Mar-a-Lago Raid Revelations Leave Former FBI Agents Stunned

It appears that some former FBI types have a different take on this---they say that the reluctance of FBI agents to serve a warrant on Trump had to do with fear that Trump would exact some sort of political revenge?

Several former FBI agents, prosecutors, and CIA officials have reacted with shock to reports the federal bureau was "afraid" to investigate Donald Trump's handling of classified materials.
Republicans have long raised concerns about the "weaponization" of the federal government under the Biden administration and have created a special panel to look into such issues. The latest report, critics say, suggests the opposite is true: that Trump's attacks had "chilled" attempts to investigate him.
Even amid evidence that Trump remained in possession of classified documents at his Florida home, senior FBI officials feared raiding the property would be seen as too aggressive a move, and instead wanted to ask Trump's permission to search his property, per the newspaper report.
Steven M. D'Antuono, then the head of the FBI's Washington field office, is said to have expressed concern about the optics of agents with the "FBI" marking on their jackets raiding a former president's home.
The Post added that some FBI agents were wary about conducting a raid at Mar-a-Lago as they were "simply afraid" of the fallout and how it could affect their careers.
One official reportedly described it as "the hangover of Crossfire Hurricane"—a reference to the FBI investigation into dismissed allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Election.
In a series of tweets, former FBI agent Peter Strzok described the claims as "astonishing" and said it showed that Trump had "successfully chilled" attempts to investigate the former president with his frequent attacks against the bureau.
"In 20 years of working cases involving classified information, I never—not once— encountered prosecutors who wanted to get a search warrant and reluctant - even refusing! - agents. The other way around, sure," Strzok tweeted.
"The article points to a damning fear in the FBI stemming from political fear, not from fact. 'The FBI agents' caution also was rooted in the fact that mistakes in prior probes of Hillary Clinton...had proved damaging to the FBI' Really? Name one. I'll wait.
"Trump, Barr, Durham, and others successfully chilled the FBI's willingness to investigate anything related to Trump. The FBI handled Trump with unprecedented kid gloves, afraid to follow the facts for fear of political blowback, delaying the investigation for months," Strzok added.
Former FBI special agent Asha Marie Rangappa said the report shows that the FBI "has a problem, and it's coming from inside the house."
While sharing the article, Bradley Moss, a national security lawyer, tweeted: "This extensive piece once again makes clear a simple fact: the FBI, traumatized from the Trump era assaults on it, treated Trump with kid gloves."
Former federal prosecutor Michael Stern called the allegations "disturbing."
"It tells us what we feared," he added, "Trump keeps getting away with it because law enforcement keeps letting him."

John Sipher, a national security expert and ex-CIA official, added the report shows that "Trump's bullying and attacks on public servants have had an effect. Agents are afraid to do their job."
Which makes them too pussy to be in the FBI
Anyone afraid of Trump is the epitome of a pussy....
---Trump Says He Declassified 'Everything' Before Mar-a-Lago Search---

He's lying.

He didn't try to make that claim in court.
It appears that some former FBI types have a different take on this---they say that the reluctance of FBI agents to serve a warrant on Trump had to do with fear that Trump would exact some sort of political revenge?

Several former FBI agents, prosecutors, and CIA officials have reacted with shock to reports the federal bureau was "afraid" to investigate Donald Trump's handling of classified materials.
Republicans have long raised concerns about the "weaponization" of the federal government under the Biden administration and have created a special panel to look into such issues. The latest report, critics say, suggests the opposite is true: that Trump's attacks had "chilled" attempts to investigate him.
Even amid evidence that Trump remained in possession of classified documents at his Florida home, senior FBI officials feared raiding the property would be seen as too aggressive a move, and instead wanted to ask Trump's permission to search his property, per the newspaper report.
Steven M. D'Antuono, then the head of the FBI's Washington field office, is said to have expressed concern about the optics of agents with the "FBI" marking on their jackets raiding a former president's home.
The Post added that some FBI agents were wary about conducting a raid at Mar-a-Lago as they were "simply afraid" of the fallout and how it could affect their careers.
One official reportedly described it as "the hangover of Crossfire Hurricane"—a reference to the FBI investigation into dismissed allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Election.
In a series of tweets, former FBI agent Peter Strzok described the claims as "astonishing" and said it showed that Trump had "successfully chilled" attempts to investigate the former president with his frequent attacks against the bureau.
"In 20 years of working cases involving classified information, I never—not once— encountered prosecutors who wanted to get a search warrant and reluctant - even refusing! - agents. The other way around, sure," Strzok tweeted.
"The article points to a damning fear in the FBI stemming from political fear, not from fact. 'The FBI agents' caution also was rooted in the fact that mistakes in prior probes of Hillary Clinton...had proved damaging to the FBI' Really? Name one. I'll wait.
"Trump, Barr, Durham, and others successfully chilled the FBI's willingness to investigate anything related to Trump. The FBI handled Trump with unprecedented kid gloves, afraid to follow the facts for fear of political blowback, delaying the investigation for months," Strzok added.
Former FBI special agent Asha Marie Rangappa said the report shows that the FBI "has a problem, and it's coming from inside the house."
While sharing the article, Bradley Moss, a national security lawyer, tweeted: "This extensive piece once again makes clear a simple fact: the FBI, traumatized from the Trump era assaults on it, treated Trump with kid gloves."
Former federal prosecutor Michael Stern called the allegations "disturbing."
"It tells us what we feared," he added, "Trump keeps getting away with it because law enforcement keeps letting him."

