Man Arrested And Prosecuted For Having Single Empty Shotgun Shell In His D.C. Home

This is absurd and frankly it is downright scary that this could happen in America like Tucker Carlson stated. Isn't it amazing that the U.S. Constitution is non-existent in our nations capitol? This guy has had to hire an attorney and has already had eight court hearings with the ninth coming up. All this for an inoperable empty shotgun shell he had on his desk as a souvenir.

Prosecuted for possession of empty shotgun shell? | On Air Videos | Fox News

Not surprisingly, there's a bit more to it:

MILLER: D.C. trial for one shotgun shell but no gun, not given NBC David Gregory offer - Washington Times

It's still a travesty of justice, but not just a matter of a single spent round.

Not surprisingly, you are full of shit as every single thing your story mentioned was already mentioned in this thread.

The ammunition was excluded because they stole it, and the sabots are legal under federal, and local, law because they are fired from antique weapons, and thus grandfathered into all existing firearms laws. Since they are lying about the purpose of the ammunition, they can't actually use that, which leaves expended rounds as the only basis for their charge.

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