Marco Rubio Warns Twitter

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This is why we need to keep Trump in the White House 4 more years.

This is why we need to keep Trump in the White House 4 more years.

NOW THIS ^^^^^^ This is where I start to agree with some of the right-wingers saying we need to put liability on these tech companies.

You can delete whatever you want on your site.... that doesn't bother me as much honestly. I'll just go somewhere else.

However... when you start making judgement calls about what I post on your site? No, that doesn't work. Now you are making value judgements on what I post. Now I should be able to sue the crap out of you.

You want to ban me, that's fine, I'll go someplace else, and talk bad about your platform, while promoting the platform I'm on. We'll run you out of business.

But if you are going to start trying to say I can talk on your site, but you'll just claim everything I say has been proven false, or is questionable.... I'm going to sue the crap out of you. That's not how this works.

Rubio is dead on right. People like him, are exactly why I support Republicans.
This is why we need to keep Trump in the White House 4 more years.

Marco Rubio is a pussy. Republicans may want to end free speech, but they will fail as they always do.
This is why we need to keep Trump in the White House 4 more years.

Marco Rubio is a pussy. Republicans may want to end free speech, but they will fail as they always do.
In a leftist world, enforcing free speech is ending it.
You can delete whatever you want on your site.... that doesn't bother me as much honestly. I'll just go somewhere else.

However... when you start making judgement calls about what I post on your site? No, that doesn't work. Now you are making value judgements on what I post. Now I should be able to sue the crap out of you.
Those two statements contradict each other. "Judgments" are involved in deciding if a rule or standard has been broken. So judgments are a part of "delete whatever you want on your site."
Maybe you just need to explain it differently, but I'm not sure how you can separate the two.
This is why we need to keep Trump in the White House 4 more years.

Marco Rubio is a pussy. Republicans may want to end free speech, but they will fail as they always do.
In a leftist world, enforcing free speech is ending it.
There is a difference between free speech and lies. I mean real lies. If Twitter wants to give readers access to RELIABLE information instead of information that is downright false, good for them. They didn't take down Trump's tweet. Just pointed out that his statements do not stand up to FACTS and gave readers access to those facts. IF THEY CHOOSE.

Trump is the President. A lot of people still take his statements seriously. Not everyone is glued to social media and fact checkers all day to hear the buzz. He should be more careful what he says.
This is why we need to keep Trump in the White House 4 more years.

Marco Rubio is a pussy.
Stay classy now. Oh, right.You are actually crude and vile.

Republicans may want to end free speech, but they will fail as they always do.
Did you ever get that umbilical cord around your neck loosened up so the blood flow to your
brain was not hindered? It seems not.

It's the Twitter suckers who are the death of free speech. The people asking that ALL voices have a fair shot
at representation are not the problem here. Your comment is a classic in the genre of blaming others when you do exactly what you accuse them of.

You have the self awareness of a piece of furniture.
Republicans fight to the death for the right to spread misinformation
Is it free speech or not?

Who gets to be the arbiters of truth in an open forum of ideas?

Now, I don't want government to regulate private social media, but to say that slapping a label on the content of a tweet from the sitting POTUS is not political activity is a load of horse shit. That could be characterized as interference with the American political process.

There is a difference between free speech and lies. I mean real lies.
Again, who gets to decide? Who is the arbiter of truth? Once we go down the road of limiting speech because it may or may not be "true" you can kiss all free speech goodbye.

The cure for free speech that is potentially spreading false information is-----FREE SPEECH!!!

If Twitter wants to give readers access to RELIABLE information instead of information that is downright false, good for them. They didn't take down Trump's tweet. Just pointed out that his statements do not stand up to FACTS and gave readers access to those facts. IF THEY CHOOSE.
They also exercised free speech. That's what I mean.

However, this situation opens the door for Twitter to be treated in a completely different fashion. Twitter has been shielded from defamation liability in the past because it acted like nothing more than a forum allowing other people to comment. NOW, Twitter is using the platform to publish. Twitter is no longer passive and can no longer avoid liability.

Republicans fight to the death for the right to spread misinformation
Is it free speech or not?

Who gets to be the arbiters of truth in an open forum of ideas?

Now, I don't want government to regulate private social media, but to say that slapping a label on the content of a tweet from the sitting POTUS is not political activity is a load of horse shit. That could be characterized as interference with the American political process.


It's clearly actual collusion.
Not that fake collusion nonsense.
At a minimum they have to be in violation of Campaign Finance Laws.
Need to see what the value of tweets are and the value of labels, as an in kind contribution.
Good! Not that I use Twitter...
As I mentioned before, it's a cesspool full of folks who really despises Trump - no matter what he tweets.
Maybe, he should "own" Twitter - kick Jack Dorsey out. Lol j/k
Twitter is like USMB except people use their real ID’s. How stupid is that? found that out the hard way back in 1998 when they had to shut down the site temporarily because of posters’ libel lawsuits against each other.
Republicans fight to the death for the right to spread misinformation
Is it free speech or not?

Who gets to be the arbiters of truth in an open forum of ideas?

Now, I don't want government to regulate private social media, but to say that slapping a label on the content of a tweet from the sitting POTUS is not political activity is a load of horse shit. That could be characterized as interference with the American political process.

There are five states that vote entirely by mail and many others where they vote by mail in certain counties or for certain races. And the US military has used it for its personnel for years. There has NEVER been widespread voter fraud involved in those elections. So for Trump to tweet that was just plain not based in fact. Free speech does not mean it is okay to utter complete made up nonsense--especially not when you are holding the most respected office in the land.
Republicans fight to the death for the right to spread misinformation
An extremely large percentage of political speech is misinformation. Are you arguing that the government should have the power to shut it down?
This is why we need to keep Trump in the White House 4 more years.

Marco Rubio is a pussy. Republicans may want to end free speech, but they will fail as they always do.
In a leftist world, enforcing free speech is ending it.
Yes forcing federal control onto a private company's speech is so free. Fuck you, snowflake.
Republicans fight to the death for the right to spread misinformation
Is it free speech or not?

Who gets to be the arbiters of truth in an open forum of ideas?

Now, I don't want government to regulate private social media, but to say that slapping a label on the content of a tweet from the sitting POTUS is not political activity is a load of horse shit. That could be characterized as interference with the American political process.

First Amendment.......
Congress shall pass no laws....

Applies to Government restricting free speech. Twitter is a private company and can set its own rules of behavior on its site. Kind of what USMB does
Republicans fight to the death for the right to spread misinformation
An extremely large percentage of political speech is misinformation. Are you arguing that the government should have the power to shut it down?
If Trump is unhappy with the rules of conduct on Twitter, he can take his business elsewhere

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