Majority of Americans oppose Trump's proposals to test democracy's limits


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
“A majority of Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plans to use the U.S. military to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, to instruct the U.S. Justice Department to investigate his political rivals and to pardon rioters charged with breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to a nationwide Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Even larger majorities of Americans oppose Trump’s plans to jail reporters for writing stories he doesn’t like and having police use force against anti-Trump protests.

The survey of 1,251 Americans was conducted weeks after Trump’s victory and sought to examine public sentiment about positions espoused by the president-elect that challenge democratic principles and strain constitutional norms, as well as views on the legitimacy of American elections after Trump’s win. Trump has claimed a broad mandate for his proposals and has selected cabinet secretaries and other executive branch officials who have expressed eagerness to carry them out. But the poll results indicate that Americans reject many of the proposals that experts say could erode the guardrails that help keep presidential power in check.”

Buyers’ remorse begins – the voters voted for this fascist authoritarianism, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

The people are solely responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.
“A majority of Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plans to use the U.S. military to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, to instruct the U.S. Justice Department to investigate his political rivals and to pardon rioters charged with breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to a nationwide Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Even larger majorities of Americans oppose Trump’s plans to jail reporters for writing stories he doesn’t like and having police use force against anti-Trump protests.

The survey of 1,251 Americans was conducted weeks after Trump’s victory and sought to examine public sentiment about positions espoused by the president-elect that challenge democratic principles and strain constitutional norms, as well as views on the legitimacy of American elections after Trump’s win. Trump has claimed a broad mandate for his proposals and has selected cabinet secretaries and other executive branch officials who have expressed eagerness to carry them out. But the poll results indicate that Americans reject many of the proposals that experts say could erode the guardrails that help keep presidential power in check.”

Buyers’ remorse begins – the voters voted for this fascist authoritarianism, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

The people are solely responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.

"Buyer's remorse"? :laughing0301:
Buyers’ remorse begins – the voters voted for this fascist authoritarianism, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

The people are solely responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.

The American people have recognised exactly whom the DOs( Diseased Ones) are, and decent people are ridding the political scene of these Extremist Lefty Mutants .
Sad to see you including yourself as part of the Vermin infestation .
Your choice . And now it is time for you to leave the stage-- dejected and rejected.
The American people have recognised exactly whom the DOs( Diseased Ones) are, and decent people are ridding the political scene of these Extremist Lefty Mutants .
Sad to see you including yourself as part of the Vermin infestation .
Your choice . And now it is time for you to leave the stage-- dejected and rejected.

But he's trying to tell me I should feel "guilty" about having voted for Trump. :laughing0301:

"Buyer's remorse." :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::lol::21:
But he's trying to tell me I should feel "guilty" about having voted for Trump. :laughing0301:

"Buyer's remorse." :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::lol::21:

We had one or two silly girls like Celia Laydown Bones at my Finishing School, Roedean .
Obviously foreign and not of true Anglo Saxon stock .

We used to wee all over their clothes when we went swimming at our indoor pool -- we used to change in cubicles .
That's how to give Diseased Ones ( DOs) Wearers Remorse .

Hope those happy memories of mine help .
We had one or two silly girls like Celia Laydown Bones at my Finishing School, Roedean .
Obviously foreign and not of true Anglo Saxon stock .

We used to wee all over their clothes when we went swimming at our indoor pool -- we used to change in cubicles .

That's how to give Diseased Ones ( DOs) Wearers Remorse .

Hope those happy memories of mine help .

"Celia Laydown Bones" :auiqs.jpg:
“A majority of Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plans to use the U.S. military to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, to instruct the U.S. Justice Department to investigate his political rivals and to pardon rioters charged with breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to a nationwide Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Even larger majorities of Americans oppose Trump’s plans to jail reporters for writing stories he doesn’t like and having police use force against anti-Trump protests.

The survey of 1,251 Americans was conducted weeks after Trump’s victory and sought to examine public sentiment about positions espoused by the president-elect that challenge democratic principles and strain constitutional norms, as well as views on the legitimacy of American elections after Trump’s win. Trump has claimed a broad mandate for his proposals and has selected cabinet secretaries and other executive branch officials who have expressed eagerness to carry them out. But the poll results indicate that Americans reject many of the proposals that experts say could erode the guardrails that help keep presidential power in check.”

Buyers’ remorse begins – the voters voted for this fascist authoritarianism, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

The people are solely responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.
lol....jones calm down ...maybe your spouse didnt like harris thats why she voted for trump.....
“A majority of Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plans to use the U.S. military to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, to instruct the U.S. Justice Department to investigate his political rivals and to pardon rioters charged with breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to a nationwide Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Even larger majorities of Americans oppose Trump’s plans to jail reporters for writing stories he doesn’t like and having police use force against anti-Trump protests.

