Maddow Meltdown: In Defense To OAN Lawsuit, Host Argues Her Words Are Not Actually Facts

Already did, but here it is again:
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

RUSH: Now, folks, if you're going to buy into this, there's no hope for you. There's literally no hope for you!

That's a bad link "Page Not Found" in Google. So far it looks like you are making shit up. Hope I didn't get a virus from your shit link.
It's LimpBoy's shit link. He follows me and probably moved it from his guest (free) site to his pay site for SUCKERS.
Here is google's cashed link to his site, where you will find it is not out of context, that is if you are not too LAZY to click on the link I found for you by simply googling the quote.

Global Warming Update

OK, finally a site that works. Yes that is a quote from your link but if you actually read the context you'll see Rush's point is that water vapor is a much more prevalent green house gas as compared to CO2. I think he misspoke because, if he actually believed that, he'd also think CO2 is much more prevalent than it is. Nice gotcha though. Guess Rush has Real Estate in your head! LOL
She made the mistake of saying OAN actually takes money from "Russians"
Not what she said, of course, she said one of their "reporters" is literally paid by the Russians, which IS true!!!
Rouz IS paid by the Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik. You can see his Russian lies on the Sputnik website, under his name, which he then parrots when he is on OAN.

Here is Maddow's actual quote:

“Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

And the proof of that?
Do you really think Rouz works for Sputnik for FREE?????? Are you really that STUPID?
I would say the burden is on YOU to prove Rouz works for Sputnik for free!

He freelanced for them, before he worked for OAN.

So OAN hiring him after he freelanced for a russian site makes OAN paid russian agents?

How about you go back to being a drooling Rush-hater, you ignorant twat?
Already did, but here it is again:
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.

RUSH: Now, folks, if you're going to buy into this, there's no hope for you. There's literally no hope for you!

That's a bad link "Page Not Found" in Google. So far it looks like you are making shit up. Hope I didn't get a virus from your shit link.
It's LimpBoy's shit link. He follows me and probably moved it from his guest (free) site to his pay site for SUCKERS.
Here is google's cashed link to his site, where you will find it is not out of context, that is if you are not too LAZY to click on the link I found for you by simply googling the quote.

Global Warming Update

OK, finally a site that works. Yes that is a quote from your link but if you actually read the context you'll see Rush's point is that water vapor is a much more prevalent green house gas as compared to CO2. I think he misspoke because, if he actually believed that, he'd also think CO2 is much more prevalent than it is. Nice gotcha though. Guess Rush has Real Estate in your head! LOL
So why did the pathological liar tell you to mark his "BRILLIANT" words on that STUPID claim if he didn't believe it????
May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.

August 12, 2014
RUSH: Low-information people tend to overestimate their level of information. They fail to recognize how other people know much more than they do. They fail to recognize just how little they know, even when they're confronted with it.
She made the mistake of saying OAN actually takes money from "Russians"
Not what she said, of course, she said one of their "reporters" is literally paid by the Russians, which IS true!!!
Rouz IS paid by the Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik. You can see his Russian lies on the Sputnik website, under his name, which he then parrots when he is on OAN.

Here is Maddow's actual quote:

“Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

And the proof of that?
Do you really think Rouz works for Sputnik for FREE?????? Are you really that STUPID?
I would say the burden is on YOU to prove Rouz works for Sputnik for free!

He freelanced for them, before he worked for OAN.

So OAN hiring him after he freelanced for a russian site
makes OAN paid russian agents?

How about you go back to being a drooling Rush-hater, you ignorant twat?
See how the Right LIES to cover for Russian propaganda operatives!
Interesting how one dumbass Right-winger found YOUR lies "informative!"

Rouz continued to work for Sputnik AFTER starting to work for OAN, as if you didn't know!
He joined OAN in 2017 and here he is writing for Sputnik in 2018, got any better lies up your sleeve???
San Francisco's Williams Being Eyed for No. 2 Spot at Federal Reserve by Trump
So why did the pathological liar tell you to mark his "BRILLIANT" words on that STUPID claim if he didn't believe it????
May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.

