Make America America Again

Actually FBI records show Deschenko was hired to investigate and dig dirt up on Manfort as well as acquire the Russian-authored Dossier.

Deschenko's talent, one of them, was research..
And everything about Manafort was independently documented by bank records, store records, and other documentary sources of financial transactions.

Which is why Manafort was found guilty of so many felonies, by so many courts.
forget about us being "great" (subjective term if there ever was one)

Let's make America just simply America again

Anyone who knows the founding of this country and the ideas that brought forth on this continent... etc... this nation knows that we are Far Far from where we should be, where we once were... where we could be...

if only freaks didn't rule
True. Hell, much of the Trump agenda was good for America. Trouble is, it was a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.
The information sources for Americans in the popular media have been corrupted for a hundred years. As such the media writes the history books and what you think is real is sometimes fiction intended as propaganda. The media used to be mildly supportive of democrat administrations but today the mainstream media is the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
The Cuban Revolution of 1895, came at a perfect time for Hearst and his New York Journal. ... Hearst allegedly replied with, "You furnish the pictures. I'll furnish the war." In 1898, Hearst chartered the yacht Sylvia to Cuba to witness battles between the U.S. Navy and the Spanish Fleet.

William McKinley was the 25th President of the United States, serving from March 4, 1897, until his assassination on September 14, 1901, after leading the nation to victory in the Spanish-American War and raising protective tariffs to promote American industry.
And everything about Manafort was independently documented by bank records, store records, and other documentary sources of financial transactions.

Which is why Manafort was found guilty of so many felonies, by so many courts.
Nione of that had to do with Trump.....and it was interesting that Hillary's campaign manager, John PokerStars, was Manafort's partner at the time, engaged jn the same thing except Podedta was protected....

His brother, Fat Tony, was also an un-registered foreign agent working with the Russians...and miraculously he escaped indictments, too.
True. Hell, much of the Trump agenda was good for America. Trouble is, it was a case of Right Message, Wrong Messenger.
More like right message, wrong century. Trump was trying to return us to 1861.
Funny. You claimed that Obama was dividing the nation, yet it was more united than it was under Trump, who did more to destroy American from within than any other president (other than Jefferson Davis).

Trump has made America doubt nearly all the institutions it holds sacred. From not being able to hold fair and honest elections, to a department of justice that can't dispense justice, to law enforcement fabricating crimes.

Not to mention Trumps attack on the 4th estate from day one.

Until Trump, we never realized the degree to which Neo-Marxism in our Country had taken hold!
Once again, 'The Donald' gets mucho thanx for his bold and successful MAGA policies before the pandemic descended and Dimm's knee-capped him with a swing-state Royal Scam!
Thank you President Trump......:salute:!
Nione of that had to do with Trump.....
Trump hired Manafort, and let him have the insider polling data he passed to Konstantin Kilimnik, who passed it to Putin, who had the GRU use it to interfere in the 2016 election.
Until Trump, we never realized the degree to which Neo-Marxism in our Country had taken hold!
Before Trump, we never realized that every election was filled with voter fraud to the extent of millions of votes.

Unfortunately after recounts, audits, and nearly a hundred lawsuits, the only conclusion was that Biden won by even more votes then before the recounts and audits.
Before Trump, we never realized that every election was filled with voter fraud to the extent of millions of votes.

Unfortunately after recounts, audits, and nearly a hundred lawsuits, the only conclusion was that Biden won by even more votes then before the recounts and audits.

Alot of recounts.
Not many audits.
Learn the difference.
Trump hired Manafort, and let him have the insider polling data he passed to Konstantin Kilimnik, who passed it to Putin, who had the GRU use it to interfere in the 2016 election.


I'm tired of douche bags like you making such statements without posting any supporting data, meaning it's your made up bullshit.


I'm tired of douche bags like you making such statements without posting any supporting data, meaning it's your made up bullshit.

Trump authorized Manafort to have the polling data. As he revealed when told that Manafort shared the data with russians

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he did not know that his former 2016 presidential campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, allegedly shared polling data with a business partner who prosecutors say had ties to Russian intelligence. "No, I didn't know anything about it," he told reporters at the White House.

If Trump didn't authorize Manafort to have the polling data, he would have said so to distance himself from it's transfer to the russians.
Trump authorized Manafort to have the polling data. As he revealed when told that Manafort shared the data with russians

U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he did not know that his former 2016 presidential campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, allegedly shared polling data with a business partner who prosecutors say had ties to Russian intelligence. "No, I didn't know anything about it," he told reporters at the White House.

If Trump didn't authorize Manafort to have the polling data, he would have said so to distance himself from it's transfer to the russians.
So all you have to base your dumbass false claim on is your own personal belief summed up in that last sentence....


Thank you for that biased opinion and confirmation that you have no evidence.

Brilliant! :p

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