Man hacks mothers head off then with head in tow goes shopping at supermarket

So over here, you've got your heads of lettuce, over here your heads of cabbage, and over here your mothers head.

This guy was out of his head, but not out of his mothers head.

You get more, at your neighborhood Thriftway store.........

Man accused of decapitating mother, then walking into store with severed head, stabbing worker

Clackamas County man is accused of decapitating his mother at their home on Mother's Day, then going to a nearby supermarket, where witnesses described him walking in with an 8-inch knife in one hand and a severed human head in the other hand.

Investigators confirmed late Monday that Joshua Lee Webb was holding his mother's head when he went into Estacada's only grocery store.

Tina Marie Webb, 59, was killed at the family's rural home in Colton, authorities said.

One of Webb's sisters who was visiting for the holiday discovered their mother's headless body on the floor of the home, two neighbors said. The distraught sister came to their house to ask them to call police, they said.

She was crying and in shock and told them that she also had found her brother's dog dead on the kitchen counter.

"This is just a nightmare," one of the neighbors said. "It's something you wouldn't imagine someone would do." The two neighbors live within a few houses of the Webbs, but didn't give their names, saying they wanted to let the family know first that they had talked to a reporter.

Man accused of decapitating mother, then walking into store with severed head, stabbing worker
Must have been muslim.

Nope, this was a good old fashioned blue county crazy.
His father is also his brother.

So over here, you've got your heads of lettuce, over here your heads of cabbage, and over here your mothers head.

This guy was out of his head, but not out of his mothers head.

You get more, at your neighborhood Thriftway store.........

Man accused of decapitating mother, then walking into store with severed head, stabbing worker

Clackamas County man is accused of decapitating his mother at their home on Mother's Day, then going to a nearby supermarket, where witnesses described him walking in with an 8-inch knife in one hand and a severed human head in the other hand.

Investigators confirmed late Monday that Joshua Lee Webb was holding his mother's head when he went into Estacada's only grocery store.

Tina Marie Webb, 59, was killed at the family's rural home in Colton, authorities said.

One of Webb's sisters who was visiting for the holiday discovered their mother's headless body on the floor of the home, two neighbors said. The distraught sister came to their house to ask them to call police, they said.

She was crying and in shock and told them that she also had found her brother's dog dead on the kitchen counter.

"This is just a nightmare," one of the neighbors said. "It's something you wouldn't imagine someone would do." The two neighbors live within a few houses of the Webbs, but didn't give their names, saying they wanted to let the family know first that they had talked to a reporter.

Man accused of decapitating mother, then walking into store with severed head, stabbing worker
Must have been muslim.

Naw ... trump voter.
MSM member more than likely.
One with lethal results to his mom, the other gave two cops concussions, then croaked himself (heart attack after being restrained).

Joshua Lee Webb...SSI recipient. Sawed off his mom's head then went to the store and stabbed a store employee:


Dad tries to fathom why son allegedly decapitated his mother

And David Brickey, an SSD recipient who was picked up by cops and lodged, then wigged out when they went to let him back out amongst us. He cracked the heads of two cops on the concrete, giving them both concussions. He was restrained and then (presumably but it hasn't been verified) died of a heart attack.

DA: Officers did not use deadly force against inmate who died; man had enlarged heart

People. We have to start institutionalizing people who are nuts. These psychopaths put us at risk..but they are put at risk, too. I'm sure Joshua, if he ever becomes sane, will feel bad that he sawed his mother's head off on Mother's Day. And if David hadn't been on the street, he would still be alive and the cops would not have traumatic brain injuries.

Start locking up the nuts.

And they want to give these people the right to purchase a gun? Oh they already did the other day. Of course it would have been cleaner with a gun.

Too bad for his mother.

Nobody wants him to purchase a gun, you retard. We want him locked up.

You want him to purchase guns, or you would not advocate for lunatics to be walking amongst us. In fact, I imagine you like the fact that they are walking around among us, so that they will kill people, and you can say stupid shit like "IT'S THE REPUBLICANS' FAULT BECAUSE GUNS!"