August 12, 2014
RUSH: Low-information people tend to overestimate their level of information. They fail to recognize how other people know much more than they do. They fail to recognize just how little they know, even when they're confronted with it.

I dunno, who really cares? Rush is a voice from the right and has as much credence as all the MSM voices from the left. Do you just hate Trump and Rush....I think so. You seem to be a low information person. Sorry....
She made the mistake of saying OAN actually takes money from "Russians"
Not what she said, of course, she said one of their "reporters" is literally paid by the Russians, which IS true!!!
Rouz IS paid by the Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik. You can see his Russian lies on the Sputnik website, under his name, which he then parrots when he is on OAN.

Here is Maddow's actual quote:

“Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

And the proof of that?
Do you really think Rouz works for Sputnik for FREE?????? Are you really that STUPID?
I would say the burden is on YOU to prove Rouz works for Sputnik for free!

He freelanced for them, before he worked for OAN.

So OAN hiring him after he freelanced for a russian site
makes OAN paid russian agents?

How about you go back to being a drooling Rush-hater, you ignorant twat?
See how the Right LIES to cover for Russian propaganda operatives!
Interesting how one dumbass Right-winger found YOUR lies "informative!"

Rouz continued to work for Sputnik AFTER starting to work for OAN, as if you didn't know!
He joined OAN in 2017 and here he is writing for Sputnik in 2018, got any better lies up your sleeve???
San Francisco's Williams Being Eyed for No. 2 Spot at Federal Reserve by Trump

Who pays you for this drivel?
So why did the pathological liar tell you to mark his "BRILLIANT" words on that STUPID claim if he didn't believe it????
May 29, 2012
RUSH: People like me have more scientific knowledge than the average advocate of global warming.

August 12, 2014
RUSH: Low-information people tend to overestimate their level of information. They fail to recognize how other people know much more than they do. They fail to recognize just how little they know, even when they're confronted with it.

I dunno, who really cares? Rush is a voice from the right and has as much credence as all the MSM voices from the left. Do you just hate Trump and Rush....I think so. You seem to be a low information person. Sorry....
You ARE a misinformation person, SAD!
Not what she said, of course, she said one of their "reporters" is literally paid by the Russians, which IS true!!!
Rouz IS paid by the Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik. You can see his Russian lies on the Sputnik website, under his name, which he then parrots when he is on OAN.

Here is Maddow's actual quote:

“Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

And the proof of that?
Do you really think Rouz works for Sputnik for FREE?????? Are you really that STUPID?
I would say the burden is on YOU to prove Rouz works for Sputnik for free!

He freelanced for them, before he worked for OAN.

So OAN hiring him after he freelanced for a russian site
makes OAN paid russian agents?

How about you go back to being a drooling Rush-hater, you ignorant twat?
See how the Right LIES to cover for Russian propaganda operatives!
Interesting how one dumbass Right-winger found YOUR lies "informative!"

Rouz continued to work for Sputnik AFTER starting to work for OAN, as if you didn't know!
He joined OAN in 2017 and here he is writing for Sputnik in 2018, got any better lies up your sleeve???
San Francisco's Williams Being Eyed for No. 2 Spot at Federal Reserve by Trump

Who pays you for this drivel?
That "drivel" just exposed another Right-wing LIAR!
A free service from me.

There is a difference between bias and intellectual dishonesty.

Maybe you could make a point now.

Yes, for instance, Hannity is self admittedly biased. Maddow does not admit to being biased but certainly is therefore she is intellectually dishonest or, IOW, a liar.
I've never seen her claim to be unbiased. You're free to show me that she has.

And that, of course, avoids and ignores what Hannity regularly does - highlight, expand, focus on and champion all facts and information that support his agenda, and avoid, ignore, downplay, dismiss and distort all that does not. They ALL do it. That's intellectually dishonest.

