Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel


VIP Member
Jun 11, 2012
What a wonderful story testifying to the growth of the BDS Movement in the US.

Our educational institutions in the US are neither dummies or lacking consciences.

THEY see Injustice in the world we live in and confront it head on with Truth.

Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "The largest and oldest academic organization dedicated to the study of the United States announced on Monday that its membership had voted overwhelmingly to endorse the boycott of Israeli academic institutions."

I read from the Maan article that in a landmark decision, more than 66% of voting members of the American Studies Association has opted in favor of a resolution that supported the boycott of Israel.

And furthermore the resolution expressed the association's support for US-based academics to speak out critically on Israeli policies.

"The ASA's endorsement of the academic boycott emerges from the context of US military and other support for Israel; Israel's violation of international law and UN resolutions; the documented impact of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian scholars and students; the extent to which Israeli institutions of higher education are a party to state policies that violate human rights; and finally, the support of such a resolution by a majority of ASA members," a statement released by the association on Monday read."

The results of the vote by the ASA follow the decision of the association's national council to endorse the resolution from early December.

Although the council expressed its support for the resolution, it actually referred the final decision to its members.

In the vote by the members of the association's 5,000 members, 1,252 cast their votes. And 66.05% said yes, and 30.5% said no and 3.43% abstained.

According to the ASA's*website, what the resolution entails and encompasses is a ban on "formal collaborations with Israeli academic institutions, or with scholars who are expressly serving as representatives or ambassadors of those institutions."

What specifically is not called for is "a boycott of Israeli scholars engaged in individual-level contacts and ordinary forms of academic exchange," the site clarifies.

THE site adds that "the goal of the academic boycott is to contribute to the larger movement for social justice in Israel/Palestine that seeks to expand, not further restrict, the rights to education and free inquiry."

The American Studies Association happens to be the largest US-based academic association to support the academic boycott of Israel to-date, and it follows the Association for Asian American Studies' decision to do so in April.

The vote is a particularly historic move given that the United States is one of Israel's strongest allies and gives it more $3 billion in aid per year.*

The campaign was supported by the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), a major scholarly organization with nearly 1000 endorsements from many leading US academics.

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel was officially launched in 2004 by Palestinian civil society to pressure Israel to end its systematic violations of Palestinian human rights, that includes the right to education.

"Activists argue that extensive institutional collaboration between Israeli universities and the Israeli military warrant an international boycott campaign, as part of a broader movement of boycott, divestment, and sanctions targeting the State of Israel in order to end the occupation and its extensive human rights violations."

Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel | Maan News Agency
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What a wonderful story testifying to the growth of the BDS Movement in the US.

Our educational institutions in the US are neither dummies or lacking consciences.

THEY see Injustice in the world we live in and confront it head on with Truth.

Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "The largest and oldest academic organization dedicated to the study of the United States announced on Monday that its membership had voted overwhelmingly to endorse the boycott of Israeli academic institutions."

I read from the Maan article that in a landmark decision, more than 66% of voting members of the American Studies Association has opted in favor of a resolution that supported the boycott of Israel.

And furthermore the resolution expressed the association's support for US-based academics to speak out critically on Israeli policies.

"The ASA's endorsement of the academic boycott emerges from the context of US military and other support for Israel; Israel's violation of international law and UN resolutions; the documented impact of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian scholars and students; the extent to which Israeli institutions of higher education are a party to state policies that violate human rights; and finally, the support of such a resolution by a majority of ASA members," a statement released by the association on Monday read."

The results of the vote by the ASA follow the decision of the association's national council to endorse the resolution from early December.

Although the council expressed its support for the resolution, it actually referred the final decision to its members.

In the vote by the members of the association's 5,000 members, 1,252 cast their votes. And 66.05% said yes, and 30.5% said no and 3.43% abstained.

According to the ASA's*website, what the resolution entails and encompasses is a ban on "formal collaborations with Israeli academic institutions, or with scholars who are expressly serving as representatives or ambassadors of those institutions."

What specifically is not called for is "a boycott of Israeli scholars engaged in individual-level contacts and ordinary forms of academic exchange," the site clarifies.

THE site adds that "the goal of the academic boycott is to contribute to the larger movement for social justice in Israel/Palestine that seeks to expand, not further restrict, the rights to education and free inquiry."

The American Studies Association happens to be the largest US-based academic association to support the academic boycott of Israel to-date, and it follows the Association for Asian American Studies' decision to do so in April.

The vote is a particularly historic move given that the United States is one of Israel's strongest allies and gives it more $3 billion in aid per year.*

The campaign was supported by the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), a major scholarly organization with nearly 1000 endorsements from many leading US academics.

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel was officially launched in 2004 by Palestinian civil society to pressure Israel to end its systematic violations of Palestinian human rights, that includes the right to education.

"Activists argue that extensive institutional collaboration between Israeli universities and the Israeli military warrant an international boycott campaign, as part of a broader movement of boycott, divestment, and sanctions targeting the State of Israel in order to end the occupation and its extensive human rights violations."

Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel | Maan News Agency

Actually what you find that a small minority of organized anti-Israeli radicals that hijacked a non-political organization to perpetuate their Jew hate.

I’m most shocked at the low turnout for the vote. Given the time and energy devoted by the anti-Israel backers of the boycott, only 825 or so votes were in favor. At the same time, opponents (who were ambushed by the proposal) only managed to get about 375 people interested. Effectively, most people didn’t care. Apathy is perhaps the saddest lesson from this given the odious nature of the proposal, and it’s how anti-Israel zealots are able to drive issues far out of proportion to their actual numbers.

In a nation that overwhelmingly supports Israel at historically high levels, a highly organized cadre of anti-Israel radicals was able to pull off a multi-year effort successfully. They put their people in charge of a previously non-partisan academic organization, waited to ambush the opposition, made sure the flow of information was one-sided, and in the end used a relatively small but motivated group of sympathizers to commit the entire organization to an act widely condemned outside the anti-Israel community.

It’s a lesson in how good people let bad people win, and should be a wake up call to supporters of Israel and/or academic freedom.
Ever since the BDS movement began, Israel's economy has been booming at an all time high with foreign investments. Long live the BDS movement.

Israel's Booming Economy: A Great Israel PR Success Story | Ronn Torossian | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel

And the thing is that even Arab countries purchase Israeli goods. They are transhipped by brokers and the labels are taken off. By the way, did you ever happen to read this article?

Loewenstein's Load of BDS BS | HonestReporting
From the article in Sally's post above:

"Blumenthal isn’t honest. He isn’t a journalist, but an Israel-hating ideologue who is willing to play fast and loose with the facts to get his point across. He doesn’t want to expose problems so they can be solved, he wants everyone to hate Israel as much as he does. He doesn’t want to improve the Jewish state, but to destroy it."

That is eerily reminiscent of the pious l'il pustule, isn't it?
And sometimes slowly and sometimes more rapidly the drop, drop, drop of individual and collective acts of Jihad quietly goes forward producing a quiet little victory here, a seemingly insignifican't bit of progress there until one day a development like this occurs.

And we all glance at the headline and quickly forget about it.

And the dutiful Jihadists by the thousands take heart and then return to their struggle to help Islam achieve global dominance.

A drop at a time.

While Americans do not enough..
Most definately. The BDS movement has greatly helped increase Christian support & investments in Israel to an all time high. Bless you & all those who support this.

Well, then, we can all agree BDS is a positive development for all!
LOL, and if this group had voted NOT to join the BDS conspiracy - I'm sure we'd have been treated to a flaming OP claiming they were of no importance whatsoever........
What a wonderful story testifying to the growth of the BDS Movement in the US.

Our educational institutions in the US are neither dummies or lacking consciences.

THEY see Injustice in the world we live in and confront it head on with Truth.

Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- "The largest and oldest academic organization dedicated to the study of the United States announced on Monday that its membership had voted overwhelmingly to endorse the boycott of Israeli academic institutions."

I read from the Maan article that in a landmark decision, more than 66% of voting members of the American Studies Association has opted in favor of a resolution that supported the boycott of Israel.

And furthermore the resolution expressed the association's support for US-based academics to speak out critically on Israeli policies.

"The ASA's endorsement of the academic boycott emerges from the context of US military and other support for Israel; Israel's violation of international law and UN resolutions; the documented impact of the Israeli occupation on Palestinian scholars and students; the extent to which Israeli institutions of higher education are a party to state policies that violate human rights; and finally, the support of such a resolution by a majority of ASA members," a statement released by the association on Monday read."

The results of the vote by the ASA follow the decision of the association's national council to endorse the resolution from early December.

Although the council expressed its support for the resolution, it actually referred the final decision to its members.

In the vote by the members of the association's 5,000 members, 1,252 cast their votes. And 66.05% said yes, and 30.5% said no and 3.43% abstained.

According to the ASA's*website, what the resolution entails and encompasses is a ban on "formal collaborations with Israeli academic institutions, or with scholars who are expressly serving as representatives or ambassadors of those institutions."

What specifically is not called for is "a boycott of Israeli scholars engaged in individual-level contacts and ordinary forms of academic exchange," the site clarifies.

THE site adds that "the goal of the academic boycott is to contribute to the larger movement for social justice in Israel/Palestine that seeks to expand, not further restrict, the rights to education and free inquiry."

The American Studies Association happens to be the largest US-based academic association to support the academic boycott of Israel to-date, and it follows the Association for Asian American Studies' decision to do so in April.

The vote is a particularly historic move given that the United States is one of Israel's strongest allies and gives it more $3 billion in aid per year.*

The campaign was supported by the US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI), a major scholarly organization with nearly 1000 endorsements from many leading US academics.

The Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel was officially launched in 2004 by Palestinian civil society to pressure Israel to end its systematic violations of Palestinian human rights, that includes the right to education.

