Major prediction in the 2012 election

Assuming the 2010 election goes the way most feel that it is and it becomes a landslide for conservatives. What are the chances that Hillary will resign shortly after the election and turn on Obama in a big way? She will attempt to make herself look like the saviour of the democratic party and the country. If she slams him as hard as I think she is capable of, she will be on the ticket in 2012 instead of Obama. Personally I feel there is very little difference between the two of them.

I was just hoping to hear what some would think on this occuring.

Yes, she will leave the Administration and bide her time building support for a run against Obama with the party elders. She will point out how inept he is and how he will be a loser in the next election. Democrats like winners. The Clinton brand name has proven successful amd she is a hell of a campaigner and fund raiser.
There are major differences. First she is competent. Second she is experienced. Third she has generally good political instincts. Fourth she is not an ideologue. She would have been much more effective. Which is why I am glad she lost.
The color of BO's skin has done him wonders. He got free reign to run about like a bully his first year and a half.

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
It's simple really... Palin quit as Goner and if Hilary does the same thing she will be absolutely unelectable. Hilary is not electable anyways as her being on a ticket will make many people come out simply to vote against her while at the same time I think her own party has a dislike for dynasty’s.

The Clintons have exploited their name at this point and are more disliked than liked if anything.

Palin quit an elected executive position. Hillary was appointed. Appointees quit all the time (especially in the Obama Administration). And turnover mid-term is nothing new. Bush had it too.
A lot of Dems would flock to Hillary as being more centrist. At least as being more competent. She actually is a radical but hasn't shown that side.
It's simple really... Palin quit as Goner and if Hilary does the same thing she will be absolutely unelectable. Hilary is not electable anyways as her being on a ticket will make many people come out simply to vote against her while at the same time I think her own party has a dislike for dynasty’s.

The Clintons have exploited their name at this point and are more disliked than liked if anything.

Palin quit an elected executive position. Hillary was appointed. Appointees quit all the time (especially in the Obama Administration). And turnover mid-term is nothing new. Bush had it too.
A lot of Dems would flock to Hillary as being more centrist. At least as being more competent. She actually is a radical but hasn't shown that side.

Sounds like Rabbi has a little crush
A lot of Dems would flock to Hillary as being more centrist.

More importantly, a lot of moderate Republicans and Independents will flock to Hillary depending on who the Republicans run.

Hillary COULD probably best Obama in primaries next year, but it's doubtful she will, as much as I'd love to see it. She has plenty of ammo to fire at him. His biggest talking point in 2008 was that she did not have foreign experience, yet he appointed her as SOS. Not only did that make him look foolish, but it gave her the very experience he said she didn't have. She also has the ability to point at his track record and tell voters and party leaders, "I told you so!" when it comes to his inexperience and inability to lead.
A lot of Dems would flock to Hillary as being more centrist.

More importantly, a lot of moderate Republicans and Independents will flock to Hillary depending on who the Republicans run.

Hillary COULD probably best Obama in primaries next year, but it's doubtful she will, as much as I'd love to see it. She has plenty of ammo to fire at him. His biggest talking point in 2008 was that she did not have foreign experience, yet he appointed her as SOS. Not only did that make him look foolish, but it gave her the very experience he said she didn't have. She also has the ability to point at his track record and tell voters and party leaders, "I told you so!" when it comes to his inexperience and inability to lead.

I doubt there will be a public primary fight. Hillary's style is more back door conniving. I think she will put pressure on Obama not to run. For the good of the party.
But 2 years is a long way off. With the GOP in Congress the economy will doubtless improve and Obama will take credit for it.
Except the Tea Party will clearly point out that she stayed in this failed (or insert the bad things she says about the administration) She cut her own foot by accepting a role in this FLUNKED Administration
A lot of Dems would flock to Hillary as being more centrist.

More importantly, a lot of moderate Republicans and Independents will flock to Hillary depending on who the Republicans run.

Hillary COULD probably best Obama in primaries next year, but it's doubtful she will, as much as I'd love to see it. She has plenty of ammo to fire at him. His biggest talking point in 2008 was that she did not have foreign experience, yet he appointed her as SOS. Not only did that make him look foolish, but it gave her the very experience he said she didn't have. She also has the ability to point at his track record and tell voters and party leaders, "I told you so!" when it comes to his inexperience and inability to lead.

I doubt there will be a public primary fight. Hillary's style is more back door conniving. I think she will put pressure on Obama not to run. For the good of the party.
But 2 years is a long way off. With the GOP in Congress the economy will doubtless improve and Obama will take credit for it.

I feel that the only way she will be able to be elected as President is to resign and take an opposite side from Obama shortly after the 2010 election. Obama will be looked at just like Carter after his 4 years therefore making it very unlikely for any democrate to be elected especially one that rode with Obama on his four year destructive ride.
the American economy will be significantly better leading up to the 12 election. NO way in hell Hitlery runs.
Obama vs Fat old white dude or the peoples choice Palin
With Hillary's silence and Bill's campaigning for the troubled democrats it looks even more to me that she will resign shortly after the election and turn a vicious attack against Obama to prepare for a run against him in 2012.
It's simple really... Palin quit as Goner and if Hilary does the same thing she will be absolutely unelectable. Hilary is not electable anyways as her being on a ticket will make many people come out simply to vote against her while at the same time I think her own party has a dislike for dynasty’s.

The Clintons have exploited their name at this point and are more disliked than liked if anything.

Bill still is very electable. It's just that he is not eligible.
Assuming the 2010 election goes the way most feel that it is and it becomes a landslide for conservatives. What are the chances that Hillary will resign shortly after the election and turn on Obama in a big way? She will attempt to make herself look like the saviour of the democratic party and the country. If she slams him as hard as I think she is capable of, she will be on the ticket in 2012 instead of Obama. Personally I feel there is very little difference between the two of them.

I was just hoping to hear what some would think on this occuring.

too good to be true.
Hillary is not going to run against Obama, period.

I told you why I felt she would run against. What reasoning do you have that she will not? She is a very evil politician that would turn against her own child to win if it would help her chances. She obviously hates Obama even though they share the same views on where to push the country.
Bill has been sent out to campaign for the democrats that were cross with Obama. With the slaughter it will be soon that Hillary will resign and attempt to be the savior of the democratic party. She will hammer Obama a lot worst that we conservatives ever could.
bornright was obviously bornwrong: assertions, no logic, analysis, or support. You are entitled to your opinion, just not your own reality.
she won't wait till 2016 she'd be 70 when inaugurated if she won....well, wait age if only a factor when its a rep., skip that...:rolleyes:

anyway, howard dean may challenge obama, in fact I doubt the economy and gen. state of the country will be any better, so he will be challanged inho. Hillary won't wait, there is nothing to wait for.
First, Obama would have to decide to NOT run for a second term. No sitting president gets challenged from inside his party. Ain't gonna happen. She'd have to run independent because the DNC would never endorse anyone but the incumbent.

Actually Every sitting president gets challenged. Nearly every time. in the Primary. Only usually it is not even close. The DNC would most certainly endorse her if she ran in the primary and won.

Only way I see this happening is if Obama's Numbers get much lower than they are now. I am talking mid 20's.

She wants to win, not to be seen as the one who challenged an incumbent and lost. But she also does not want to wait 4 more years to run. So if she thinks she can win, she will do it.

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