Lying about lying and then lying about it: No sped up tape of Acosta laying hands on intern.


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

Everything you say is correct. And them some.

The right has been demonized and ostracized to the point that the Left is "comfortable" changing election results and deleting any Right wing opposition from Social Media, for example. The right is on the brink of being being rejected in it's entirety.

I don't think we've ever been here before. The Left is vastly out-manuevering the right and it's happening so fast it reminds one of Nazi Germany in the 30's and 40's.

What's worse, the Right seems content or at least feels helpless to do anything.

This same combination gave Venezuela a dictator as well as China and Russia. The Left laughs and calls us "whiners" and I see their point. They DO....while the right rolls over....and DOES NOTHING.

We're at war and the stakes are high...but only one side has sent any troops to the battle it appears. in a nutshell....the Conservative right (and the nation) are pfucked.
right on cue Toro....right on cue....

In a way, I don't blame you radical Leftists for laughing your asses off at the right.

we bitch, moan and complain...but don't do jack shit but grab our ankles. We piss ourselves because Facebook won't let us whine on their Leftist owned platform, but flat refuse to start our own. same with Google and Twitter. They spit on us, but we still loyally flock to them like morons.

What we're getting is exactly what we deserve. We tried to follow the law and be tolerant, while your side said "fuck the law and fuck Conservatives.....WIN by ANY means necessary"....and your side went out and did just excuses....and the Law of the jungle is that the strong survive.

The Right appears to be weak. so laugh, tell us we're morons...I tend to agree in that respect.
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Trumptard logic:

Grab her microphone: 10 years in prison!
Grab her pussy: a-OK by me.

Grab her pussy is actually OK by the women. That's because he is the God Emperor.

They won't let you do anything of the sort unfortunately so... perhaps that's why you are confusing it with assault since only that ever worked for you.
Trumptard logic:

Grab her microphone: 10 years in prison!
Grab her pussy: a-OK by me.

Grab her pussy is actually OK by the women. That's because he is the God Emperor.

They won't let you do anything of the sort unfortunately so... perhaps that's why you are confusing it with assault since only that ever worked for you.
Acosta pulled back when she attempted to take the mic. Did you notice that?
Everything you say is correct. And them some.

The right has been demonized and ostracized to the point that the Left is "comfortable" changing election results and deleting any Right wing opposition from Social Media, for example. The right is on the brink of being being rejected in it's entirety.

I don't think we've ever been here before. The Left is vastly out-manuevering the right and it's happening so fast it reminds one of Nazi Germany in the 30's and 40's.

What's worse, the Right seems content or at least feels helpless to do anything.

This same combination gave Venezuela a dictator as well as China and Russia. The Left laughs and calls us "whiners" and I see their point. They DO....while the right rolls over....and DOES NOTHING.

We're at war and the stakes are high...but only one side has sent any troops to the battle it appears. in a nutshell....the Conservative right (and the nation) are pfucked.
Stand up to the filthy punks.
The right has been demonized and ostracized to the point that the Left is "comfortable" changing election results and deleting any Right wing opposition from Social Media, for example. The right is on the brink of being being rejected in it's entirety.

As well it should be.

Take away the failed economic ideas like Supply Side and Deregulation, and all you guys have left is racism, misogyny and homophobia.
right on cue Toro....right on cue....

In a way, I don't blame you radical Leftists for laughing your asses off at the right.

we bitch, moan and complain...but don't do jack shit but grab our ankles. We piss ourselves because Facebook won't let us whine on their Leftist owned platform, but flat refuse to start our own. same with Google and Twitter. They spit on us, but we still loyally flock to them like morons.

What we're getting is exactly what we deserve. We tried to follow the law and be tolerant, while your side said "fuck the law and fuck Conservatives.....WIN by ANY means necessary"....and your side went out and did just excuses....and the Law of the jungle is that the strong survive.

The Right appears to be weak. so laugh, tell us we're morons...I tend to agree in that respect.

I am so glad that end are the days of cucking endlessly.
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

Norman the Conservative message board nickname versus the AP expert. Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored
The right has been demonized and ostracized to the point that the Left is "comfortable" changing election results and deleting any Right wing opposition from Social Media, for example. The right is on the brink of being being rejected in it's entirety.

As well it should be.

Take away the failed economic ideas like Supply Side and Deregulation, and all you guys have left is racism, misogyny and homophobia.
You forgot one...."poopy pants".
The right has been demonized and ostracized to the point that the Left is "comfortable" changing election results and deleting any Right wing opposition from Social Media, for example. The right is on the brink of being being rejected in it's entirety.

