Majority Says Biden's Speech Was a "Dangerous Escalation" Designed to "Incite Conflict"

When you have to lie to make your point, you’ve already lost.

“Too much of what’s happening in our country today is not normal. Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic.

Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans. Not every Republican embraces their extreme ideology. I know, because I’ve been able to work with these mainstream Republicans.”
So who exactly are the MAGA Republicans he’s demonizing? How many?
Did harder. You'll eventually find it.
So who exactly are the MAGA Republicans he’s demonizing? How many?
How about you explain where you got your 60 million number from when Biden explicitly stated that he’s talking about a minority within the Republican Party?

“Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.”
Is the Republican Party in trouble?

Julian Zelizer seems to think so.

He writes, "A public rift between Florida Sen. Rick Scott, who heads the National Republican Senatorial Committee, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has highlighted the ongoing debate within the GOP about how far the party should go to cater to former President Donald Trump and promote his role as kingpin.

"Last month, McConnell acknowledged the Republican Party had a better chance of winning control of the House than the Senate, citing the quality of the candidates, some of whom Trump endorsed and Scott played a role in recruiting. “Senate races are just different — they’re statewide, candidate quality has a lot to do with the outcome,” McConnell said.

"Scott then published an op-ed in the Washington Examiner last week, slamming members of the GOP who were “trash-talking our Republican candidates.” He added, “It’s an amazing act of cowardice, and ultimately, it’s treasonous to the conservative cause.”

It is painfully obvious who Scott was talking about, and the Republican Party abandoned the conservative cause when Donald Trump became their leader. One of those conservative principles is respect for law and order. Trump is fending off multiple state and federal criminal charges, and grassroots Republicans -- as well as most Republican lawmakers -- are defending him.

Anyway, back to Zelizer. "Former President Donald Trump has inserted himself in the midterms and endorsed several inexperienced and unfit candidates who are now struggling to pull ahead. Mehmet Oz’s campaign against Lt. Governor John Fetterman in Pennsylvania is faltering, former football star Herschel Walker is locked in a dead heat with incumbent Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia and bestselling author JD Vance has been running a low-visibility campaign in Ohio.

"McConnell, a master tactician who criticized Trump during the 2016 campaign, surprised many onlookers by working closely with the former president once he was in the White House. But the truth is that McConnell has always been driven by the pursuit of partisan power, and his more recent decision to break with Trump may be fueled by the growing sense that the former president is a bigger liability than he’s worth."

Unfortunately for McConnell, against all logic, the education challenged, uninformed rural voter is staying with Trump in a cult-like manner.

They can't even respond to the issues contained in this report. Reality is not their forte. They try to avoid it.

Which explains their undying loyalty to Trump.
How about you explain where you got your 60 million number from when Biden explicitly stated that he’s talking about a minority within the Republican Party?

“Now, I want to be very clear, very clear up front. Not every Republican, not even the majority of Republicans, are MAGA Republicans.”
60 million is the number who do not trust the results of the election, the majority (50 million) of Republicans and another 10 million Independents.
Did you hear Biden’s speech at National Harbor, MD yesterday? He’s doubling down on mocking Republicans.

Then we have Hillary saying we need to “purge Republicans” like a “disease.”

THIS is the strategy that Dems are using to win the midterms. They are trying to deflect from the disaster in inflation, the illegals swamping the border, the soaring crime rate, etc., and focus on ridiculing and demonizing Republicans.
Did you hear Biden’s speech at National Harbor, MD yesterday? He’s doubling down on mocking Republicans.

Then we have Hillary saying we need to “purge Republicans” like a “disease.”

THIS is the strategy that Dems are using to win the midterms. They are trying to deflect from the disaster in inflation, the illegals swamping the border, the soaring crime rate, etc., and focus on ridiculing and demonizing Republicans.
Ridiculing, demonizing, intimidating....

The whole thing amounts to soft terrorism

So now the Deep State is terrorist

Terrorist Deep State...

Hey! TDS ! :p
Obama went out of his way to keep migrant families together.
Obama released migrants after they were processed (catch and release).
Trump ran against this policy and in effect turned the temporary holding facilities into prisons.

Not true. Because Obama was giving illegal children to child traffickers.
I would like another choice next time and hope he does not run. Still, if I had to choose between 4 more years of Joe, vs another 4 of Trump, who damned well might end free elections as we know it, constitution be damned, I would have to go with Joe.
I am independent as it gets down through the years, but before you label me again as just another GD liberal asshole, you need to remember, I am not having the problems here some of you are having there, and not threatened by it here either. This could be from being in a Red state, but having experience locally with Republicans and Democrat, while supporting most of the Governor we have had except for Blanton and the Republican before this one. Most of us live conservative lives by nature and mainly want to be left the fk alone. We don't have high taxes, don't know women with multiple abortions. Not rich, but I won't go broke this lifetime. We're pretty self protecting, more armed than average across the country and our murderous thugs usually only killing one at a time, instead of mass shootings and often can't hit what aim at, which gives me a big personal advantage. I just want to keep the right to vote the bastards out of office and have them leave, like a constitution abiding loyal American, not a third world rabble-rousing asshole, who will even invite at thank the rabble for marching on our own capital, like some tin horn banana republic revolutionary overthrow asshole.

Then you truly are an idiot. Trump is the first president to not get us into a war, that created an economy where the middle class actually gained wealth faster than the rich, and who actually did what he said he would do on the campaign trail.

And all you have is "Orange man bad".

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