The survey of 1,251 Americans was conducted weeks after Trump’s victory and sought to examine public sentiment about positions espoused by the president-elect that challenge democratic principles and strain constitutional norms, as well as views on the legitimacy of American elections after Trump’s win. Trump has claimed a broad mandate for his proposals and has selected cabinet secretaries and other executive branch officials who have expressed eagerness to carry them out. But the poll results indicate that Americans reject many of the proposals that experts say could erode the guardrails that help keep presidential power in check.”

Buyers’ remorse begins – the voters voted for this fascist authoritarianism, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

The people are solely responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.
312-226 facediaper.
Breathe in some oxygen dimtard.
“A majority of Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plans to use the U.S. military to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, to instruct the U.S. Justice Department to investigate his political rivals and to pardon rioters charged with breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to a nationwide Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Even larger majorities of Americans oppose Trump’s plans to jail reporters for writing stories he doesn’t like and having police use force against anti-Trump protests.

The survey of 1,251 Americans was conducted weeks after Trump’s victory and sought to examine public sentiment about positions espoused by the president-elect that challenge democratic principles and strain constitutional norms, as well as views on the legitimacy of American elections after Trump’s win. Trump has claimed a broad mandate for his proposals and has selected cabinet secretaries and other executive branch officials who have expressed eagerness to carry them out. But the poll results indicate that Americans reject many of the proposals that experts say could erode the guardrails that help keep presidential power in check.”

Buyers’ remorse begins – the voters voted for this fascist authoritarianism, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

The people are solely responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.
So now more poll bs??
“A majority of Americans oppose Donald Trump’s plans to use the U.S. military to deport millions of undocumented immigrants, to instruct the U.S. Justice Department to investigate his political rivals and to pardon rioters charged with breaking into the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, according to a nationwide Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.

Even larger majorities of Americans oppose Trump’s plans to jail reporters for writing stories he doesn’t like and having police use force against anti-Trump protests.

The survey of 1,251 Americans was conducted weeks after Trump’s victory and sought to examine public sentiment about positions espoused by the president-elect that challenge democratic principles and strain constitutional norms, as well as views on the legitimacy of American elections after Trump’s win. Trump has claimed a broad mandate for his proposals and has selected cabinet secretaries and other executive branch officials who have expressed eagerness to carry them out. But the poll results indicate that Americans reject many of the proposals that experts say could erode the guardrails that help keep presidential power in check.”

Buyers’ remorse begins – the voters voted for this fascist authoritarianism, the consequence of their fear, ignorance, and stupidity.

The people are solely responsible for the bad government they get – and Trump is the worst.
There are parallels between today and events in the wake of WWI:

Fascism shattered Europe a century ago — and historians hear echoes today in the U.S. - Berkeley News

"As in Europe after World War I, 'there’s kind of a disdain for democracy,' said John Connelly, the eminent historian of modern Europe.

"'There’s a willingness to think of going beyond the technicalities of a democratic system in order to solve problems. There’s a longing — there’s a respect for strong leadership that many believe is lacking in a standard liberal democracy.'"

It appears likely that US democracy is facing a bigger threat than anytime since the Civil War; the public's frustration with polarization, corruption, and threats of MAGA violence, along with SCOTUS's ruling granting presidents broad immunity from the law, could make democracy obsolete in this country.

Majority of Americans oppose Trump's proposals to test democracy's limits​

Congratulations, Clay, you found 1 in 7 people stupid enough to agree with you and Wapo. That is only 14% Stoopid, not even 50%! I don't oppose Trump's proposals, the majority of Americans obviously don't neither, and Wapo obviously has no way of knowing what the "majority" of America thinks on anything unless they can come up with 175 million people they actually interviewed!

This amounts to BULLSHIT, fake news, lies and propaganda, your cup of tea, and maybe it is time to take a closer look at Wapo's FCC license to operate as a legitimate news organization.

As to testing democracy's limits, we just went through 4 years of that with Dark Brandon which is why Trump is back in the WH. Oh and, it doesn't matter shit what you or Wapo think or write--- Trump won, you lost, and Trump's proposals will now be the law of the land and you can lump it. Jump on a horse and dump it.
Trump didn't have a mandate. He just said stuff, often contradictory, in order to win.
He just said stuff? Wow. So in other words, Harris was so weak and always in hiding that Trump beat her on sheer blather alone.
Trump could have beaten Harris just blowing soap bubbles in a pipe.
And somehow, that is OUR fault. :laughing0301:

Just noise
Apparently an ounce of Trump's noise was worth more than a POUND of Harris's Hollywood stars.
Too bad Trump didn't run as nearly as solid a campaign as Kammy. :lmao:

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