I did not say you. You are aware the congress just reversed something obama put in place so people on SSDI that can not make their own decision's may purchase firearm's? I have nothing against sane people purchasing all the guns they want but I do not want someone who can't make their own decision's to be able to get their hands on one.
None of this is true. Maybe we should start locking democrats up.

FACT CHECK: Did Congress Legalize Gun Purchases for People With Mental Impairments?

On 15 February 2017, the United States Senate backed a joint resolution already passed by the House of Representatives that aimed to block an Obama administration rule that sought to limit the sale of guns to some groups of mentally disabled individuals. According to the Associated Press:

Congress on Wednesday sent President Donald Trump legislation blocking an Obama-era rule designed to keep guns out of the hands of certain mentally disabled people.

On a vote of 57-43, the Senate backed the resolution, just one of several early steps by the Republican-led Congress to undo regulations implemented by former President Barack Obama. The House had passed the measure earlier this year. The White House has signaled Trump will sign the legislation.
This rule, finalized on 19 December 2016 in the final days of the Obama presidency, used the implementation of the National Instant Criminal Background Check Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 to require the Social Security Administration to report to the Attorney General individuals receiving certain kinds of Social Security mental health disability benefits so that this information could be used in firearm background checks:

These final rules implement provisions of the NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 (NIAA) that require Federal agencies to provide relevant records to the Attorney General for inclusion in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS).

Under these final rules, we will identify, on a prospective basis, individuals who receive Disability Insurance benefits under title II of the Social Security Act (Act) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments under title XVI of the Act and who also meet certain other criteria, including an award of benefits based on a finding that the individual’s mental impairment meets or medically equals the requirements of section 12.00 of the Listing of Impairments (Listings) and receipt of benefits through a representative payee.

We will provide pertinent information about these individuals to the Attorney General on not less than a quarterly basis. As required by the NIAA, at the commencement of the adjudication process we will also notify individuals, both orally and in writing, of their possible Federal prohibition on possessing or receiving firearms, the consequences of such prohibition, the criminal penalties for violating the Gun Control Act, and the availability of relief from the prohibition on the receipt or possession of firearms imposed by Federal law.

Technically speaking, however, it was (and remains to this day) already illegal to sell guns to anyone “who has been adjudicated as a mental defective or who has been committed to a mental institution” per Title 18 section 922(g)of the United States Code. “Adjudicated as mental defective”, the Obama administration argued, is further clarified in an Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms regulation (Title 27 U.S.C. section 478.11) to be:

(a) A determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that a person, as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease:

(1) Is a danger to himself or to others; or

(2) Lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs.

(b) The term shall include—

(1) A finding of insanity by a court in a criminal case; and

(2) Those persons found incompetent to stand trial or found not guilty by reason of lack of mental responsibility pursuant to articles 50a and 72b of the Uniform Code of Military Justice, 10 U.S.C. 850a, 876b.

Under the Obama rule, information from the Social Security Administration regarding mental disability benefits would be added to the National Instant Criminal Background Check database for use in firearm background checks.

The Obama rule, a response to the 2012 Sandy Hook Massacre, had been praised by gun control advocates, but opposed by gun rights groups, disability advocacy groups, and civil liberty groups.

This repeal used an obscure rule called Congressional Review Act, which can invalidate certain regulations passed by a previous administration when a simple majority of both chambers and a president’s signature — a rule invoked many times early in Trump’s presidency to remove regulations passed by Obama. Enforcement of this Obama regulation would not have begun until 19 December 2017.

Well yes and no.
We have the ACLU to thank for this. This animal needs to be executed, regardless.
This fellow is a psychopath. He should have been locked away, as are many others who harbor his lethal potential. Do you believe we should execute all of these psychopaths?

I think they should be confined and maintained on a strong opiate regimen, heroin for one example. Let them live their lives in a state of peaceful, harmless oblivion. I believe this is preferable to exterminating them, a policy which inevitably would transform our society into something resembling the Third Reich.
I said THIS dirtbag needs to die.

He brutally murdered his mother. I don't give a damn about the "excuse."

