Maricopa County Presidential Election Fraud Confirmed. It's a Disgrace!

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By!

On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.

As much was revealed by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert in pattern recognition and classification of diverse signals and signatures who has four degrees from M.I.T.

The Arizona Republicans conducting the audit enlisted Ayyadurai and his team of experts to aid in the audit by investigating mail-in ballot envelopes used in the election.

The team reported it found 17,322 duplicate ballots in the election.

Double Duplicates : 16,934;
Triple duplicates : 376;
Quadruple duplicates : 12




On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.
As noted by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on Twitter, Maricopa County itself had reported no duplicate ballots.
“Maricopa reported ZERO duplicate ballots. Real total is 17,322,” Lake wrote on Twitter.

“This is more than enough to change the election result.”

Sources: AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By


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AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By!

On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.

As much was revealed by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert in pattern recognition and classification of diverse signals and signatures who has four degrees from M.I.T.

The Arizona Republicans conducting the audit enlisted Ayyadurai and his team of experts to aid in the audit by investigating mail-in ballot envelopes used in the election.

The team reported it found 17,322 duplicate ballots in the election.

Double Duplicates : 16,934;
Triple duplicates : 376;
Quadruple duplicates : 12

View attachment 543680

View attachment 543681


On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.
As noted by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on Twitter, Maricopa County itself had reported no duplicate ballots.
“Maricopa reported ZERO duplicate ballots. Real total is 17,322,” Lake wrote on Twitter.

“This is more than enough to change the election result.”

Sources: AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By

Oh, REPUBLICANS did an audit and found that the Democrats had done something wrong.

Does no one see anything fundamentally wrong here?
Oh, REPUBLICANS did an audit and found that the Democrats had done something wrong.

Does no one see anything fundamentally wrong here?
It wasn't any different in 2004 when the democrats found fraud.

Kerry won that election in several states.

It was statistically impossible that Bush could have won.

Folks that need the security of the Shadow Government to sell them on reality, generally won't believe in the power of their own sovereignty, or the truth of the Constitution or the law.
Republicans announced it?
What you expect them to say.
I'll bet the state never changes.

AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By!

On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.

As much was revealed by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert in pattern recognition and classification of diverse signals and signatures who has four degrees from M.I.T.

The Arizona Republicans conducting the audit enlisted Ayyadurai and his team of experts to aid in the audit by investigating mail-in ballot envelopes used in the election.

The team reported it found 17,322 duplicate ballots in the election.

Double Duplicates : 16,934;
Triple duplicates : 376;
Quadruple duplicates : 12

View attachment 543680

View attachment 543681


On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.
As noted by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on Twitter, Maricopa County itself had reported no duplicate ballots.
“Maricopa reported ZERO duplicate ballots. Real total is 17,322,” Lake wrote on Twitter.

“This is more than enough to change the election result.”

Sources: AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By

From the Western Journal?
On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Anything to turn a loss into a win, just like Trump.

August 24, 2021
Former President Donald Trump backpedaled from praising a group of "highly respected" GOP auditors in Arizona after their audit of the state's election results confirmed that Joe Biden won the general election. Trump also released a misleading statement on Friday morning that said the audit found "significant and undeniable evidence of FRAUD!"

The statement was contradicted by a spokesperson for Cyber Ninjas, who earlier told an NPR affiliate in Arizona: "Was there massive fraud or anything? It doesn't look like it."

So, these crackerjack auditors republicans praised, are now the 'deep state'?
Darn, another Trump similarity.
Oh, REPUBLICANS did an audit and found that the Democrats had done something wrong.
Does no one see anything fundamentally wrong here?
Well, with this mountain of trustworthy evidence regarding an issue this important, I'm sure we'll see action taken nationally and immediately.

Surely the Supreme Court will want to take this matter up, post haste. What could be more important? This is literally a Constitutional crisis.


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Biden won, is President and nothing will change that unless Harris become President.

In the end all Trump can do is ready himself for a 2024 run and hope he win and stop looking at the past but Trump never does that…
Biden won, is President and nothing will change that unless Harris become President.

In the end all Trump can do is ready himself for a 2024 run and hope he win and stop looking at the past but Trump never does that…
Glad you folks are finmally seeing the light

AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By!

On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.

As much was revealed by Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert in pattern recognition and classification of diverse signals and signatures who has four degrees from M.I.T.

The Arizona Republicans conducting the audit enlisted Ayyadurai and his team of experts to aid in the audit by investigating mail-in ballot envelopes used in the election.

The team reported it found 17,322 duplicate ballots in the election.

Double Duplicates : 16,934;
Triple duplicates : 376;
Quadruple duplicates : 12

View attachment 543680

View attachment 543681


On Friday, Arizona state Republicans announced the findings of the Arizona Senate audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County.

Among the audit’s many findings was that over 17,000 total duplicate ballots — meaning ballots submitted by individuals who voted more than once in the election — were found.
As noted by Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake on Twitter, Maricopa County itself had reported no duplicate ballots.
“Maricopa reported ZERO duplicate ballots. Real total is 17,322,” Lake wrote on Twitter.

“This is more than enough to change the election result.”

Sources: AZ Auditors Say Over 17,000 Duplicate Ballots Found in Maricopa County, 1.5 Times What Biden Won By

What they found was that Biden won by more votes than previously thought. Quit telling lies.
Well, with this mountain of trustworthy evidence regarding an issue this important, I'm sure we'll see action taken nationally and immediately.

Surely the Supreme Court will want to take this matter up, post haste. What could be more important? This is literally a Constitutional crisis.



I don't see how it's a constitutional crisis.

Every presidential election since FOREVER has been wrong. It has NEVER been the will of the people.
Yes, what is fundamentally wrong is your bigoted stereotyping that only Republicans can be bad.

Oh, you think you know me huh?

I'm sure if you did a little research.... but you won't. So I couldn't give a flying fuck what you think I am.
But living it in like Trump and his voting base mean there is no future either…
I enjoyed the lowest price of fuel then I have seen, and for the longest time under Trump. Finally a president that honestly wanted America to be strong and great. There was much established power fighting against Trump. The establishment and all the leeches have much to lose under Trump. Hence the majority of government, newspapers, television, Wall Street, etc., etc., aligned against Trump.

What is our future without Trump? China the world trade center. Iran nuclear armed. More countries not safe for Americans? Food we will beg for, from China, Mexico, and Brazil?

Bleak is a world without trump
Oh, you think you know me huh?

I'm sure if you did a little research.... but you won't. So I couldn't give a flying fuck what you think I am.
Oh, you think you know me huh?

I'm sure if you did a little research.... but you won't. So I couldn't give a flying fuck what you think I am.
You commented, I replied to what I saw.

You were very quick to dismiss the results of the audit, the hearing simply because Republicans conducted the audit.

What do you expect people to think of your comment? That it is insightful? That it tells a truth?

Go ahead and post another comment with just as much thought behind it.

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