I know you feel you have to protect and defend members of your tribe, even though just being honest would be more constructive. To me, that's the problem on both ends.
But the Division Pimps -- Hannity, Limbaugh, Maddow, O'Donnell, those types -- they all play the same game. You're getting a one-sided distortion from them.
It is BULLSHIT to lump HanNITWITty and LimpBoy together with Maddow and O'Donnell, HanNITWITty and LimpBoy are out and out liars who never quote anyone or any stat accurately and Maddow and O'Donnell while biased Left are not out and out liars.
Here is a typical LimpBoy lie, see if YOU can catch it, his audience can't which is why he tells such obvious whoppers to them. I highlighted it to help you, now show me any equivalent lie from Maddow or O'Donnell.
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
We both know that you would deny any equivalence, no matter what the example is.

That's how nutters on both ends play the game. Play it with a right winger.
So you can't show an equivalent lie from the Left. Why am I not surprised you are too dishonest to admit it. Or maybe you actually believe CO2 comes from H2O (water vapor).
So I ask, where in water vapor does the C in CO2 come from?????
And there it is, the standard tactic.

Mac knows his nutters:

Well then he's not objective..
I believe I did say, "as objective as he or anyone else can be."
Then we still disagree. He does what they all do - he cherry picks and expands on and highlights the information that supports his agenda, and ignores, avoids, dismisses and distorts that which does not.
Do you have an example of Hannity spinning something that you believe he knew at the time was not ac curate and h e was not?

I think he is quick to label democratic socialism as communism, which it isnt, but that is his honest perspective as an economic Free market proponent. I dont think he deliberately miscontrues the subject.
Once again, I've said it many times already: What they do is start with FACTS -- verifiable, provable, inarguable FACTS that they can lean on. That gives them and their flocks full license to claim that they "Speak The Truth". But THEN, while standing on those FACTS, and among those FACTS, they insert wild hyperbole, ridiculous assumptions and extrapolations, and abject distortions of the words, positions and thoughts of the other tribe. THAT'S WHAT THEY DO.

But because they START with actual FACTS, they can ask questions like YOURS: "Gee, what facts are they providing that are wrong?" IT'S NOT THE FOUNDATIONAL FACTS. IT'S THE BIG BULLSHIT PICTURE THAT THEY'RE INSERTING BETWEEN THE FACTS TO SUPPORT THEIR AGENDA.

Jesus. Come ON.

What I don't know, what I can't say for sure, is whether he realizes he's doing it, or if he's just so lost in his partisan ideology that he doesn't realize it. I honestly don't know which would be worse. That type of behavior is why I find the psychology of partisan ideology so fascinating, and why I observe it so carefully. I want to at least understand things that are this destructive.

That's how he thinks and exists. Like many people here.

To save myself time in the future, I started a thread on this and made it line 5 in my sig. I know you won't agree, or you'll spin, or you'll deny. Fine. Let's just drop it.
Last edited:

If that's the case, Maddow needs to air a disclaimer before every broadcast stating that the shows content is strictly her opinion and anti-Trump propaganda.

Read more at ... see video

The left becomes further from truth and reality as each day pssses!
So basically this is where Maddow is saying she's getting her news from:
She made the mistake of saying OAN actually takes money from "Russians"
Not what she said, of course, she said one of their "reporters" is literally paid by the Russians, which IS true!!!
Rouz IS paid by the Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik. You can see his Russian lies on the Sputnik website, under his name, which he then parrots when he is on OAN.

Here is Maddow's actual quote:

“Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

And the proof of that?
Do you really think Rouz works for Sputnik for FREE?????? Are you really that STUPID?
I would say the burden is on YOU to prove Rouz works for Sputnik for free!

He freelanced for them, before he worked for OAN.

So OAN hiring him after he freelanced for a russian site
makes OAN paid russian agents?

How about you go back to being a drooling Rush-hater, you ignorant twat?
See how the Right LIES to cover for Russian propaganda operatives!
Interesting how one dumbass Right-winger found YOUR lies "informative!"

