Marco Rubio: I'd attend a gay wedding

Rubio's statement is based on the presumption that a gay basher would be invited to a gay wedding.

I have right wing family members who were dis-invited from a relative's gay wedding.

Maybe Rubio should open a bakery if he wants to go to gay weddings...
Wow he might as well drop out now.

Rubio's inexperience is showing here, he's going to self destruct.

The bigger question is whether gay issues in 2015/2016 are the "third rail" of electoral politics that they once were.

I will remind that televised sound-bytes and strong optics can really sway the perception of a party. I remember an openly gay member of the US military having sent in a video to the GOP debates and his video was played. It was booed pretty strongly, but I bet, not by all. However, that moment alone, encapsulated as a sound/vid byte, was enough for the Left to paint the GOP has hating gays in 2012. Of course, a number of GOP candidates also said and did enough stupid stuff in that cycle to back this perception up....
Doesn't bother me none. That's a personal matter. Whether it will help or hurt in the election, I don't know. I doubt it.

Is it a personal matter for all Conservatives, or has all this screaming about evil gays just been smoke and mirrors?

Some of us only scream over government forcing on the issue, not the issue itself.

Yes, social conservatives see homosexuality as sinful, but strict constructional federalists such as myself are more concerned over the sins of progressives when it comes to the constitution, and not any perceived sins of homosexuality itself.

Ok, I can accept that and also appreciate you wording it the way you word it, for that shows some good discernment on your part. Bravo.

Only, not every voter is going to discern as well as you did.

I personally have not problem with Rubio's stance and especially, no problem with his explanation, which made complete sense to me. He too is discerning between a stance for or against an institution and a personal encounter at an event somewhere where he would be invited.

I cannot fault his words or his intentions at all, but I can imagine a number of deep-red conservatives who, as I just indicated about your well-written response, are not going to discern as well. They will see a headline and simply grumble dissatisfaction.

That's a problem with every issue, not just this one, and applies to low info voters on your side as well.
Rubio is young, dynamic, good-looking
????? You too?


I am talking about his optic among voters, specifically, among female voters.

Candidate who project an image of vigor generally tend to do better.
Smile Yoda, It wasn't about breaking anything up, just wanted to make you smile.

I kind of worked, but I am multitasking right now between business appointments and generally only USMB while running business at the same time, so it kind of went by me. Sorry. But thanks for the try.

But yes, I am good looking. I am sure that blind women find me especially good looking.

Marco Rubio I d attend a gay wedding - Nick Gass - POLITICO

(Video at the link)

His reasoning:

...“If there’s somebody that I love that’s in my life, I don’t necessarily have to agree with their decisions or the decisions they’ve made to continue to love them and participate in important events,” he told Ramos.

The senator said he would not hurt that person simply because he disagrees with what they have decided to do.

“Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them,” he said.

Rubio, who is Catholic, added that it is akin to attending “second marriages” after divorce, which are not exactly encouraged in the Catholic Church.

“If someone gets divorced, I’m not going to stop loving them or having them a part of our lives,” he said....

Discuss. Will this hurt or help him in the GOP primaries?
His problem is he supports states denying gay Americans access to marriage in violation of the 14th Amendment.

In your opinion.

That's Rubio's position on the issue.
Doesn't bother me none. That's a personal matter. Whether it will help or hurt in the election, I don't know. I doubt it.

Is it a personal matter for all Conservatives, or has all this screaming about evil gays just been smoke and mirrors?

Some of us only scream over government forcing on the issue, not the issue itself.

Yes, social conservatives see homosexuality as sinful, but strict constructional federalists such as myself are more concerned over the sins of progressives when it comes to the constitution, and not any perceived sins of homosexuality itself.

Ok, I can accept that and also appreciate you wording it the way you word it, for that shows some good discernment on your part. Bravo.

Only, not every voter is going to discern as well as you did.

I personally have not problem with Rubio's stance and especially, no problem with his explanation, which made complete sense to me. He too is discerning between a stance for or against an institution and a personal encounter at an event somewhere where he would be invited.

I cannot fault his words or his intentions at all, but I can imagine a number of deep-red conservatives who, as I just indicated about your well-written response, are not going to discern as well. They will see a headline and simply grumble dissatisfaction.

That's a problem with every issue, not just this one, and applies to low info voters on your side as well.

YES. I agree with you wholeheartedly on that one. The dumbing down of America continues apace and the lack of discernment among more than 100 million Americans, I would venture to say, is pretty damned scary. When I was back in Ohio following my BIL's funeral (he died in November), I encountered some pretty scary people from the Tea Party Right, the extreme Left and the Ron Paulian alternate universe whackadoodle zone. You know that it's bad when seeing people with fourty five piercings in their nose is less disturbing than having to listen to some of the rot I had to sit through. Oy, Gewalt.
Marco Rubio I d attend a gay wedding - Nick Gass - POLITICO

(Video at the link)

His reasoning:

...“If there’s somebody that I love that’s in my life, I don’t necessarily have to agree with their decisions or the decisions they’ve made to continue to love them and participate in important events,” he told Ramos.

The senator said he would not hurt that person simply because he disagrees with what they have decided to do.

“Ultimately, if someone that you care for and is part of your family has decided to move in one direction or another or feels that way because of who they love, you respect that because you love them,” he said.

Rubio, who is Catholic, added that it is akin to attending “second marriages” after divorce, which are not exactly encouraged in the Catholic Church.

“If someone gets divorced, I’m not going to stop loving them or having them a part of our lives,” he said....

Discuss. Will this hurt or help him in the GOP primaries?
His problem is he supports states denying gay Americans access to marriage in violation of the 14th Amendment.

In your opinion.

That's Rubio's position on the issue.

No, it your opinion that this violates the 14th amendment.
Rubio's inexperience is showing here, he's going to self destruct.
He is softening up conservative homosexuals, also it is a preemptive strike when news come out about one of his "loved" ones being homosexual and got "married"
Yes, social conservatives see homosexuality as sinful, but strict constructional federalists such as myself are more concerned over the sins of progressives when it comes to the constitution, and not any perceived sins of homosexuality itself.
Personally I do not think homosexuality is sin or sinful but I strongly oppose them when they want to change the definition of marriage what has been understood throughout many millennia and the militant "in your face attitude."

The lying corrupt disgusting filth liberal media will be gunning for all the GOP candidates, this is precisely the type of thing they will attempt to use to destroy GOP candidates. Last week they tried to trap Rand Paul in an abortion gotcha, he bitch slapped the fools, Rubio needs to be more careful.

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