Major reason Trump increases his popularity: he's in touch with Americans like no other world leader


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No link, it's just an opinion piece, but I don't know where else to put it other than politics.

I realized early on that all the news networks complaining about Trumps use of twitter and encouraging it to stop (pretending it was only hurting him) was for their own selfish reasons. They feared him
circumventing their lenses
and making any liars about his motivations, well, impotent and obsolete.

Trump is far ahead of his time in this regard, the Leader of the Free World who is constantly marketing, getting his message out and receiving feedback directly to voters. It's so simple, yet, ground breaking and it's reinforced and expanded his support.

He reaches out to people and read many tweets. You know this, as he retweets people who I've never heard of before. It angers those in the MSM and positions of influence as they cannot stop it. He basically goes directly to the public. I don't even look at him as a man in his 70's, he operates like he 30 years old. Inspiring really. He has the energy and Will Power to remain dynamic, treating his presidency with the passion he had in the business world. Contagious to the average American.

Most politician just shrug off the average person, and they don't realize it is in fact THEY who they need to listen to. We saw this with the election of of the socialist Cortez. She upset the #4 in the Democratic Party as she went direct to the voters and made her case, her competitor complacent and entitled, taking it al or granted. Trump also reaches out to the people, he does this to constantly get feedback on what is popular and right, he knows what he wants to do, but, he is rewarded when he finds out his policies are popular.

Trump respects the average person, listens to them. Even if he feigns interest in some cases, the fact is, people are heard. That's huge. He doesn't listen to lobbyists as much as he keeps his finger on the pulse of his supporters and voters, frustrating all who try and get influence with him for their OWN benefit, but at his political cost.

There is a reason he has almost 90% of the GOP fiercely supporting him, it will continue to defy people. Like his position on tariffs. Try as they might to get him to recant and in fact hurt himself (and the U.S economy and Middle Class in the process, for their own selfish objectives), he stays the course and doubles down. His position on immigration, his love of the military and first responders. They can't break him, and his followers on twitter and many independents and ex-democrats using twitter to suggest they are behind him now, just reinforce that he is right.

I hope he does well in the midterms, his positions are so popular with his supporters and so much at stake, I believe they will be behind him and come out in droves. Americans finally have their fighter and they won't let him down at the polls as long as he remains true to them.

Thank you for your time.

God Bless America! Get'er done Trump!
Gee thanks for all your obnoxious cheerleading jingoism Mr Canadian, yeah we really need more of that these days, perhaps you could spontaneoulsy errupt into a fireworks show for us July 4th , the kids would love it!

No link, it's just an opinion piece, but I don't know where else to put it other than politics.

I realized early on that all the news networks complaining about Trumps use of twitter and encouraging it to stop (pretending it was only hurting him) was for their own selfish reasons. They feared him
circumventing their lenses
and making any liars about his motivations, well, impotent and obsolete.

Trump is far ahead of his time in this regard, the Leader of the Free World who is constantly marketing, getting his message out and receiving feedback directly to voters. It's so simple, yet, ground breaking and it's reinforced and expanded his support.

He reaches out to people and read many tweets. You know this, as he retweets people who I've never heard of before. It angers those in the MSM and positions of influence as they cannot stop it. He basically goes directly to the public. I don't even look at him as a man in his 70's, he operates like he 30 years old. Inspiring really. He has the energy and Will Power to remain dynamic, treating his presidency with the passion he had in the business world. Contagious to the average American.

Most politician just shrug off the average person, and they don't realize it is in fact THEY who they need to listen to. We saw this with the election of of the socialist Cortez. She upset the #4 in the Democratic Party as she went direct to the voters and made her case, her competitor complacent and entitled, taking it al or granted. Trump also reaches out to the people, he does this to constantly get feedback on what is popular and right, he knows what he wants to do, but, he is rewarded when he finds out his policies are popular.

Trump respects the average person, listens to them. Even if he feigns interest in some cases, the fact is, people are heard. That's huge. He doesn't listen to lobbyists as much as he keeps his finger on the pulse of his supporters and voters, frustrating all who try and get influence with him for their OWN benefit, but at his political cost.

There is a reason he has almost 90% of the GOP fiercely supporting him, it will continue to defy people. Like his position on tariffs. Try as they might to get him to recant and in fact hurt himself (and the U.S economy and Middle Class in the process, for their own selfish objectives), he stays the course and doubles down. His position on immigration, his love of the military and first responders. They can't break him, and his followers on twitter and many independents and ex-democrats using twitter to suggest they are behind him now, just reinforce that he is right.

I hope he does well in the midterms, his positions are so popular with his supporters and so much at stake, I believe they will be behind him and come out in droves. Americans finally have their fighter and they won't let him down at the polls as long as he remains true to them.

Thank you for your time.

God Bless America! Get'er done Trump!

you're gonna need a bigger crock
no normal person is buying those fake polls keeping trump around 45% approval.we all know Trump is between 54 and 60% approval. the stock market is proof of that
No link, it's just an opinion piece, but I don't know where else to put it other than politics.

I realized early on that all the news networks complaining about Trumps use of twitter and encouraging it to stop (pretending it was only hurting him) was for their own selfish reasons. They feared him
circumventing their lenses and making any liars about his motivations, well, impotent and obsolete.

Trump is far ahead of his time in this regard, the Leader of the Free World who is constantly marketing, getting his message out and receiving feedback directly to voters. It's so simple, yet, ground breaking and it's reinforced and expanded his support.