Rouz continued to work for Sputnik AFTER starting to work for OAN, as if you didn't know!
He joined OAN in 2017 and here he is writing for Sputnik in 2018, got any better lies up your sleeve???
San Francisco's Williams Being Eyed for No. 2 Spot at Federal Reserve by Trump

LOL Russian propaganda....

Was this another freelance gig?

And btw, it seems soooooo biased.....
But the Division Pimps -- Hannity, Limbaugh, Maddow, O'Donnell, those types -- they all play the same game. You're getting a one-sided distortion from them.
It is BULLSHIT to lump HanNITWITty and LimpBoy together with Maddow and O'Donnell, HanNITWITty and LimpBoy are out and out liars who never quote anyone or any stat accurately and Maddow and O'Donnell while biased Left are not out and out liars.
Here is a typical LimpBoy lie, see if YOU can catch it, his audience can't which is why he tells such obvious whoppers to them. I highlighted it to help you, now show me any equivalent lie from Maddow or O'Donnell.
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
We both know that you would deny any equivalence, no matter what the example is.

That's how nutters on both ends play the game. Play it with a right winger.
So you can't show an equivalent lie from the Left. Why am I not surprised you are too dishonest to admit it. Or maybe you actually believe CO2 comes from H2O (water vapor).
So I ask, where in water vapor does the C in CO2 come from?????
And there it is, the standard tactic.

Mac knows his nutters:

And there it is, the standard deflection.
And notice Mac is the "fundie" who won't post an example after I posted my example.
See the first quote in my sig for where he got that tactic.
But the Division Pimps -- Hannity, Limbaugh, Maddow, O'Donnell, those types -- they all play the same game. You're getting a one-sided distortion from them.
It is BULLSHIT to lump HanNITWITty and LimpBoy together with Maddow and O'Donnell, HanNITWITty and LimpBoy are out and out liars who never quote anyone or any stat accurately and Maddow and O'Donnell while biased Left are not out and out liars.
Here is a typical LimpBoy lie, see if YOU can catch it, his audience can't which is why he tells such obvious whoppers to them. I highlighted it to help you, now show me any equivalent lie from Maddow or O'Donnell.
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
We both know that you would deny any equivalence, no matter what the example is.

That's how nutters on both ends play the game. Play it with a right winger.
So you can't show an equivalent lie from the Left. Why am I not surprised you are too dishonest to admit it. Or maybe you actually believe CO2 comes from H2O (water vapor).
So I ask, where in water vapor does the C in CO2 come from?????
And there it is, the standard tactic.

Mac knows his nutters:

And there it is, the standard deflection.
And notice Mac is the "fundie" who won't post an example after I posted my example.
See the first quote in my sig for where he got that tactic.
Not what she said, of course, she said one of their "reporters" is literally paid by the Russians, which IS true!!!
Rouz IS paid by the Russian propaganda outlet Sputnik. You can see his Russian lies on the Sputnik website, under his name, which he then parrots when he is on OAN.

Here is Maddow's actual quote:

“Their on-air politics reporter (Kristian Rouz) is paid by the Russian government to produce propaganda for that government.”

And the proof of that?
Do you really think Rouz works for Sputnik for FREE?????? Are you really that STUPID?
I would say the burden is on YOU to prove Rouz works for Sputnik for free!

He freelanced for them, before he worked for OAN.

So OAN hiring him after he freelanced for a russian site
makes OAN paid russian agents?

How about you go back to being a drooling Rush-hater, you ignorant twat?
See how the Right LIES to cover for Russian propaganda operatives!
Interesting how one dumbass Right-winger found YOUR lies "informative!"

Rouz continued to work for Sputnik AFTER starting to work for OAN, as if you didn't know!
He joined OAN in 2017 and here he is writing for Sputnik in 2018, got any better lies up your sleeve???
San Francisco's Williams Being Eyed for No. 2 Spot at Federal Reserve by Trump

LOL Russian propaganda....

