Lying about lying and then lying about it: No sped up tape of Acosta laying hands on intern.

Getting lectured on economics by a Marxist. Russia still behind 40 years because of their plays with communism. Same for any other Marxist country.

I think you are a little confused. the USSR fell apart for the same reason the British Empire fell apart.. Imperialism doesn't work in the long run.

Neither had anything to do with an economic system.

Mark my words, within 5 years there will be national laws compelling the turning in of private arms. If you can't see the writing on the wall, shame on you. And there will be no resistance. They'll do it smartly, one by one. The Left is actually playing the Right like fools.

The thing is, the 78% of us who don't own guns are really tired of the 3% of you with gun fetishes letting children get wheeled out of schools in body bags.

You COULD have gun laws that protect the rights of law abiding gun owners while keeping guns out of the hands of the nuts. Germany already does... 20 million guns in Germany, and they don't have incidents like California yesterday.

But the problem is, the Gun Industry won't make obscene they oppose it.

As soon as Trump is gone our proverbial asses are high in the wind and the left will have a field day

But whose fault is that.

I voted Republican for years... but the GOP I voted for was the one of family values, strong defense and fiscal responsibility.

The "Cult of Trump" is for paying off porn stars, sucking up to Putin and running up Trillion dollar deficits in peacetime.

The only one here that is confused is you. The soviet union and all those other socialist countries went nowhere.

Now if you think socialist economics are so much superior, a one way ticket to Venezuela can be arranged.
The only one here that is confused is you. The soviet union and all those other socialist countries went nowhere.
Now if you think socialist economics are so much superior, a one way ticket to Venezuela can be arranged.

Norman, they're doing one better.....they're bringing Venezuela Here

And "we The Right" aren't going to stop them.
I sometimes wish I was a Lefty...I'd rather laugh with the winners than cry with Saints (The Right)
You guys are having so much fun pissing in our faces and laughing about it.

When was the last time RWers got out and protested ANYTHING?

I get so fucking tired of being on the losers side. All we do is bitch and whine about shit...but NEVER do nuffin. (except talk about our toy guns)
I sometimes wish I was a Lefty...I'd rather laugh with the winners than cry with Saints (The Right)

I get so fucking tired of being on the losers side.

Fight more... tolerate leftist BS less.

then you can be a winner with the Saints.
I sometimes wish I was a Lefty...I'd rather laugh with the winners than cry with Saints (The Right)

I get so fucking tired of being on the losers side.

Fight more... tolerate leftist BS less.

then you can be a winner with the Saints.

Norman.....I honestly USED to feel that way...but the Right NEVER DOES ANYTHING.
We whine all day about how unfair Twitter and Facebook are.....then continue to flock to them like assclowns. wtf?

we complain about Hollywood's war on rightwing values...then line up to pay to see their movies, stuffing their pockets.

I have to agree....The Right is a bunch of fucking moron losers.
Can anyone on the Left tell me how to convert from being a Rightwinger and go Left?
Am I simply destined to be a whiner / loser / Do nuffin Righty?
Tired of being on the losers side.

The rightwing is ALL TALK. No action, that will soon be down to a small group of 80 year olds in a convalescent home playing chess....bragging about the glory days and how they're gonna beat the Left
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I sometimes wish I was a Lefty...I'd rather laugh with the winners than cry with Saints (The Right)

I get so fucking tired of being on the losers side.

Fight more... tolerate leftist BS less.

then you can be a winner with the Saints.

Norman.....I honestly USED to feel that way...but the Right NEVER DOES ANYTHING.
We whine all day about how unfair Twitter and Facebook are.....then continue to flock to them like assclowns. wtf?

we complain about Hollywood's war on rightwing values...then line up to pay to see their movies, stuffing their pockets.

I have to agree....The Right is a bunch of fucking moron losers.

Yes, plenty of people need to locate their balls, including the average Americans (especially white males).

With DJ. Trump as guide it isn't that difficult. He has made a business out of winning.
Why do we want a pacifist press? To not upset the Potus and his narcissistic, propaganda speeches.
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

weak ass karate chop
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

There is no leftist communist bias in the media. Nothing to see here.
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

weak ass karate chop

Well he is a leftist, he did his best.

Yes, Trump's performance on the second video is quite a bit more convincing.
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

weak ass karate chop

Well he is a leftist, he did his best.

Titty twister works better.
Why do we want a pacifist press? To not upset the Potus and his narcissistic, propaganda speeches.
When Jim Acosta quit asking questions and started arguing with Trump, he stopped being the press and started being a leftist advocate. He took over the press conference after he was told to knock it off (criminal trespass).

Would you want a member of the press corps flipping out on Dems, arguing from a right-wing nut job position, taking over the conference? That's not reporting the news. That is MAKING the news or becoming the news. Journalism 101.
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

There is no leftist communist bias in the media. Nothing to see here.

Considering that they are all privately owned you used the wrong word to try and belittle them.
If you folks can't see what is going on with the rich and powerful and the media maybe you should stop being a patsy and recognize how you are being used and misled..
If you folks can't see what is going on with the rich and powerful and the media maybe you should stop being a patsy and recognize how you are being used and misled..
How are we being mislead? Jim Acosta is misleading us into believing he is journalist and not a Dem hack? Or, is this a distraction while the powerful sneak some terrible shit past us?
If you folks can't see what is going on with the rich and powerful and the media maybe you should stop being a patsy and recognize how you are being used and misled..
How are we being mislead? Jim Acosta is misleading us into believing he is journalist and not a Dem hack? Or, is this a distraction while the powerful sneak some terrible shit past us?
It's the parents which guide the children...The owners or board of directors set the tone for the hum of business to be executed..

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