marijuana moving off Schedule 1

Kids get access to it and that’s a big problem. People are evil enough in our society to sell drugs to kids and that does happen in this country. That’s the bad part of capitalism. I’ve already explained the good part.

That has been happening for as long as I have been alive. I was smoking pot before I was 16.

And furthermore, there are cases of mothers who use drugs during their pregnancy, and it really screws up the kids so that is a big problem.

Same with the mothers that drink while pregnant. Should we try to outlaw booze again?
It is not about "rough going". It is about a changed country.

I view it much like when the wife and I left our church about a decade ago. There were things going on we did not agree with and we pushed back, but most people were fine with the comfortable status quo so in the end we had to decide if we were willing to give up our principles to stay a part of the church. We were not. Same concept applies to the country.
so when the going gets tough you run away?....
The Government can do whatever it wants. The substance will NEVER be allowed on my property, in my vehicle or anywhere else I have control over. End of Story.

Is there roving gangs of hippies trying to smoke weed in your yard or something ?

Not that anyone cares, but FedGov is finally pulling its head out of its butt.

Pot smokers don't care if it's legal or not, but it makes it harder for the cartels to sell to dispensaries.
A step towards ending stupidity.
dispensaries don't buy from cartels.

why risk prison buying "something" then you can grow quality?
BS. It is a gateway drug. It causes psychosis in at least 17% of users. It is dangerous.
And Reefer Madness tells you all you need to know.

Sleepy Joe is just pandering to the Potheads, just like his decision to keep newports legal was an effort to pander another constituency.

This is why this is all coming down during the election campaign.
Potheads don't vote.
But people who use pot do.

Billions spent every year keeping Black and people "in line" with a fake "War on Drugs" and the "fiscal conservatives" are whining about ending a wholly ineffective enforcement program.

It is to laugh,
Bullshit. I smoked MJ in the past. Most of my friends did. Some of my siblings and cousins did. With the exception of one or two who I know also tried Coke, none of us ever took any other drugs. Alcohol destroys countless lives every year.
Milk is a "gateway drug"
Literally 100% of drug addicts drank milk at some time in their lives.
Millions spent to curb addiction to cigarettes while a more potent drug is made legal. Go figure.
Ah the ignorance.

nicotine is an extremely addictive drug
The other chemicals in cigarettes are deadly over time.

Neither of those is true of Pot.
because thats what you admitting to....i dont like the way things are so i will take my ball and leave...

Again, if that is the way you want to look at it, it is a free country and you can.

My friend from the church we left that refused to be friends with us any longer said the same thing about us leaving the church. People are free to make up their own minds.

In my early adult years I was a proud card carrying member of the NRA, but I have long since left that group, I guess in your view I ran away from them.

But yes, I do not like the way things are in our country right now and have been trying to change them for a decade. But they just get worse, so why would I stay? People like you love the way things are right now, you see no need for a change. I am happy for you, hell I am almost envious of you, it would be so much easier to be that way.

But I am not.
Ah the ignorance.

nicotine is an extremely addictive drug
The other chemicals in cigarettes are deadly over time.

Neither of those is true of Pot.
There’s definitely deadly chemicals in pot

Smoking pot is neither healthy or natural

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