Making America Great Again: Reinstating the 1790 Naturalization Act Where ONLY White People Became Citizens

Explains why you can't ever be a citizen there. Thank you, Islamist
I lived at lake Como for a year. It was great. They speak Italian there. Spent the winter in Andermatt where they speak German. Very different cultures.
Curried Goat is the living proof that "white replacement theory" is real.
Your ongoing demographic replacement is happening, it's just not a conspiracy nor is it happening against the will of the American people. Mixed race babies are the largest growing demographic while whites as a percentage of the population have decreased. People are choosing to mix. Sad day for you.
Your ongoing demographic replacement is happening, it's just not a conspiracy nor is it happening against the will of the American people. Mixed race babies are the largest growing demographic while whites as a percentage of the population have decreased. People are choosing to mix. Sad day for you.

This is true. Even up in not-so diverse New Hampshire there are noticeably more and more mixed couples pushing baby carriages around these days. Ever thus.
Er...if you go by original intent of the definition at the time of the statute, the definition would exclude everyone who is not English. No German, Irish, Scotch, Polish, Italian, Spanish, Norwegian, Caucasian, Welsh, only English.
Seems you'd be happier living somewhere else. You're not going to get what you want in my country.
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