Make Me Understand


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
Why is the Left better than the Right? I am totally clue less but I am willing to learn. Enlighten me on the economics of what is so great of paying $4.00 a gallon instead of $2.00 a gallon? Are you using some sort of new math as they teach in Oregon? And what's up with having to pay more for everything? Is it that new math again? Tell me what joy it is to pay more tax to get less. Show me how gratifying it is having to support 2 million in our country illegally with things Americans only dream of. All on your dime plus infected. Can you show me two sentences Joe has said in a row that are coherent in the last year and why he is the best thing since sniffin hair. Again I am completely clueless. What was it in Joe's surrender that made him score points in your reasoning? His gifts to the victors, the hostages and military equipment? Make me understand why Joe is the democRat's democRat. Now maybe I'm slow so just tell me how anything can be seen as logical, anything at all to make my slowness not stand in my way to understand. Would it helped if I hit myself in the head respectively with a 32 oz claw hammer until my gray matter splashes in all directions? To be fair maybe I haven't been blessed with the greatness of Joe. So fill me in on all Joe has done the last 50 years for my liberties and freedoms?


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The left is far better at thinking for themselves. They are free-thinkers who keep an open mind, often looking at the entire realm of possibilities before making a decision. They seldom go with the flow, and believe in true individualism, without getting caught up in silly fads. They are independent thinkers who know when they're being lied to, and easily see through the falsehoods being fed them through the media.

Yowsa. :laughing0301:

Why is the Left better than the Right? I am totally clue less but I am willing to learn. Enlighten me on the economics of what is so great of paying $4.00 a gallon instead of $2.00 a gallon? Are you using some sort of new math as they teach in Oregon? And what's up with having to pay more for everything? Is it that new math again? Tell me what joy it is to pay more tax to get less. Show me how gratifying it is having to support 2 million in our country illegally with things Americans only dream of. All on your dime plus infected. Can you show me two sentences Joe has said in a row that are coherent in the last year and why he is the best thing since sniffin hair. Again I am completely clueless. What was it in Joe's surrender that made him score points in your reasoning? His gifts to the victors, the hostages and military equipment? Make me understand why Joe is the democRat's democRat. Now maybe I'm slow so just tell me how anything can be seen as logical, anything at all to make my slowness not stand in my way to understand. Would it helped if I hit myself in the head respectively with a 32 oz claw hammer until my gray matter splashes in all directions? To be fair maybe I haven't been blessed with the greatness of Joe. So fill me in on all Joe has done the last 50 years for my liberties and freedoms?


The government doesn't control gas prices, capitalism does.

You say 2 million illegal immigrants. It's over 12 million illegal immigrants and trump did nothing to deport these 12 million.

Why? Because the 12 plus million illegal immigrants work for Republican businessmen, small business owners for the most part.

The government doesn't control gas prices, capitalism does.

You say 2 million illegal immigrants. It's over 12 million illegal immigrants and trump did nothing to deport these 12 million.

Why? Because the 12 plus million illegal immigrants work for Republican businessmen, small business owners for the most part.

Wrong. Biden and his administration have done a lot to effect the price of gas. And even if they hadn't, they are still the only ones who will ultimately get the blame.

As gas prices soar, Americans can blame Joe Biden

gas prices.jpg
That's what I am talking about. biden shuts down oil production, creates shortage, destroys oil independence, and the brain dead blames capitalism. What did these freaks do in school but the same old uncontrollable drooling. Toxic stupidity will continue till these idiots are drained from the gene pool.
The government doesn't control gas prices, capitalism does.

Actually, it doesn't.

A high percentage of gas prices is ever changing state and federal taxes.

The government controls where oil can be extracted, how much can be extracted, how it can be transported, and how and where it can be stored.

The government decided how much oil can be refined, specifically how it is refined, and how it is transported.

The government can encourage domestic oil production or bring it to a total standstill.

When the government controls every aspect of a market, then the market forces cease to exist.

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