Make America Great Again

Votar Roja

Diamond Member
Sep 11, 2023
Can someone explain to me why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") ?

  • Remember going to the moon?
  • Remember when housing was affordable?
  • Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
  • Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
  • Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
  • Remember when the doctor made house calls?
  • Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
  • Remember the Greatest Generation?

Who does not long for the days when America was great? I'll tell you who: DEMOCRATS.

Democrats hate freedom, they hate America, they are promoting socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.

Real Americans love America and want to "Make America Great Again"

Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your mortal enemy.

Can someone explain to me why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") ?

  • Remember going to the moon?
  • Remember when housing was affordable?
  • Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
  • Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
  • Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
  • Remember when the doctor made house calls?
  • Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
  • Remember the Greatest Generation?

Who does not long for the days when America was great? I'll tell you who: DEMOCRATS.

Democrats hate freedom, they hate America, they are promoting socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.

Real Americans love America and want to "Make America Great Again"

Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your mortal enemy.

Why do you have a picture of Ronald Reagan in your rant, asshole. All that you say made America great in the first place, happened LONG before Reagan was elected.

Remember going to the moon?
Yes, I do. It was President Kennedy's idea, and it was accomplished when President Johnson was in office. Both were Democrats.

Remember when housing was affordable?
Yes, in the 1950 and 1960's and up to the point where Nixon left office. Then interest rates started rising and housing prices. Interest rates were over 10% when Reagan was in office, and housing was unaffordable. The 50 years of FDR's New Deal were the most prosperous in human history. The USA became the most powerful economy in the world - all thanks to Democratic policies.

Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
Yes, Detroit's best year was 1967. When Democrats were in office. Since 1968, American auto manufacturing started to decline, and foreign cars started gaining a foothold in the American market. Detroit was a rusting hulk by the time Reagan was elected.

Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
I remember when I could play safely in the park in the 1950's and 1960's, but even my oldest children who were born in 1972 and 74, who are now turning 50, could not go to the park alone.

Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
Yes I do, it was called the 1950's. By the time Reagan was elected, you needed two incomes to support a family. By the early 70's you needed two incomes to have any kind of life.

Remember when the doctor made house calls?
Doctors stopped making house calls in the 1970's.

Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
Yes, Democrats were in the White House.

Remember the Greatest Generation?
Yes, they were voting for and electing Democrats - FDR was in the White House, and then Truman.

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Why do you have a picture of Ronald Reagan in your rant, asshole. All that you say made America great in the first place, happened LONG before Reagan was elected.

Remember going to the moon?
Yes, I do. It was President Kennedy's idea, and it was accomplished when President Johnson was in office. Both were Democrats.

Remember when housing was affordable?
Yes, in the 1950 and 1960's and up to the point where Nixon left office. Then interest rates started rising and housing prices. Interest rates were over 10% when Reagan was in office, and housing was unaffordable. The 50 years of FDR's New Deal were the most prosperous in human history. The USA became the most powerful economy in the world - all thanks to Democratic policies.

Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
Yes, Detroit's best year was 1967. When Democrats were in office. Since 1968, American auto manufacturing started to decline, and foreign cars started gaining a foothold in the American market. Detroit was a rusting hulk by the time Reagan was elected.

Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
I remember when I could play safely in the park in the 1950's and 1960's, but even my oldest children who were born in 1972 and 74, who are now turning 50, could not go to the park alone.

Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
Yes I do, it was called the 1950's. By the time Reagan was elected, you needed two incomes to support a family. By the early 70's you needed two incomes to have any kind of life.

Remember when the doctor made house calls?
Doctors stopped making house calls in the 1970's.

Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
Yes, Democrats were in the White House.

Remember the Greatest Generation?
Yes, they were voting for and electing Democrats - FDR was in the White House, and then Truman.


That's quite a post. One gigantic hate-filled lie.
But thanks for proving the premise of the thread.
That's quite a post. One gigantic hate-filled lie.
But thanks for proving the premise of the thread.

You're projecting your own fear and loathing of Democrats onto others. Did you thread have a premise? I thought it was about you longing for the days when Democrats were in office, and Democrats made America the greatest nation on earth.

Under Reagan's tax and economic policy, you've lost your economic leadership status, you have the greatest wealth and wage inequity in the first world, and you're the only first world nation with both a declining middle class and a declining life expectancy.

No wonder you long for the days of Democratic leadership. And yet you keep voting for the Republicans who screwed up the country and reduced it to second world status.

There is no one as gullible and stupid as a Republican voter.
Can someone explain to me why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") ?

  • Remember going to the moon?
  • Remember when housing was affordable?
  • Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
  • Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
  • Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
  • Remember when the doctor made house calls?
  • Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
  • Remember the Greatest Generation?

