, but we know Brett Kavanaugh as a person. And he has always been a good person.

What do you think?

why did they have it ready if they didn't know about the allegations?

oh right.... trumpkins elected a sexual predator so couldn't care less

65 women who knew Kavenaugh in high school. But he attended an all male prep school.

I went to a high school with 1500 students and you’d be hard pressed to find 65 of them who could attest to my character. I was active in sports, school government and the drama club, not some shrinking violet.

That’s because you aren’t a Supreme Court nominee. If you are famous, which you aren’t, people come out of the woodwork saying they know you.
Democrat smut peddlers floated a #METOO trial balloon on Kavanaugh and it blew up in their face. :eusa_clap:
What ever happened to "When they go low, we go high?" :lmao: Democratic leaders are political bottom feeders.
Why should they hold to a standard to shit all over? Going high was proven to fail. Won’t make that mistake again.

Going high? Like you did with Bork and Thomas?
2 who are better for the world in the grave

Ahhhhh, how sad that St Hillary the Inevitable's loss denied the poor little Fascist fuckwit your chance to goosestep and round your their domestic "enemies"
Lol what? Are you 5? :cuckoo:
Wow - there are 65 women who can say that he didn't rape them.

No matter who he raped a few years back, he did most certainly lie while under oath - several times - all well documented

But you fake rule of law repugs turn a blind eye to putting someone on the SC who has no respect for the rule of law.
What did he lie about?


Using stolen data from dem senators

Involved in torture

Lied about roe v Wade being settled law

But it was mostly using the stolen data.

And there was way too many - I don't remember when it came to his pervert judge friend who had to step down

Everyone knew but little bret
What "stolen data" did he use? BTW, that wouldn't constitute lying.

Apparently you think being in the Bush administration means you were "involved in torture." That's how imbeciles think.

He expressed an opinion about Roe v. Wade. I know you think it should be illegal to disagree with the left, but nevertheless, it's not.
65 brainwashed evangelical females defend Kavenaugh......who'd have guessed?

Right, that's why they came out, because they were brainwashed.

Can you tell me who brainwashed these ladies?

It seems if there is any brainwashing going on here, it's the left who are victims. Frankenstein comes out with some letter that can't be verified as to who wrote it, an anonymous source as always, and so full of holes the FBI laughed at it.

Now I want you to tell me when was the last time you seen a door inside a house that locked from the outside only and no way for anybody on the inside to get out. That's right, go through every door in your home and look for one.
Good point. Furthermore, if someone locked me in their house, I would just bust out a window.

From what I read he supposedly locked her in a room. Now what room in your house has a lock from the outside but no way to open the lock from the inside? I never seen a house like that.
Wow - there are 65 women who can say that he didn't rape them.

No matter who he raped a few years back, he did most certainly lie while under oath - several times - all well documented

But you fake rule of law repugs turn a blind eye to putting someone on the SC who has no respect for the rule of law.

Only a leftist would believe one anonymous source that can't even be proven exists over dozens of other people who make themselves known to the country with nothing to hide.

I thank God every day he didn't make me a liberal. I don't know how I could go through life without logic.

But he certainly did make you too stupid to respond to my post.

I don't care who he raped long ago. His current character is on full display and it is not one anonymous source - it's his testimony under oath.

He has lied under oath multiple times. He has no respect for the law.

Everyone with a brain should be concerned.

The anonymous source is this supposed woman who "says" this happened to another girl.

The only one lying here is Diane Frankenstein.
65 brainwashed evangelical females defend Kavenaugh......who'd have guessed?

Right, that's why they came out, because they were brainwashed.

Can you tell me who brainwashed these ladies?

It seems if there is any brainwashing going on here, it's the left who are victims. Frankenstein comes out with some letter that can't be verified as to who wrote it, an anonymous source as always, and so full of holes the FBI laughed at it.

Now I want you to tell me when was the last time you seen a door inside a house that locked from the outside only and no way for anybody on the inside to get out. That's right, go through every door in your home and look for one.
Good point. Furthermore, if someone locked me in their house, I would just bust out a window.

From what I read he supposedly locked her in a room. Now what room in your house has a lock from the outside but no way to open the lock from the inside? I never seen a house like that.
I think it was a room in the school he went to. However, the same rule applies.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Kavanaugh went to an ALL MALE prep school; where in Hell did he know a group of 65 females from?

The whore house?

