Madeleine's Court: The NASDAQ Hades


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
The frailty of modern geopolitical commerce/traffic (e.g., 9/11) and Wall Street/NASDAQ intrigue (e.g., Enron, IBM) should remind us of movies like King of New York and The Matrix.

What would President Trump make of this following vignette (which I chose to post in General Discussion rather than in the Writing section, given its 'political slant')?

Signing off,



We care about the aesthetics of marketing and merchandising, and new age story-characters such as She-Ra and Wonder Woman and the Bionic Woman symbolize our modern imagination regarding the labyrinths of technology and ingenuity. We care about the passion of intelligence and the security of innovation. NASDAQ is to modern civilization what the Colosseum was to the bravado of Ancient Rome.


An American Express credit-card carried by a modern-day Wall Street stockbroker features an image of an ancient centurion, perhaps from the Roman Empire. This iconography stirs our imagination, since we're fascinated by the 'concepts' of courage and pioneerism in the realms of technology and capitalism. The American Express Centurion is the male counterpart to the Statue of Liberty. Is all of this 'daring imagination' stable?


Of course it's not! The Los Angeles Race Riots of 1992, 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing, and the Labor Day 2017 nuclear-crisis involving North Korea were clear signs that modern-era globalization, traffic, and networking were undermined by 'levels' of anarchy and turbulence...even terrorism. Capitalism has spelled not only pioneerism but also problems. New age storytelling (e.g., Dark City) reflects this emergent paranoia.


A 'golden child' mascot of capitalism, an ethnic minority immigrant baby who is used for the marketing of baby lotion, becomes as popular as Little Orphan Annie. This delightful 'Lotion-Baby' has democrats in America talking about the patriotism of capitalism but critics talking about the 'propaganda' of confluence/traffic. Envious eyes study this development, including the terrorist groups ISIS and Cobra.


A diabolical NASDAQ shark named Madeleine, a woman of great beauty and shrewdness, builds a 'kingdom of capitalism' in NYC and LA. She even has 'underlings' (or minions!) do her 'dirty-work' which includes the financing of narcotics-operations in Mexico and the black market munitions trades in Russia. "Madeleine's Court" (as it has come to be known) is not unlike the eerie reign of urban-lord Boss Tweed from 1800s New York City. Many fear Madeleine rightly.


Kids in the meantime are envisioning crazy stories about bizarre characters/avatars engaged in death-matches and hostage-crises and hostile explorations of tech-realms and fantastic dimensions such as A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). These youngsters may be the 'real children of the corn' (Stephen King note), but are their 'nightmares' viscerally perturbing? Could NASDAQ be unfurled into a 'kingdom of Hades' or leviathan?


Two smart NASDAQ/Wall Street representatives named Max and Leo are challenging the dominion of Madeleine but they worry that 'TrumpUSA' can offer no legal or even moral incentives for the initiative. Max and Leo feel like they're all alone, lone crusaders perhaps reflecting the American Express Centurion who is somehow depraved and perhaps even desperate. Where is God?


Nevertheless, Madeleine magnifies her 'court' by creating special new TV-ads (one featured during Super Bowl XLII) about ethnic-minorities embracing the American Dream in NASDAQ-financed 'society weddings.' Madeleine understands what makes people comfortable and uncomfortable about basic vanities and lifestyle needs. She now controls the terrible LA crime-syndicate Black Mask which is reported to dominate the LAPD with hatchets and hammers. Madeleine is currently vacationing in Tahiti.


A band of vigilantes known as 'G.I. Joes' decided to raid Madeleine's 'kingdom' wearing military/navy uniforms and leather masks. They wish to storm the offices of NASDAQ and ransack her lavish Manhattan apartment and then expose her as a new age female tyrant. The G.I. Joes begin their initiative but in the process lose one of their valuable assassins, a patriotic sharp-shooter named Snake-Eyes who is decapitated with a hatchet. Many mourn.


When Madeleine returns from vacation, she is furious to discover that her kingdom has been bruised by the G.I. Joes (even though the valiant/admired Snake-Eyes is dead!). Madeleine orders her Hollywood (USA) movie studio contact to begin planning a new 'fantasy-adventure film' adaptation of her 'NASDAQ court' as a 'paragon' of capitalist/patriotic pride titled Madeleine's Court. Even President Trump tweets, "I don't think the 'G.I. Joes' could deny that Madeleine's Court is a potential box-office smash!"


Madeleine then orders her minion Leatherface to run around LA in his signature skin-mask and use a chainsaw to buzz LAPD cop-cars in half and then have her 'journalists' report that the deed was done by a rogue fundamentalist terrorist or perhaps the KKK. The G.I. Joes counter by sending their masked vigilante 'Batman' to arrest and detain Leatherface, and he is able to do so with his handy-dandy rope-gun. While in Arkham Asylum, the center for the incarceration of the criminally-insane, Batman interviews Leatherface and discovers that he's a mere pawn and 'token representative' of this "NASDAQ underworld."


Madeleine's corrupt female senator (alias 'Baroness') attempts to assassinate one of the female G.I. Joe members, a patriot spy named Scarlett, but fails to do so, and Madeleine is outraged and exiles the Baroness. The Baroness vows revenge on Madeleine as well as capitalism, democracy, NASDAQ, and even America. What does God make of all this modern-age insanity? Does U.S. First Lady Melania Trump feel secure?


Madeleine knows she has to continue vying with the courageous G.I. Joes for dominion in America. If the Joes are victorious, then everyone will feel safer/warmer about consumerism and networking and urban traffic. If they fail, and Madeleine's court becomes a hallmark of tyranny, NASDAQ will be remembered as a 'tower of hellmouths.' The Bible states that at the End of Days, the elusive Whore of Babylon will rise to power and create dangerous thrones of evil. Could Madeleine of NASDAQ be this evil woman? If not her, who?


"If I, Madeleine' am shockingly-upstaged by these upstart 'G.I. Joes,' then Americans will dance in the streets about bubble-gum, popcorn, Netflix, and Wal-Mart. However, if I prevail, my reign will signal the achievement of something never dreamed of in the history of humanity --- absolute power through profit. Yes, this is the Age of Capital, and I don't intend to go down in flames. Besides, is there any real moral guarantee safeguarding civilization from the 'pin-prick' of lust? We shall see."




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