John Sipher, a national security expert and ex-CIA official, added the report shows that "Trump's bullying and attacks on public servants have had an effect. Agents are afraid to do their job."
Law enforcement in the FBI has obviously received political benefits from their constant badgering of Trump, his staff, his sons and daughters, and Melania's panties drawers. That's enough from the weaponized FBI.
It appears that some former FBI types have a different take on this---they say that the reluctance of FBI agents to serve a warrant on Trump had to do with fear that Trump would exact some sort of political revenge?

Several former FBI agents, prosecutors, and CIA officials have reacted with shock to reports the federal bureau was "afraid" to investigate Donald Trump's handling of classified materials.
Republicans have long raised concerns about the "weaponization" of the federal government under the Biden administration and have created a special panel to look into such issues. The latest report, critics say, suggests the opposite is true: that Trump's attacks had "chilled" attempts to investigate him.
Even amid evidence that Trump remained in possession of classified documents at his Florida home, senior FBI officials feared raiding the property would be seen as too aggressive a move, and instead wanted to ask Trump's permission to search his property, per the newspaper report.
Steven M. D'Antuono, then the head of the FBI's Washington field office, is said to have expressed concern about the optics of agents with the "FBI" marking on their jackets raiding a former president's home.
The Post added that some FBI agents were wary about conducting a raid at Mar-a-Lago as they were "simply afraid" of the fallout and how it could affect their careers.
One official reportedly described it as "the hangover of Crossfire Hurricane"—a reference to the FBI investigation into dismissed allegations that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 Election.
In a series of tweets, former FBI agent Peter Strzok described the claims as "astonishing" and said it showed that Trump had "successfully chilled" attempts to investigate the former president with his frequent attacks against the bureau.
"In 20 years of working cases involving classified information, I never—not once— encountered prosecutors who wanted to get a search warrant and reluctant - even refusing! - agents. The other way around, sure," Strzok tweeted.
"The article points to a damning fear in the FBI stemming from political fear, not from fact. 'The FBI agents' caution also was rooted in the fact that mistakes in prior probes of Hillary Clinton...had proved damaging to the FBI' Really? Name one. I'll wait.
"Trump, Barr, Durham, and others successfully chilled the FBI's willingness to investigate anything related to Trump. The FBI handled Trump with unprecedented kid gloves, afraid to follow the facts for fear of political blowback, delaying the investigation for months," Strzok added.
Former FBI special agent Asha Marie Rangappa said the report shows that the FBI "has a problem, and it's coming from inside the house."
While sharing the article, Bradley Moss, a national security lawyer, tweeted: "This extensive piece once again makes clear a simple fact: the FBI, traumatized from the Trump era assaults on it, treated Trump with kid gloves."
Former federal prosecutor Michael Stern called the allegations "disturbing."
"It tells us what we feared," he added, "Trump keeps getting away with it because law enforcement keeps letting him."

John Sipher, a national security expert and ex-CIA official, added the report shows that "Trump's bullying and attacks on public servants have had an effect. Agents are afraid to do their job."
Trump should have obeyed the law, returned all the documents with which he had illegally absconded, and not lied about hiding

It looks grim for the whiner:

Trump is currently facing a probe from the Department of Justice special counsel into his handling of classified documents kept at his Mar-a-Lago estate, which Barr said Trump "had no claim to."
Screen Shot 2023-04-09 at 8.12.41 PM.png
“He had no claim to those documents, especially the classified documents.
It belonged to the government.
... I think he was jerking the government around.”

“The government is investigating the extent to which games were played and there was obstruction in keeping the documents from them. I think that’s a serious potential case, I think they probably have some very good evidence there,” Barr continued.
“Bill Barr is a man of unbelievable credibility and courage
and he’s going to go down on the history books!”



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