As well it should be.

Take away the failed economic ideas like Supply Side and Deregulation, and all you guys have left is racism, misogyny and homophobia.

Getting lectured on economics by a Marxist. Russia still behind 40 years because of their plays with communism. Same for any other Marxist country.

Leftists attempting to school someone on economics is like getting schooled by Hellen Keller on how to play the piano.
The right has been demonized and ostracized to the point that the Left is "comfortable" changing election results and deleting any Right wing opposition from Social Media, for example. The right is on the brink of being being rejected in it's entirety.

As well it should be.

Take away the failed economic ideas like Supply Side and Deregulation, and all you guys have left is racism, misogyny and homophobia.

Yep...I have to admit, your side is beating the fucking pulp out of the Right in pretty much every way.
More power to you if the right is that weak and unwilling to stand up for itself.

The Jews made that mistake in Europe in the 30's perhaps it's the Christian's turn
The acosta story characterizes the modern day media and the left perfectly. First, Acosta does something utterly stupid, not passing the microphone to the next journalist, karate chopping the WH intern. Then he lies and states none of this ever happened saying he got banned for asking difficult questions. Unfortunately the whole incident was filmed and the truth got out. So what next? The press can never let out the truth so now they lie that the recording is fake.

If this is not the concluding evidence that we are dealing with enemy of the people, nothing can be. Chronic psychopathic lies.

I so much wish that he had gone just a bit further and gotten the CNN treatment. There would have been no need to revoke the pass, he would have never come close to the white house again.

Norman the Conservative message board nickname versus the AP expert. Expert: Acosta video distributed by White House was doctored

It was not doctored, end of story.

What is this guy an expert at? Spreading convincing leftist propaganda?
I am so glad that end are the days of cucking endlessly.

Are they?
What is the Right doing? Where are the mass protests?

Mark my words, within 5 years there will be national laws compelling the turning in of private arms. If you can't see the writing on the wall, shame on you. And there will be no resistance. They'll do it smartly, one by one. The Left is actually playing the Right like fools.

I'm actually amazed at how efficiently the Left neuters the Right. But then, the right seems to have no will or guts to fight back. every time the Left royally fucks the right, nothing is done...noone is convicted...noone goes to jail... Only RightWingers are subject to prosecution and persecution. Look around and try to deny it.

The Right brags about it's guns....but actually the Right is a bunch of whining pussies just like they say. sometimes I wish I wasn't a RW. I feel like a fool alone in a battle I can't possibly win.

As soon as Trump is gone our proverbial asses are high in the wind and the left will have a field day

:boo_hoo14: lol (I'm a rightwinger...BooHooing is all I got
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To those who still believe the tape was doctored, I wonder if they believe that they doctored Acosta being a huge asshole incapable of following rules as well?
The Left says the tapes were doctored....the media will back it.....the left will raise hell and say STFU to anyone who disagrees.
The Right will cry, whine and complain.....then accept

The end

It's time the Right just give up and accept that we're all weak pussies with nothing but our constant whining on forums....while the Left is taking no prisoners or excuses. Just kicking ass every day.
Getting lectured on economics by a Marxist. Russia still behind 40 years because of their plays with communism. Same for any other Marxist country.

I think you are a little confused. the USSR fell apart for the same reason the British Empire fell apart.. Imperialism doesn't work in the long run.

Neither had anything to do with an economic system.

Mark my words, within 5 years there will be national laws compelling the turning in of private arms. If you can't see the writing on the wall, shame on you. And there will be no resistance. They'll do it smartly, one by one. The Left is actually playing the Right like fools.

The thing is, the 78% of us who don't own guns are really tired of the 3% of you with gun fetishes letting children get wheeled out of schools in body bags.

You COULD have gun laws that protect the rights of law abiding gun owners while keeping guns out of the hands of the nuts. Germany already does... 20 million guns in Germany, and they don't have incidents like California yesterday.

But the problem is, the Gun Industry won't make obscene they oppose it.

As soon as Trump is gone our proverbial asses are high in the wind and the left will have a field day

But whose fault is that.

I voted Republican for years... but the GOP I voted for was the one of family values, strong defense and fiscal responsibility.

The "Cult of Trump" is for paying off porn stars, sucking up to Putin and running up Trillion dollar deficits in peacetime.

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