Yeah, I suppose none of those guys had sisters and the surrounding schools didn't let outside kids socialize at all. Yet, you were suckered into believing this one girl was at the school....imagine that.....

That would be asinine; a girl attending an all male prep school? I don't think so.
Only a brain dead conservative would think something like that.
But I did hear that most of the guys that attend all male schools typically like boys too.
Maybe Kavanaugh goes both ways? :206:

Do you think that would be a bad thing?
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character

Fake news.

You read the posted letter?

"September 14, 2018
The Honorable Charles Grassley, Chairman Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 135 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510

The Honorable Dianne Feinstein, Ranking Member Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate 331 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510
Dear Chairman Grassley and Ranking Member Feinstein:

We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983. For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the Committee at this time. Brett attended Georgetown Prep, an all-boys high school in Rockville, Maryland. He was an outstanding student and athlete with a wide circle of friends. Almost all of us attended allgirls high schools in the area. We knew Brett well through social events, sports, church, and various other activities. Many of us have remained close friends with him and his family over the years. Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity. In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day. The signers of this letter hold a broad range of political views. Many of us are not lawyers, but we know Brett Kavanaugh as a person. And he has always been a good person.

What do you think?

why did they have it ready if they didn't know about the allegations?

oh right.... trumpkins elected a sexual predator so couldn't care less

65 women who knew Kavenaugh in high school. But he attended an all male prep school.

I went to a high school with 1500 students and you’d be hard pressed to find 65 of them who could attest to my character. I was active in sports, school government and the drama club, not some shrinking violet.
In my high school we had Sing! And worked together very closely. I could still probably pick 65 people who could talk about my character. ( I went to a large high school).

But yes, he went to an all boy school. And they had this letter ready to go, which tells me they knew they would need it.

Does that make the allegation true? No. I don’t know anything about the person making the complaint.

But it certainly warrants an investigation.

The FBI already wants nothing to do with it. Are we just to ignore that?
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

Can you name 65 women you knew in high school?
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

LOL, actually the surprise is that DIFI threw this hail mary to further wreck her crumbling career and reputation.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

LOL, actually the surprise is that DIFI threw this hail mary to further wreck her crumbling career and reputation.
yeah yeah yeah....

THAT'S the right wing STORY....

But it is CLEARLY a lie, that Kavanaugh did NOT know about the woman's accusations made against him, to Feinstein.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for Kavenaugh to gather 65 high school sweethearts or friends from 40 years ago, with new married last names,


Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

LOL, actually the surprise is that DIFI threw this hail mary to further wreck her crumbling career and reputation.
yeah yeah yeah....

THAT'S the right wing STORY....

But it is CLEARLY a lie, that Kavanaugh did NOT know about the woman's accusations made against him, to Feinstein.

IT IS IMPOSSIBLE for Kavenaugh to gather 65 high school sweethearts or friends from 40 years ago, with new married last names,



Why don't you stop being an ass about it since the FBI has already dropped it.

Here are the facts at post 127 and Post 129

The 65 letters has become IRRELEVANT!
It seems that the real problem facing Republicans, is that if they confirm a man with these kind of allegations without re-opening the hearings, they face a tidal wave of rebuke from women. It might be time to place Kavanaugh on hold and find another patsy to do the job, or face some pretty firm consequences.
Doubt MSNBC will even mention this letter.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
In light of allegations of sexual assault, 65 women say Kavanaugh always “treated women with respect.”

Sixty-five women who knew Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in high school have testified to his good character in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee, in light of recently surfaced allegations that he tried to force himself on a girl during his time at Georgetown Preparatory School, an all-boys school in Bethesda, Maryland.

65 women who knew Brett Kavanaugh in high school defend his character
how convenient! In just a couple of days Kavanaugh's team found 65 girls he went to high school with and got these 65 women from 40 years ago to send this letter....

All 65 found all over the country, with different married last names, to sign this letter saying he was a gentleman to them?

LOOKS TO ME like this letter that Feinstein received, WAS NO SURPRISE to the Kavanaugh team and they EXPECTED IT!!!

And the last month or two, found these 65 WOMEN that he dated or knew in high school to get them to sign this letter...

this was NO SURPRISE to Kavanaugh....

THAT is for CERTAIN!!!

Can you name 65 women you knew in high school?

Even if there was any truth to what you say, what does that prove? It proves that this is a common strategy used by Democrats all the time against Republicans. Did you ever think that if Kavanaugh expected something like this, that's why???????

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