Manchin upends paid leave, a benefit ‘personal to President Biden’


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
it's not just liberals who are mad at Manchin, it's his own constituents


Though polls show paid family leave has strong support among Democrats and Republicans, and many business groups have warmed to the idea, even it couldn't make the cut as Democratic leaders scrambled to lower the spending bill's cost at Manchin's insistence. The other moderate they have had to appease, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), wasn't opposed to including paid leave.

The White House had told advocates repeatedly that paid leave wouldn’t stand a chance at inclusion in Democrats’ reconciliation bill if they didn’t lobby Manchin hard enough, more than half a dozen sources said.

Over the past year, groups like Paid Leave for the U.S., Paid Leave for All, the National Partnership for Women and Families, A Better Balance and their partners took that to heart, spending considerable time and money to sway Manchin in hopes of enacting the nation’s first paid leave policy.

Day herself buttonholed Manchin on the Amtrak train to New York from Washington, D.C., last week, when she spotted him and his wife sitting a couple rows ahead.

“I went and introduced myself, and I talked to him personally at length for more than 10 minutes about paid leave,” Day said. “He was very cordial.”

Manchin shared his concerns about how a paid leave program would impact small businesses, she said, and how “we just can’t be spending so much money." Day shared her personal experience watching two parents cope with cancer without paid leave, which she said he was "compelled by."

Another time, two advocates said, a board member took up the cause with Manchin while dining on his houseboat, where he lives when he’s in Washington
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Biden says he wants Manchin and Sinema to unite with the progressive wing around his radical policies

that's not unity, that's capitulation
it's not just liberals who are mad at Manchin, it's his own constituents


Though polls show paid family leave has strong support among Democrats and Republicans, and many business groups have warmed to the idea, even it couldn't make the cut as Democratic leaders scrambled to lower the spending bill's cost at Manchin's insistence. The other moderate they have had to appease, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), wasn't opposed to including paid leave.

The White House had told advocates repeatedly that paid leave wouldn’t stand a chance at inclusion in Democrats’ reconciliation bill if they didn’t lobby Manchin hard enough, more than half a dozen sources said.

Over the past year, groups like Paid Leave for the U.S., Paid Leave for All, the National Partnership for Women and Families, A Better Balance and their partners took that to heart, spending considerable time and money to sway Manchin in hopes of enacting the nation’s first paid leave policy.

Day herself buttonholed Manchin on the Amtrak train to New York from Washington, D.C., last week, when she spotted him and his wife sitting a couple rows ahead.

“I went and introduced myself, and I talked to him personally at length for more than 10 minutes about paid leave,” Day said. “He was very cordial.”

Manchin shared his concerns about how a paid leave program would impact small businesses, she said, and how “we just can’t be spending so much money." Day shared her personal experience watching two parents cope with cancer without paid leave, which she said he was "compelled by."

Another time, two advocates said, a board member took up the cause with Manchin while dining on his houseboat, where he lives when he’s in Washington

"Though polls show paid family leave has strong support among Democrats and Republicans, and many business groups have warmed to the idea, even it couldn't make the cut as Democratic leaders scrambled to lower the spending bill's cost at Manchin's insistence."

Those business groups are fully capable of providing paid family leave if they want it. Why support making it a requirement for other businesses?
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But his constituents ARE liberals.

Pretty sad really when some small time senator from WVa has more sense than 80% of the rest of government.
Trump won West Virginia by 40 points in 2016 and 40 points in 2020
Can someone explain to me why I have to pay for someone else's vacation?

There are only a few people on this earth that I would send on holiday and it wouldn't be someplace nice...

"Though polls show paid family leave has strong support among Democrats and Republicans, and many business groups have warmed to the idea, even it couldn't make the cut as Democratic leaders scrambled to lower the spending bill's cost at Manchin's insistence."

Those business groups are fully capable of providing paid family leave if they want it. Why support making it a requirement for other businesses?
Business is warming up to it because they won’t have to pay for vacation time anymore. Foist that expense back on the employees themselves through taxes.

"It's a nightmare on Capitol Hill for bidumb's party, as October passes by without a deal.
“I think it’s wholly apparent that today was not a success,” said Virginia Rep. Abigail Spanberger, whose state has a high-stakes gubernatorial showdown Tuesday that Democrats were hoping to boost with the infrastructure vote.

“Because people choose to be obstructionists, we’re not delivering these things to my state or to the rest of the country,” the swing-district Democrat added. “I guess we’ll just wait because apparently failing roads and bridges can just wait in the minds of some people.”

Democrats slunk out of the House chamber embarrassed — furious at the liberals who dug in and a White House that refused to pressure them to relent — and openly fretting about the long-term repercussions, given the tough climb they face in the midterms. Progressive leaders are predicting the party will work out its differences and pass both bills in the House within days. But it’s a far cry from what top Democrats had hoped to deliver ahead of a critical week for the party.