"Activists argue that extensive institutional collaboration between Israeli universities and the Israeli military warrant an international boycott campaign, as part of a broader movement of boycott, divestment, and sanctions targeting the State of Israel in order to end the occupation and its extensive human rights violations."

Major US scholarly association votes for academic boycott of Israel | Maan News Agency

Actually what you find that a small minority of organized anti-Israeli radicals that hijacked a non-political organization to perpetuate their Jew hate.

I’m most shocked at the low turnout for the vote. Given the time and energy devoted by the anti-Israel backers of the boycott, only 825 or so votes were in favor. At the same time, opponents (who were ambushed by the proposal) only managed to get about 375 people interested. Effectively, most people didn’t care. Apathy is perhaps the saddest lesson from this given the odious nature of the proposal, and it’s how anti-Israel zealots are able to drive issues far out of proportion to their actual numbers.

In a nation that overwhelmingly supports Israel at historically high levels, a highly organized cadre of anti-Israel radicals was able to pull off a multi-year effort successfully. They put their people in charge of a previously non-partisan academic organization, waited to ambush the opposition, made sure the flow of information was one-sided, and in the end used a relatively small but motivated group of sympathizers to commit the entire organization to an act widely condemned outside the anti-Israel community.

It’s a lesson in how good people let bad people win, and should be a wake up call to supporters of Israel and/or academic freedom.

I think there is a very real danger to Jewish people worldwide when opposition to the policies and practices of the State of Israel is frivolously and carelessly equated with anti-Semitism or "Jew hate".

I think it plays into the hands of actual anti-Semites and anti-Semitic organizations in providing them with a ready excuse for their bigotry by lumping them in with groups who bear no ill will towards Jews as a people or Judaism as a faith but are vehemently opposed to the human rights abuses by the State of Israel towards the Palestinian people.

Furthermore, I would hate to see the lines become so blurred that some well intentioned but ill informed people equate acts against Jews and non-political Jewish organiation as a political act. They really are doing no diferent than what you and others are doing except from the opposite end of the spectrum.

Bigotry is intolerable but peaceful political protest is a legitimate means to effect change, as are boiycotts, divestments and sanctions. Despite some legitimate concerns about how ASA conducted this matter, I see no evidence of that body being anti-Semitic. They may well be, I don't know, but this act doesn't qualify.

There are many Jewish groups who oppose Israeli policy and wish to see an end to the occupation. Are they anti-Semitic and Jew haters as well?
LOL, and if this group had voted NOT to join the BDS conspiracy - I'm sure we'd have been treated to a flaming OP claiming they were of no importance whatsoever........

"Conspiracy"???? I don't think so.
It's apparent the ASA did not give too much thought to the legal liability that their unwise action -- boycotting Israeli academia -- will bring unto the association (losing its 501 [c] [3] tax exemption), and its members, employees of state universities and city colleges, where such action is illegal:

Schooling the ASA on boycotting Israel/By Nitsana Darshan-Leitner/Dec. 15, 2013

"Last week, the American Studies Association’s (ASA) national council, unanimously passed a resolution calling for the boycott of Israeli academic institutions. The ASA, which bills itself as the “oldest and largest association devoted to the interdisciplinary study of American culture and history,” then took the unusual step of asking its reportedly 5,000 members to cast their own votes on upholding the anti-Israel policy. While the deadline to reject the resolution runs out today, Sunday, December 15, the ASA scholars, which fancy themselves as the leading authorities on all things American, seem to have overlooked one small matter – a boycott resolution of this nature violates international, federal and state law in the United States. They leave the ASA and its membership open to both civil and criminal liability.

It is highly disturbing that an association of professors and academics could believe that a one-sided resolution targeting only the Jewish State would in any way assist in bringing peace to our region. It is sickening that an organization which claims to be liberal and progressive should undertake the types of boycotts that American Jewish groups like the Wiesenthal Center and ADL have labelled as anti-Semitic. Moreover, it is nothing short of ironic that the ASA, which claims it ‘represents divergent opinions,’ would actively choose to exclude such voices. Even more ludicrous is the resolution’s suggestion that Israel’s academia is anything but free to engage, and well versed, in the vocal criticism of government policy – from all sides of the political spectrum. Israel’s centers of higher learning are also key areas in which Jews, Muslims and Christians work and live side by side, united by academic advancements – a fact that begs even greater questions of the desire to silence their voices. "

Schooling the ASA on boycotting Israel | Nitsana Darshan-Leitner | Ops & Blogs | The Times of Israel
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Israel has reacted to many boycotts...
They have come up with so many innovations and inventions that Wall Street can't stay away.
I think boycotts have forced Israel to become self-reliant and considering their literacy rate is just the highest world-wide, they have been doing just fine.
In January 2013, Heydar Jemal, the chairman of the Islamic Committee of Russia, said Israel is implementing an apartheid system in the occupied Palestinian territories which will most likely lead to its collapse by 2020.

“Israel violates Muslims’ rights, kills Palestinians, and in fact has imposed an apartheid system” in Palestine, he stated.

An Islamic committee of Russia, accusing another country of human rights violations?

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