But if you want to keep them "confined" from the world, why keep them drugged up? How does heroin help them, or society?
I don't know. I understand the need for some new and improved mental wardsknowledget I don't care if the fuckers brain is so twisted he thinks he's King Potatoe Bug of the cellar, some things simply need eradicated. Serial killers... child molesters... guys that use their mommas head for a purse...

The thing is, these murders are PREVENTABLE if we would just institutionalize the crazy people. They are schizophrenic! They aren't going to be any happier freezing their asses off on the street or huddled in mom's basement than they are going to be in a psych ward.
So put them in the psych wards, protect them AND protect us.

I agree... cept not all schizo are dangerous to themselves or others. Meds (with someone making sure they take it) and out patient therapy can be all they need
I think... a lot of folks are skittish about mental hospitals because of the abuses of the past. Strict oversight should be employed.

And you can't *make* a schizo take their meds when they don't want to, unless you restrain them. And the abuses that take place on the streets are more common, and more permanent, and more pervasive, than anything that ever went down in the nuthouses.

Crazy people are a pain in the ass. People are horrified by what it takes to *care for* crazy people, so they decided to let them out onto the streets. Normalize insanity, they aren't so bad!

Well t hey are bad, and they can put a serious hurt on people. And they do!

The majority of schizo truly aren't dangerous... paranoid schizo more often are but even then it's not all by a long shot.

Actually, they are dangerous. I've worked with them, a LOT. They are unable to care for themselves because they live in an altered reality, and the very fact that they see and hear things means they are dangerous to others. Because you never know what their misfiring brains are going to tell them to do, or make them think is happening.

They need to be locked up. Take them out for day trips if you like. But they need constant 1x1 attention and restraint. If you have a schizophrenic relative and they aren't receiving that oversight, then maybe your relative will be the next one to saw someone's head off or shoot up a kindergarten class.
Most of these schizos are on synthetic drugs pushed by the criminal medical establishment. I suspect this has a lot to do with it.
We have the ACLU to thank for this. This animal needs to be executed, regardless.
This fellow is a psychopath. He should have been locked away, as are many others who harbor his lethal potential. Do you believe we should execute all of these psychopaths?

I think they should be confined and maintained on a strong opiate regimen, heroin for one example. Let them live their lives in a state of peaceful, harmless oblivion. I believe this is preferable to exterminating them, a policy which inevitably would transform our society into something resembling the Third Reich.
In the early days of psychotherapy the violent insane were treated by a lobotomy in which they lived lives of peaceful oblivion. It's a permanent solution and not subject to medication schedules. Would you suggest bringing that practice back?
uhm I'd like to vote no on killing psychopaths, I was misdiagnosed when I was a kid because of my synesthesia even though I didn't do anything "wrong" :(
So over here, you've got your heads of lettuce, over here your heads of cabbage, and over here your mothers head.

This guy was out of his head, but not out of his mothers head.

You get more, at your neighborhood Thriftway store.........

Man accused of decapitating mother, then walking into store with severed head, stabbing worker

Clackamas County man is accused of decapitating his mother at their home on Mother's Day, then going to a nearby supermarket, where witnesses described him walking in with an 8-inch knife in one hand and a severed human head in the other hand.

Investigators confirmed late Monday that Joshua Lee Webb was holding his mother's head when he went into Estacada's only grocery store.

Tina Marie Webb, 59, was killed at the family's rural home in Colton, authorities said.

One of Webb's sisters who was visiting for the holiday discovered their mother's headless body on the floor of the home, two neighbors said. The distraught sister came to their house to ask them to call police, they said.

She was crying and in shock and told them that she also had found her brother's dog dead on the kitchen counter.

"This is just a nightmare," one of the neighbors said. "It's something you wouldn't imagine someone would do." The two neighbors live within a few houses of the Webbs, but didn't give their names, saying they wanted to let the family know first that they had talked to a reporter.

Man accused of decapitating mother, then walking into store with severed head, stabbing worker
Poor woman Rip :(
This man seems to be insane. I bet he wil be declared incompetent after the trial :(

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