“If I'm going to be honest, yeah, I’m worried about it,” said Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.). “There’s a lot on the line here — a lot on the line. … We fill our cup up by getting stuff done. It’s not over.”

This time they had a Biden-blessed deal, a chunk of legislative text and a full-throttle whipping operation.

They still couldn’t overcome the trust gap between the party’s liberals and their moderate colleagues across the Capitol: Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.).

“All they need to do is one simple thing, which is to affirm they are in agreement with the framework. They just need to publicly announce it. Clearly they aren’t willing to do that, which is saying a lot,” said Rep. Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), who has not ruled out a primary challenge to Sinema
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There are laudable provisions in the framework released by the White House, such as an expansion of Medicaid, universal pre-K, subsidized child care, the extension of the child tax credit, tougher penalties for employers who violate labor laws, and spending on clean energy programs. These are significant steps beyond the incrementalism and corporatism of the Obama presidency.
There are laudable provisions in the framework released by the White House, such as an expansion of Medicaid, universal pre-K, subsidized child care, the extension of the child tax credit, tougher penalties for employers who violate labor laws, and spending on clean energy programs. These are significant steps beyond the incrementalism and corporatism of the Obama presidency.

Cut out those bolded programs and Republicans might support the bill.
But his constituents ARE liberals.

Pretty sad really when some small time senator from WVa has more sense than 80% of the rest of government.

No they aren't are you kidding? Do you REALLY think Manchin could have the support he does in f-ing West Virginia if all his constituents were liberals? Gimme a break :rolleyes-41:
Can someone explain to me why I have to pay for someone else's vacation?

There are only a few people on this earth that I would send on holiday and it wouldn't be someplace nice...

Vacation? LoL - You kids want a woman who just had a c section to show up for work the next day.
That's Republican empathy for ya!
it's not just liberals who are mad at Manchin, it's his own constituents


Though polls show paid family leave has strong support among Democrats and Republicans, and many business groups have warmed to the idea, even it couldn't make the cut as Democratic leaders scrambled to lower the spending bill's cost at Manchin's insistence. The other moderate they have had to appease, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.), wasn't opposed to including paid leave.

The White House had told advocates repeatedly that paid leave wouldn’t stand a chance at inclusion in Democrats’ reconciliation bill if they didn’t lobby Manchin hard enough, more than half a dozen sources said.

Over the past year, groups like Paid Leave for the U.S., Paid Leave for All, the National Partnership for Women and Families, A Better Balance and their partners took that to heart, spending considerable time and money to sway Manchin in hopes of enacting the nation’s first paid leave policy.

Day herself buttonholed Manchin on the Amtrak train to New York from Washington, D.C., last week, when she spotted him and his wife sitting a couple rows ahead.

“I went and introduced myself, and I talked to him personally at length for more than 10 minutes about paid leave,” Day said. “He was very cordial.”

Manchin shared his concerns about how a paid leave program would impact small businesses, she said, and how “we just can’t be spending so much money." Day shared her personal experience watching two parents cope with cancer without paid leave, which she said he was "compelled by."

Another time, two advocates said, a board member took up the cause with Manchin while dining on his houseboat, where he lives when he’s in Washington
dang doesn’t seem like xiden, chuck and nancy have any control over their party…total lack of leadership really
Vacation? LoL - You kids want a woman who just had a c section to show up for work the next day.
That's Republican empathy for ya!
the article says the HOP is behind it, the issue is the dems can’t get their party behind it
Vacation? LoL - You kids want a woman who just had a c section to show up for work the next day.
That's Republican empathy for ya!
How is it taxpayers responsibility to support her? Shouldn't her husband and family be the ones supporting her as she just added a new member to their family? Not mine?

Libs want to pay people not to work which bankrupts the government, leads to inflation with all this free money just being handed out like candy, and leads to supply shortages as people chose not to work when they get the government to give them free money for not working. Very pathetic that with all the free money leading to these problems becoming very apparent with our supply shortages, inflation, and runaway debt NOW that the damn ignorant libs still haven't figured out this out.
Paid Family Leave enjoys 82% approval of US voters. We are SOOO f'n far behind the rest of the developed nations of the world that it's sad Mr Manchin doesn't see the light.

Currently, only SIX countries are as stingy as the US about Paid Family Leave:

Marshall Islands
Federated States of Micronesia
Papua New Guinea

Social spending as a share of GDP you ask?

France - 31%
Finland - 29.1%
Belgium - 28.9%
Italy - 28.2%
US - 18.7%

Source ^ World Economic Forum/ OECD

WE'RE NUMBER ONE - - - USA USA!! (not)

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