March on Washington to Protest the Inauguration? Think Again Butthurtees


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2015
Women's March on Washington Barred From Lincoln Memorial

"According to The Guardian, the National Park Service, on behalf of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, has blocked access to the landmark by filing a “massive omnibus blocking permit.” This will bar protesters from most of the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument, and of course, the Lincoln Memorial for days and weeks before, during, and after the inauguration, which will take place on Jan. 20, 2017."

It would seem the National Park Service doesn't want to play host to the wailings of folks bent on disrupting the inauguration of the next President of the United States.

Better hurry and scurry on into court to make this "smooth transition" even more fun. Maybe Jill Stein can send over some of her unused 'recount' moniez...
Is that the milion-cow march?

Looks like it's going to be more like the Mad Cow March at this point.

Libber talking head radio was in total meltdown this morning over this.

Thwarted yet again! lol.
Women's March on Washington Barred From Lincoln Memorial

"According to The Guardian, the National Park Service, on behalf of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, has blocked access to the landmark by filing a “massive omnibus blocking permit.” This will bar protesters from most of the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument, and of course, the Lincoln Memorial for days and weeks before, during, and after the inauguration, which will take place on Jan. 20, 2017."

It would seem the National Park Service doesn't want to play host to the wailings of folks bent on disrupting the inauguration of the next President of the United States.

Better hurry and scurry on into court to make this "smooth transition" even more fun. Maybe Jill Stein can send over some of her unused 'recount' moniez...
Let them march and riot. It will give Republicans another 3 million votes in 2018.
Women's March on Washington Barred From Lincoln Memorial

"According to The Guardian, the National Park Service, on behalf of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, has blocked access to the landmark by filing a “massive omnibus blocking permit.” This will bar protesters from most of the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument, and of course, the Lincoln Memorial for days and weeks before, during, and after the inauguration, which will take place on Jan. 20, 2017."

It would seem the National Park Service doesn't want to play host to the wailings of folks bent on disrupting the inauguration of the next President of the United States.

Better hurry and scurry on into court to make this "smooth transition" even more fun. Maybe Jill Stein can send over some of her unused 'recount' moniez...
Let them march and riot. It will give Republicans another 3 million votes in 2018.
Six million!
Who's going to lead the demonstration?
Nancy Pelosi in her electric 'crippled person's' scooter?
I'll be watching the inauguration from my 'safe place' man-den.
It's got a big screen with a 5K sound system. A full bar and a very large 'gun safe'. Holds up to forty weapons.
Women's March on Washington Barred From Lincoln Memorial

"According to The Guardian, the National Park Service, on behalf of the Presidential Inauguration Committee, has blocked access to the landmark by filing a “massive omnibus blocking permit.” This will bar protesters from most of the National Mall, Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument, and of course, the Lincoln Memorial for days and weeks before, during, and after the inauguration, which will take place on Jan. 20, 2017."

It would seem the National Park Service doesn't want to play host to the wailings of folks bent on disrupting the inauguration of the next President of the United States.

Better hurry and scurry on into court to make this "smooth transition" even more fun. Maybe Jill Stein can send over some of her unused 'recount' moniez...
These are mostly libbies who are really pissed that Hillary did not break the glass ceiling.

But I know lots of ladies and women who did not vote for Hillary. They did not want a female Nixon back in The White House.
Michael Moore calls for protesters to 'disrupt' Trump's inauguration

Is ole bubble butt throwing his own party or is he going to hide under the skirts of the women of the butthurt party?
Disrupt Trump's inauguration? Is not a very smart idea I believe!
Michael Moore should think about the negative impression the United States would make in front of the rest of the world.
It's strange he didn't think about that. :dunno:
Some people say he's an intellectual :eusa_think:
NEVER be in the same room as MM. He has to wipe his ass with a rag tied to a three foot stick.
Let's just say he's not that get at it.
Disrupt Trump's inauguration? Is not a very smart idea I believe!
Michael Moore should think about the negative impression the United States would make in front of the rest of the world.
It's strange he didn't think about that. :dunno:
Some people say he's an intellectual :eusa_think:

Ma'am I am far from being the sharpest tool in the shed, but to consider ole bubble butt an intellectual would be intellectually dishonest in my humble opinion...
Michael Moore calls for protesters to 'disrupt' Trump's inauguration

Is ole bubble butt throwing his own party or is he going to hide under the skirts of the women of the butthurt party?
Disrupt Trump's inauguration? Is not a very smart idea I believe!
Michael Moore should think about the negative impression the United States would make in front of the rest of the world.
It's strange he didn't think about that. :dunno:
Some people say he's an intellectual :eusa_think:

Yes, I think that's exactly why they're going to prevent this from happening.

In terms of Mr. Moore, I think he'd love to get some protest footage he could use in his next movie and he's just using people to get what he wants in this case, as a protest serves no purpose here.

Trump will still be inaugurated and, as you say, we just look like fools. Mr. Moore, however, goes right to the bank.

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