Mad Maxine Has To Be Loving This... Since It's Exactly What She Wants To See...


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Before you read this article, quickly reverse the races... what do you think the democrat propaganda wing would be saying? Then ask yourself, what race is truly the most racist race on the planet... yep... doesn't take long to answer that... BLACKS.


BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to “Get the F- Out of New York”

An angry mob of Black Lives Matter Marxists ordered white diners to leave New York City — immediately.

“Get the f**k out of New York,” the crowd yelled at diners eating at an outdoor Taqueria. “We don’t want you here.”

“We don’t want you fucking money,” the angry mob yelled.

“We don’t want your fucking taqueria owned by a f**king white man,” they said — garbling the word taqueria. Apparently they didn’t know how to pronounce the word.

Video at link: BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to "Get the F- Out of New York" | Todd Starnes
Before you read this article, quickly reverse the races...
How do I do that Seargent?

what do you think the democrat propaganda wing would be saying?
Upon reviewing the video I see that it looks like a white guy is leading the protestors with hate speech against white people. The Democrat propaganda wing would probably use the "reverse the races" scenario to enhance their campaign that white people are mean racists.

Then ask yourself, what race is truly the most racist race on the planet... yep... doesn't take long to answer that... BLACKS.
Okay, thank you - so do you have any ideas as to how to fix the problem, or are you just as lame as the non-whites who keep up the grievance campaign?

Seargent, I think you are of no use. I am years ahead. The non-whites need to get some skin in the game, in order to understand how community is done; and how difficult it is to do.

I understand that you are frustrated, but either you come up with a solution that you can campaign, or accept that there is probably somebody smarter than you who has a good idea that needs volunteer campaign help.
This bullshit is setting blacks back 50 years...they are brewing hatred for their cause and their race.....people won't want to rent to them or hire them or live next door to them...all of that was improving in America until Obama the race pimp came today's blacks may end up experiencing the hardships of racism for real now....
Before you read this article, quickly reverse the races... what do you think the democrat propaganda wing would be saying? Then ask yourself, what race is truly the most racist race on the planet... yep... doesn't take long to answer that... BLACKS.


BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to “Get the F- Out of New York”

An angry mob of Black Lives Matter Marxists ordered white diners to leave New York City — immediately.

“Get the f**k out of New York,” the crowd yelled at diners eating at an outdoor Taqueria. “We don’t want you here.”

“We don’t want you fucking money,” the angry mob yelled.

“We don’t want your fucking taqueria owned by a f**king white man,” they said — garbling the word taqueria. Apparently they didn’t know how to pronounce the word.

Video at link: BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to "Get the F- Out of New York" | Todd Starnes
It appears that the systemic-racism they speak of is their systemic-racism.

Before you read this article, quickly reverse the races... what do you think the democrat propaganda wing would be saying? Then ask yourself, what race is truly the most racist race on the planet... yep... doesn't take long to answer that... BLACKS.


BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to “Get the F- Out of New York”

An angry mob of Black Lives Matter Marxists ordered white diners to leave New York City — immediately.

“Get the f**k out of New York,” the crowd yelled at diners eating at an outdoor Taqueria. “We don’t want you here.”

“We don’t want you fucking money,” the angry mob yelled.

“We don’t want your fucking taqueria owned by a f**king white man,” they said — garbling the word taqueria. Apparently they didn’t know how to pronounce the word.

Video at link: BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to "Get the F- Out of New York" | Todd Starnes
WTF--The guy doing the screaming is inciting the black response? Am I missing something here? The white guy is saying he doesn't want himself in NY. That is almost as absurd as complaining about the "Old white men" who run the federal government and then voting for Joe Biden. SMFH.
Before you read this article, quickly reverse the races... what do you think the democrat propaganda wing would be saying? Then ask yourself, what race is truly the most racist race on the planet... yep... doesn't take long to answer that... BLACKS.


BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to “Get the F- Out of New York”

An angry mob of Black Lives Matter Marxists ordered white diners to leave New York City — immediately.

“Get the f**k out of New York,” the crowd yelled at diners eating at an outdoor Taqueria. “We don’t want you here.”

“We don’t want you fucking money,” the angry mob yelled.

“We don’t want your fucking taqueria owned by a f**king white man,” they said — garbling the word taqueria. Apparently they didn’t know how to pronounce the word.

Video at link: BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to "Get the F- Out of New York" | Todd Starnes
I would punish the entire congress by making Maxine show up in a string bikini
Before you read this article, quickly reverse the races... what do you think the democrat propaganda wing would be saying? Then ask yourself, what race is truly the most racist race on the planet... yep... doesn't take long to answer that... BLACKS.


BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to “Get the F- Out of New York”

An angry mob of Black Lives Matter Marxists ordered white diners to leave New York City — immediately.

“Get the f**k out of New York,” the crowd yelled at diners eating at an outdoor Taqueria. “We don’t want you here.”

“We don’t want you fucking money,” the angry mob yelled.

“We don’t want your fucking taqueria owned by a f**king white man,” they said — garbling the word taqueria. Apparently they didn’t know how to pronounce the word.

Video at link: BLM Protesters in NYC Order White People to "Get the F- Out of New York" | Todd Starnes
I would punish the entire congress by making Maxine show up in a string bikini
Now I have to get that vision out of my minds eye. Thanks for nothing.
I understand that you are frustrated, but either you come up with a solution that you can campaign
I’m not on the ballot, but the people could start by kicking educators of of the public school system who teach CRT or otherwise push the Black Lies Matter agenda

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