Who does not long for the days when America was great? I'll tell you who: DEMOCRATS.

Democrats hate freedom, they hate America, they are promoting socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.

Real Americans love America and want to "Make America Great Again"

Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your mortal enemy.

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This is why I love the auto strike. The workers want a 40% pay increase. Thats the increase top management gave themselves the last few years.

Since Reagan started breaking unions ceo pay has gone up 1322% but workers only 18%. You don’t think somethings wrong with that?

Thats what happens when workers don’t have a seat at the table.

MAGA? Yes. Let’s start paying workers our fair share. Do I think blue collar workers are worth that much? No. But the CEOs don’t think labor is worth shit.
Our country was much more prosperous, much safer, much more concerned with the people, students and workers and much more respected around the world when Trump was President. MAGA.
So that's when America was great? When Trump was president? So now we know what you mean by make America great again you mean make it Republican again. And you love the RINO's as long as they aren't going against your messiah.

I notice Republicans don't like my definition of when America was great. Because it's not one date where it went from great to not great. It started happening in the late 70's. Most people don't realize class warfare exists and always will. As long as there are politicians, rich, middle class and poor people, there will always be. Because we can vote in politicians who will undo the Reagan, Bush and Trump tax breaks. Put things back to the way they were when America was great.

In 1978 CEO's were paid their fair share. Since their pay has gone up 1322%. And in that time union membership went from 35% of our workforce to just 9%, our pay has only gone up 9%.

MAGA? Let's re negotiate with those CEO's. You don't have a seat at the table but auto workers do. MAGA. Go UAW!!
Ah, the good ole days that never really were..
Democrats and Republicans still suck
by the late Christopher Hitchens

I want to add to my comments about the 1300% raise CEO's have given themselves. Or the 40% pay increases they gave themselves.

My dad, a guy who benefited from the UAW, says "yea but then the price of the car is going to go up"

Mother fucker doesn't realized he was making $5 hr when he got hired at Ford, who paid him $12. He didn't worry about that when they offered him $12.

Anyways, how about this DAD. If giving those workers raises is going to make car prices go up, then giving those CEO's big raises is driving the costs up too. So let's cut their pay and give that money to the workers. That won't raise prices of cars.
I remember when we destroyed the Soviet Union. Good times 'eh Comrade?

Reagan didn't just wage war on the USSR he waged war on the American middle class. Trickle down. Break unions. When labor doesn't have a seat at the table, profits go up for shareholders. And don't complain if the CEO gives themselves all the raises. You're just lucky to have a job.

Well that's true if you don't belong to a union.

I don't belong to a union but I support unions because they bring all our wages up. If the Big 3 pay more everyone else has to pay more. If Honda and Toyota don't, perhaps their workers will organize.

And if their pay goes up, the best blue collar will want to go work at union shops. So tier 1,2 and 3 suppliers who aren't union will have to raise their wages to CLOSE to what union workers make.

A rising tide lifts all ships up. Go unions!
You're projecting your own fear and loathing of Democrats onto others . . . . .

LOL. You're an imbecile.

As usual. like most Marxist dupes, you cannot address the substance of the tread topic so instead you resort to smearing the messenger. The heeelarious part of it is that you actually think you are intelligent enough to psychoanalyze your betters. Too funny, and somewhat pathetic.
Our country was much more prosperous, much safer, much more concerned with the people, students and workers and much more respected around the world when Trump was President. MAGA.
Amen brother
Can someone explain to me why people attack the idea of "Make America Great Again" (known as MAGA") ?

  • Remember going to the moon?
  • Remember when housing was affordable?
  • Remember when Detroit ruled the world with its cars?
  • Remember when you kids could go play safely at the neighborhood park?
  • Remember when jobs were plentiful and you could support your family on one?
  • Remember when the doctor made house calls?
  • Remember D-Day and the Liberation of Europe?
  • Remember the Greatest Generation?

Who does not long for the days when America was great? I'll tell you who: DEMOCRATS.

Democrats hate freedom, they hate America, they are promoting socialism, they are the enemy of everything that is good and descent. They promote sodomy and sexualizing children and murdering babies by abortion. From the days of slavery, which democrats fight for, to today, Democrats have been a satanic evil entity.

Real Americans love America and want to "Make America Great Again"

Beware of those who mock the acronym MAGA. They are very likely your mortal enemy.

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Can you explain why you think America wasn't always great?

Your list is outdated by about 50 years, things go up. Why don't you go back to 1900 and by year show where the cost of living or doing anything cost less. Why can't you dumb fucker's realize we do not live in the 50's any longer?

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