Maga Hats, Chaperones, and Catholic Boys, a Priest opinion.

What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

Talking points, talking points, all we have are talking points! We used to be Free Thinkers but now we're trapped in George's 1984!!!!

I bet you don't get the reference Penny

In 1984, having an unapproved expression was called a face crime and certainly punishable.
I can’t imagine a school group that would allow their children to be harassed by militant blacks and not get them the hell out of there

Same goes for the students surrounding an Indian playing the drum. Should have walked in and backed them off

I don’t see any adult supervision in any of the videos
They were waiting for their buses and one of them went out of service. That information comes from a chaperone herself.
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter
That entire confrontation was created by Mr. Phillips. He waded into the crowd...with camera crews in tow...deliberately got into the face of a white teenager who was doing nothing more than standing there wearing a Make America Great Again hat. All that boy did was smile at him. He didn't touch him. He didn't taunt him. He smiled at him. For some unknown reason that has provoked you on the left who now see Phillips as a "victim" here! That, a joke!
I can’t imagine a school group that would allow their children to be harassed by militant blacks and not get them the hell out of there

Same goes for the students surrounding an Indian playing the drum. Should have walked in and backed them off

I don’t see any adult supervision in any of the videos
They were waiting for their buses and one of them went out of service. That information comes from a chaperone herself.

Where are the adults?
Move them away until the bus arrived

How do you allow your kids to be harassed like that
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

You idiot.....increase in the divide is a decidedly good thing. Doy
I can’t imagine a school group that would allow their children to be harassed by militant blacks and not get them the hell out of there

Same goes for the students surrounding an Indian playing the drum. Should have walked in and backed them off

I don’t see any adult supervision in any of the videos
--------------------------- drum beating Aggressor was handled just fine . And i think there was Supervision as isn't it reported that the Good Group of kids got permission from an Adult to practice some School Cheers or similar RWinger ??
I can’t imagine a school group that would allow their children to be harassed by militant blacks and not get them the hell out of there

Same goes for the students surrounding an Indian playing the drum. Should have walked in and backed them off

I don’t see any adult supervision in any of the videos
They were waiting for their buses and one of them went out of service. That information comes from a chaperone herself.

Where are the adults?
Move them away until the bus arrived

How do you allow your kids to be harassed like that
If the kids had moved, do you really think that the harassers would have just stood there and shrugged their shoulders?

What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter
That entire confrontation was created by Mr. Phillips. He waded into the crowd...with camera crews in tow...deliberately got into the face of a white teenager who was doing nothing more than standing there wearing a Make America Great Again hat. All that boy did was smile at him. He didn't touch him. He didn't taunt him. He smiled at him. For some unknown reason that has provoked you on the left who now see Phillips as a "victim" here! That, a joke!

You don't know the difference between smile and a smirk? I'll give you a hint. It is the same difference as waving your hand, vs. waving your middle finger at someone.
I can’t imagine a school group that would allow their children to be harassed by militant blacks and not get them the hell out of there

Same goes for the students surrounding an Indian playing the drum. Should have walked in and backed them off

I don’t see any adult supervision in any of the videos
They were waiting for their buses and one of them went out of service. That information comes from a chaperone herself.

Where are the adults?
Move them away until the bus arrived

How do you allow your kids to be harassed like that
------------------------------------ no big deal , no violence or bombs , tomahawks , knives . the Catholic Boys grew up a bit more that day seeing how they are hated just for being White Catholic Christians RWinger .
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

Make America Great has no conflict with any Catholic teaching...sorry, that is a stupid argument......meant to silence the opposition rather than being a valid point. The left wing has infected the Catholic Church all the way to the Pope and obviously this priest as well....

Trump's policy on immigration... follow the law to enter the country legally, and all are welcome....

Where is that against Catholic Teaching.....

The Church allows for Capitol punishment...sorry, you are wrong on that is the priest.

Where does sex trafficking come into anything to do with Making America Great AGain...other than all the left wing Trump haters who are raping vulnerable people in Hollywood and various political campaigns, like the Sander campaign, or bob menendez raping under age girls in the Dominican Republic .....but they are left wing Trump haters...not Make America Great enthusiasts....

Climate does that have anything to do with Catholic Teachings, considering it is becoming its own religion....?
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter
That entire confrontation was created by Mr. Phillips. He waded into the crowd...with camera crews in tow...deliberately got into the face of a white teenager who was doing nothing more than standing there wearing a Make America Great Again hat. All that boy did was smile at him. He didn't touch him. He didn't taunt him. He smiled at him. For some unknown reason that has provoked you on the left who now see Phillips as a "victim" here! That, a joke!

