Scotus Could Make America's Gun Infatuation Threat Worse by Allowing Everybody to Carry Concealed Weapons.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

Or so goes the Demonrat's argument.
In truth, there is no reason why every Americans shouldln't be permitted to carry concealed weapons anywhere and everywhere they choose. It's their 2nd. amendmunt rights.

None of the Demonrat arguments make any sense at all.

The Big Lie: If states like New York are unable to restrict who may carry a concealed weapon, we will be at greater risk of gun violence, threats from foreign and domestic terrorism and political extremism.
The great thing about concealed carry is that it keeps the Criminal Element guessing.

Criminals really don't want to get into gun fights. They would rather shoot, rape and rob defenseless people who won't put up a fight.

The last thing thing a thug wants to do is to say hello to your little friend.

The fact that millions more will be packing heat, will make the whole Street Crime Scam a lot riskier.
The great thing about concealed carry is that it keeps the Criminal Element guessing.

Criminals really don't want to get into gun fights. They would rather shoot, rape and rob defenseless people who won't put up a fight.

The last thing thing a thug wants to do is to say hello to your little friend.

The fact that millions more will be packing heat, will make the whole Street Crime Scam a lot riskier.
The even greater thing about concealed carry with no exceptions is that it keeps everybody guessing!

It's the perfect storm for America but it's probably too perfect and will fail for that reason. Even that bunch of extreme right Scotus wankers won't be that suicide motivated!

But it's fun to imagine the scenarios that could play out! Like convenience stores going out of business from walls and ceilings being too full of bullet holes to repair.

Or a lack of clerks with fast draws who will show up for work at $7.50 an hour!

This thread can be for thinking up all the 'really' gud stuff that could happen!
The great thing about concealed carry is that it keeps the Criminal Element guessing.

Criminals really don't want to get into gun fights. They would rather shoot, rape and rob defenseless people who won't put up a fight.

The last thing thing a thug wants to do is to say hello to your little friend.

The fact that millions more will be packing heat, will make the whole Street Crime Scam a lot riskier.
In short order we'll begin running low on criminals.

Or so goes the Demonrat's argument.
In truth, there is no reason why every Americans shouldln't be permitted to carry concealed weapons anywhere and everywhere they choose. It's their 2nd. amendmunt rights.

None of the Demonrat arguments make any sense at all.

The Big Lie: If states like New York are unable to restrict who may carry a concealed weapon, we will be at greater risk of gun violence, threats from foreign and domestic terrorism and political extremism.

SCOTUS isn't going to go as far as allowing conceal and carry without a permit everywhere in the country.

But the NY law as it is today is probably history.
That cluebird shitting on your head still hasn't given you the drift that americans [sic] are NOT interested in your opinions, suggestions, advice, or viewpoints.

If the great men who founded the U.S. wanted us to be a shithole like Canaduh, they'd have kissed George III's ass, as Canaduh's founded did, rather than kick his ass, as they did.

Or so goes the Demonrat's argument.
In truth, there is no reason why every Americans shouldln't be permitted to carry concealed weapons anywhere and everywhere they choose. It's their 2nd. amendmunt rights.

None of the Demonrat arguments make any sense at all.

The Big Lie: If states like New York are unable to restrict who may carry a concealed weapon, we will be at greater risk of gun violence, threats from foreign and domestic terrorism and political extremism.

I think legislation should be passed prohibiting Marxist Democrats, Liberal Extremists, leftist domestic terrorist members (Antifa & BLM), and snowflakes from owning / carrying a weapon, as they have proved they can not handle the responsibility and are prone to criminal activity.

Chicago is a perfect example of liberal extremist thugs, robbers, gang members buying / owning out-of-state weapons and using them in out-of-control, record-setting numbers of violence AND the Democrats running the city not giving a damn, choosing to avoid it because it's Black-on-Black crime liberals say you can't even talk a put let alone address it.

Then you have local and state Democrats who allow domestic terrorists to pillage, plunder, loot, damage, burn, and destroy businesses, city blocks. And homes - letting them back on the streets to continue doing it as fast as they are arrested but they go all-in to arrest, persecute, and prosecute 2 law-abiding home owners and gun owners who hold legally-owned fire arms to ward off domestic terrorists who have trespassed onto their property and threatened to kill them and burn down their home.

Then at the Federal level you have Barack Obama that ran guns to Nexican Drug Cartels in hopes that there would be such a body count he could mount an effort to pass legislation to confiscate/ outlaw guns in the US....resulting in the deaths of Mexicans and Americans...

And let's not forget how Barry ran weapons to Al Qaeda and ISIS...

I am all for gun confiscation and outlawing gun ownership for Democrats, liberals, and snowflakes.
SCOTUS isn't going to go as far as allowing conceal and carry without a permit everywhere in the country.

But the NY law as it is today is probably history.
That's your personal compromise to prevent the train wreck rattling down the tracks. But there's no way that 'Shooter' and 2A are going to agree with that. There are no exceptions to the 2nd. amendment, and that's what makes it all so exciting!
I think legislation should be passed prohibiting Marxist Democrats, Liberal Extremists, leftist domestic terrorist members (Antifa & BLM), and snowflakes from owning / carrying a weapon, as they have proved they can not handle the responsibility and are prone to criminal activity.
Non-white skinned people covers all of that.

I think your fukked by your extremist lack of gun laws and you're looking for some way out.

No restrictions on concealed packing heat is just too good for even you to hope for.
SCOTUS isn't going to go as far as allowing conceal and carry without a permit everywhere in the country.

But the NY law as it is today is probably history.
The SCOTUS doesn't matter, Chicago is reinstituting gun controls the SCOTUS has already ruled unconstitutional.
Non-white skinned people covers all of that.

I think your fukked by your extremist lack of gun laws and you're looking for some way out.

No restrictions on concealed packing heat is just too good for even you to hope for.
The problem is not that there aren't enough (Un-Constitutional) gun laws, rules, and regulations, it's that Democrats don't enforce them and don't adequately punish offenders.

Also, every time there is a school shooting where 20 people get shit they don't hesitate to politicize the event before the bodies even get cold, but they completely ignore the 40 - 50 people who get shot and 4 - 5 who are killed in Chicago EVERY WEEKEND!

If the great men who founded the U.S. wanted us to be a shithole like Canaduh, they'd have kissed George III's ass, as Canaduh's founded did, rather than kick his ass, as they did.
When the USA declared it's independence it was illegal for the people to own arms in most countries. That allowed brutal monarchies and dictatorships to kill and abuse their people. The founders made sure we the people would never be defenseless with the 2nd amendment. That's why it was 2nd only to the right of free speech.
Also, every time there is a school shooting where 20 people get shit they don't hesitate to politicize the event before the bodies even get cold, but they completely ignore the 40 - 50 people who get shot and 4 - 5 who are killed in Chicago EVERY WEEKEND!
I think we all know why the lying dishonest so called news media do this.
Also, every time there is a school shooting where 20 people get shit they don't hesitate to politicize the event before the bodies even get cold,
They're making a big deal out of no big deal. You too are saying the Demonrat brats had it comin.
Unrestricted packing concealed heat is the only solution for school kids who can show they are responsible gun owners.
When the USA declared it's independence it was illegal for the people to own arms in most countries. That allowed brutal monarchies and dictatorships to kill and abuse their people. The founders made sure we the people would never be defenseless with the 2nd amendment. That's why it was 2nd only to the right of free speech.
That's when the other countries stopped shooting each other and Americans took over.
Nearly 40,000 Americans whack each other or whack themselves each year.

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