He reaches out to people and read many tweets. You know this, as he retweets people who I've never heard of before. It angers those in the MSM and positions of influence as they cannot stop it. He basically goes directly to the public. I don't even look at him as a man in his 70's, he operates like he 30 years old. Inspiring really. He has the energy and Will Power to remain dynamic, treating his presidency with the passion he had in the business world. Contagious to the average American.

Most politician just shrug off the average person, and they don't realize it is in fact THEY who they need to listen to. We saw this with the election of of the socialist Cortez. She upset the #4 in the Democratic Party as she went direct to the voters and made her case, her competitor complacent and entitled, taking it al or granted. Trump also reaches out to the people, he does this to constantly get feedback on what is popular and right, he knows what he wants to do, but, he is rewarded when he finds out his policies are popular.

Trump respects the average person, listens to them. Even if he feigns interest in some cases, the fact is, people are heard. That's huge. He doesn't listen to lobbyists as much as he keeps his finger on the pulse of his supporters and voters, frustrating all who try and get influence with him for their OWN benefit, but at his political cost.

There is a reason he has almost 90% of the GOP fiercely supporting him, it will continue to defy people. Like his position on tariffs. Try as they might to get him to recant and in fact hurt himself (and the U.S economy and Middle Class in the process, for their own selfish objectives), he stays the course and doubles down. His position on immigration, his love of the military and first responders. They can't break him, and his followers on twitter and many independents and ex-democrats using twitter to suggest they are behind him now, just reinforce that he is right.

I hope he does well in the midterms, his positions are so popular with his supporters and so much at stake, I believe they will be behind him and come out in droves. Americans finally have their fighter and they won't let him down at the polls as long as he remains true to them.

Thank you for your time.

God Bless America! Get'er done Trump![/SIZE]

Trump knows exactly what he is doing and who his supporters are and what they believe....He will go down as the greatest American president in history....
Gee thanks for all your obnoxious cheerleading jingoism Mr Canadian, yeah we really need more of that these days, perhaps you could spontaneoulsy errupt into a fireworks show for us July 4th , the kids would love it!

Just don't mention the dropping of the pants and firing off a rocket in honor of Trump his gawd.
no normal person is buying those fake polls keeping trump around 45% approval.we all know Trump is between 54 and 60% approval. the stock market is proof of that
Huh? Didn’t Trump get less than 50% in his election ... less than Clinton?
No link, it's just an opinion piece, but I don't know where else to put it other than politics.

I realized early on that all the news networks complaining about Trumps use of twitter and encouraging it to stop (pretending it was only hurting him) was for their own selfish reasons. They feared him
circumventing their lenses
and making any liars about his motivations, well, impotent and obsolete.

Trump is far ahead of his time in this regard, the Leader of the Free World who is constantly marketing, getting his message out and receiving feedback directly to voters. It's so simple, yet, ground breaking and it's reinforced and expanded his support.

He reaches out to people and read many tweets. You know this, as he retweets people who I've never heard of before. It angers those in the MSM and positions of influence as they cannot stop it. He basically goes directly to the public. I don't even look at him as a man in his 70's, he operates like he 30 years old. Inspiring really. He has the energy and Will Power to remain dynamic, treating his presidency with the passion he had in the business world. Contagious to the average American.

Most politician just shrug off the average person, and they don't realize it is in fact THEY who they need to listen to. We saw this with the election of of the socialist Cortez. She upset the #4 in the Democratic Party as she went direct to the voters and made her case, her competitor complacent and entitled, taking it al or granted. Trump also reaches out to the people, he does this to constantly get feedback on what is popular and right, he knows what he wants to do, but, he is rewarded when he finds out his policies are popular.

Trump respects the average person, listens to them. Even if he feigns interest in some cases, the fact is, people are heard. That's huge. He doesn't listen to lobbyists as much as he keeps his finger on the pulse of his supporters and voters, frustrating all who try and get influence with him for their OWN benefit, but at his political cost.

There is a reason he has almost 90% of the GOP fiercely supporting him, it will continue to defy people. Like his position on tariffs. Try as they might to get him to recant and in fact hurt himself (and the U.S economy and Middle Class in the process, for their own selfish objectives), he stays the course and doubles down. His position on immigration, his love of the military and first responders. They can't break him, and his followers on twitter and many independents and ex-democrats using twitter to suggest they are behind him now, just reinforce that he is right.

I hope he does well in the midterms, his positions are so popular with his supporters and so much at stake, I believe they will be behind him and come out in droves. Americans finally have their fighter and they won't let him down at the polls as long as he remains true to them.

Thank you for your time.

God Bless America! Get'er done Trump!

Funny how America First resonates with the people MAGA!
Ok....this is laughable. I like some of what trump has done and am glad he is there instead of Clinton. However to tell me that a multi billionaire can relate to people working barely scraping by is beyond dumb. Class division is a huge aspect in this nation. That's reality.
Even Trump's most vociferous detractors will be forced to admit he is in touch with the average American citizen on a visceral level. And this factor alone gives rise to his popularity. ... :cool:

He is in touch with the american people no doubt.He is the first president spanning five previous administrations to bring jobs BACK to america that each administration shipped overseas starting with NAFTA that the Gipper got going and each president expanded on.That itself is WHY he has connected with americans.
Ok....this is laughable. I like some of what trump has done and am glad he is there instead of Clinton. However to tell me that a multi billionaire can relate to people working barely scraping by is beyond dumb. Class division is a huge aspect in this nation. That's reality.

I also dont see that Trump has had the compassion for the little guy as Kennedy did. Kennedy connected with the lower class familys and minoritys cause he sent Bobby out to hang out and relate to them.They set out to help the lower class. America really went downhill to the gutters and has never recovered ever since Kennedy got taken out by the deep state.Thats another topic for another thread though.

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