You don't know the difference between smile and a smirk? I'll give you a hint. It is the same difference as waving your hand, vs. waving your middle finger at someone.
---------------------------------------- SMIRK is simply YOUR opinion VS .
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

You idiot.....increase in the divide is a decidedly good thing. Doy

Me I wasn't there, if I had been I'd be a chaperone without closing my eyes to what was happening.
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter
Your questions are reasonable.

Since they were waiting for a bus, maybe they couldn't walk away.

Perhaps some of the boys bought those hats as souvenirs after the March for Life.

I have a few questions.

Should the Black Hebrew Israelites harass children because they wear pro-Republican hats?

Was Nathan Phillips fair and honest?

NOW Nathan Phillips Wants To Meet With Covington Teens He Smeared For ‘The Teaching Of Tolerance’

It is clear to me the only victims are the boys from Covington.
Last edited:
I can’t imagine a school group that would allow their children to be harassed by militant blacks and not get them the hell out of there

Same goes for the students surrounding an Indian playing the drum. Should have walked in and backed them off

I don’t see any adult supervision in any of the videos
They were waiting for their buses and one of them went out of service. That information comes from a chaperone herself.

Where are the adults?
Move them away until the bus arrived

How do you allow your kids to be harassed like that
If the kids had moved, do you really think that the harassers would have just stood there and shrugged their shoulders?


It is a big mall. They would have found anew target
What seems clear to me is that rather than stand their adolescent ground in a confrontational and seemingly mocking way, the boys should have simply turned away. In fact, in his exclusive interview with NBC's Savannah Guthrie, Nick Sandmann, the student who went face-to-face with Nathan Phillips said as much: "In hindsight I wish we could've walked away and avoided the whole thing." I couldn't agree more. If they felt confronted, he and his classmates should have paid heed to the Christian dictum of "turn the other cheek" rather than to thrust both cheeks into the face of an elder about whom they knew nothing. Boys are seen laughing at and mocking their elder. It is wrong, plain and simple.

Secondly, where were the chaperones during this encounter? The situation had obviously escalated after the racial and homophobic jeers of the religious group known as the Black Hebrew Israelites. Immediately, adults should have stepped in to defuse the situation. They should have moved the boys away and surrounded them until their bus arrived. That is what chaperones do for young people not yet mature enough to make wise and prudent choices. Instead, these boys were left to fend for themselves and as a result acted in unwise and disrespectful ways.

Lastly, I don't think the boys should have been permitted to wear MAGA hats to the March for Life event they attended. The "Make America Great Again" slogan has become political code for an agenda that is often in opposition with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

The boys attended the march representing a Catholic boys' school. Any hat donned should have had the school name or a logo identifying them as participants in the March for Life event -- not a hat with a logo that may suggest stances not in accord with the mission statement of their school.

The Catholic Church's pro-life teaching encompasses a panoply of issues such as: abortion, immigration, capital punishment, the environment and climate change, sex trafficking, and the inequitable distribution of the world's resources. Some claim the "MAGA philosophy" is not in accord with church teaching on many of these issues. Teachers and chaperones from the Catholic school should have discouraged students from, however unwittingly, promoting a questionable partisan political agenda.

The hate mail and threats I have received since my tweet and my on-air appearances about this issue on CNN and HLN have astounded me. Supposed Christians have said the most vile and uncharitable things imaginable. It is further indication of the vast political, racial and religious divides that still exist in our country.

MAGA hats don't belong on a Catholic school trip (Opinion) - CNN

I can't agree more with the Catholic Priest, but then I'm an older generation Catholic, but never have I seen such disrespect. They new young generation of Catholics are becoming like Evangelicals and fox news Catholics. (my opinion- not the Fathers)
Father Edward Beck (@FrEdwardBeck) | Twitter

Now smiles are offensive to the left!

It is a big mall. They would have found anew target
It's so easy for you to crawl inside the mind of a bunch of hateful bigots and announce what they would do, isn't it.
I'm tempted to say defective minds think alike but I think it's much more likely if the Covington group moved away it would delight the Black Hebrew bigots that they had forced them to leave it would encourage them to follow and attack the school kids all the more.
You don't know the difference between smile and a smirk? I'll give you a hint. It is the same difference as waving your hand, vs. waving your middle finger at someone.
You can clearly see a raised middle finger and there is no mistaking that. Not so easy when trying to differentiate between an appeasing smile and a smirk.
You see a smirk because you want to see a smirk.

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