Was this another freelance gig?

And btw, it seems soooooo biased.....
Why can't you just admit you got caught lying when you falsely claimed he stopped working for Sputnik after he joined OAN?
It is BULLSHIT to lump HanNITWITty and LimpBoy together with Maddow and O'Donnell, HanNITWITty and LimpBoy are out and out liars who never quote anyone or any stat accurately and Maddow and O'Donnell while biased Left are not out and out liars.
Here is a typical LimpBoy lie, see if YOU can catch it, his audience can't which is why he tells such obvious whoppers to them. I highlighted it to help you, now show me any equivalent lie from Maddow or O'Donnell.
April 3, 2007
RUSH: Mark my brilliant words on this. ... The vast majority of CO2 that's in the atmosphere comes from water vapor.
We both know that you would deny any equivalence, no matter what the example is.

That's how nutters on both ends play the game. Play it with a right winger.
So you can't show an equivalent lie from the Left. Why am I not surprised you are too dishonest to admit it. Or maybe you actually believe CO2 comes from H2O (water vapor).
So I ask, where in water vapor does the C in CO2 come from?????
And there it is, the standard tactic.

Mac knows his nutters:

And there it is, the standard deflection.
And notice Mac is the "fundie" who won't post an example after I posted my example.
See the first quote in my sig for where he got that tactic.
Your white flag is not accepted.
We both know that you would deny any equivalence, no matter what the example is.

That's how nutters on both ends play the game. Play it with a right winger.
So you can't show an equivalent lie from the Left. Why am I not surprised you are too dishonest to admit it. Or maybe you actually believe CO2 comes from H2O (water vapor).
So I ask, where in water vapor does the C in CO2 come from?????
And there it is, the standard tactic.

Mac knows his nutters:

And there it is, the standard deflection.
And notice Mac is the "fundie" who won't post an example after I posted my example.
See the first quote in my sig for where he got that tactic.
Your white flag is not accepted.
I'm just burned out on asymmetrical conversations with nutters.

Find yourself a nice little obedient Trumpster and bitch at them for a while, m'kay?

And the proof of that?
Do you really think Rouz works for Sputnik for FREE?????? Are you really that STUPID?
I would say the burden is on YOU to prove Rouz works for Sputnik for free!

He freelanced for them, before he worked for OAN.

So OAN hiring him after he freelanced for a russian site
makes OAN paid russian agents?

How about you go back to being a drooling Rush-hater, you ignorant twat?
See how the Right LIES to cover for Russian propaganda operatives!
Interesting how one dumbass Right-winger found YOUR lies "informative!"

Rouz continued to work for Sputnik AFTER starting to work for OAN, as if you didn't know!
He joined OAN in 2017 and here he is writing for Sputnik in 2018, got any better lies up your sleeve???
San Francisco's Williams Being Eyed for No. 2 Spot at Federal Reserve by Trump

LOL Russian propaganda....

Was this another freelance gig?

And btw, it seems soooooo biased.....
Why can't you just admit you got caught lying when you falsely claimed he stopped working for Sputnik after he joined OAN?

I based my opinion on a Briebart article that has since changed.

One America News sues Rachel Maddow for $10 million - Breitbart

So yes, the reporters still freelanced for Sputnik, but that is a far cry from being a "propagandist"
So you can't show an equivalent lie from the Left. Why am I not surprised you are too dishonest to admit it. Or maybe you actually believe CO2 comes from H2O (water vapor).
So I ask, where in water vapor does the C in CO2 come from?????
And there it is, the standard tactic.

Mac knows his nutters:

And there it is, the standard deflection.
And notice Mac is the "fundie" who won't post an example after I posted my example.
See the first quote in my sig for where he got that tactic.
Your white flag is not accepted.
I'm just burned out on asymmetrical conversations with nutters.

Find yourself a nice little obedient Trumpster and bitch at them for a while, m'kay?

No, you know you can't defend your false equivalence.

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