'Man-Caused Disasters' New Term for Terrorism


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Oct 19, 2008
Toledo, OH
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'Man-Caused Disasters' New Term for Terrorism

Monday, March 23, 2009 8:43 AM

By: Ronald Kessler Article Font Size

The new term for terrorism being used by President Obama’s secretary of Homeland Security would be comical if it were not so scary.

Instead of referring to threats from terrorists, Janet Napolitano is referring in her speeches to “man-caused disasters.” In an interview, a reporter for Germany’s Spiegel Online asked Napolitano whether her avoidance of the term terrorism means that “Islamist terrorism suddenly no longer pose[es] a threat to your country?”

Newsmax.com - 'Man-Caused Disasters' New Term for Terrorism

I feel so much safer already.
I saw Gibbs on tv when he was trying to talk about terrorists without using the term terrorist. After much 'umming' and 'aaahhhing' he finally said 'those that commit these acts'. What a jackass.

'Man-Caused Disasters' -- what the fuck is WRONG with these people?? They should all be shot.
"Collateral damage" was the same way. People who were killed over in Iraq=collateral damages. It's like they were dehumanizing the soldiers who gave their lives fighting terrorists. Wait! I'm not supposed to say that word. :cuckoo: Why does the government feel the need to protect us from such bad words? It's not like by changing the name from "terrorists" to "men who cause man-caused disasters", they will all just run away and cry because they aren't known by a cool name anymore. I think instead of the President and his staff coming up with fancy names for things that might cause a little discomfort in the world, they need to focus on :eek: *gasp* fighting the things that cause discomfort in the world. What next? Are they going to label the tanking economy a "slight downfall of the money that keeps this country going"? I think the American people can handle some bad news-- or they need to grow up.
Fair point.

Building on this theme, I assume that with the economy the way it is now we should refer to it as a 'Bush-caused disaster'?

Though perhaps with GM stock down over 50% in 3 days and much foreign opinion becoming increasingly negative we can start thinking about where the term 'Obama-caused disaster' is appropriate. And indeed what constitutes a a 'Voter-caused disaster'.

It's a quarter of a century late, but George Orwell would be delighted. Double plus good. :clap2:
I saw Gibbs on tv when he was trying to talk about terrorists without using the term terrorist. After much 'umming' and 'aaahhhing' he finally said 'those that commit these acts'. What a jackass.

'Man-Caused Disasters' -- what the fuck is WRONG with these people?? They should all be shot.

they've been dipped in a large bucket of stupid,, no really, it's the sushi!
apparently "war on terror" and "terrorism" are by now associated with "failure" in the American mind

so they don't want to use that word ...

it's all about words anyway. words is the only thing American public "understands" ...

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