Luke Letlow, 41-year-old congressman-elect, dies with COVID-19


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
A sad way to pass. So young.

Just as an aside, I am noticing people younger and younger passing on from this virus. Has it become more lethal and we aren't aware?


Luke Letlow, the newly elected member of Congress from Louisiana, died Tuesday night from complications related to COVID-19, a spokesman announced.

The Associated Press reported earlier this month that Letlow, a 41-year-old Republican, had been hospitalized after being diagnosed with the virus. He was days away from being sworn into office.

Dr. G.E. Ghali, of LSU Health Shreveport, told that Letlow was in critical condition but showed signs of improvement. He "apparently suffered a cardiac event this evening that was refractory to all resuscitation efforts."

Rep. Steve Scalise, another Republican from the state, issued a statement calling Letlow a "positive spirit" who had a "tremendously bright future ahead of him."

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi also issued a statement saying the entire body mourns his passing.
What was his position on masks?

I don't know. I do know of people who have contracted it even though they wore a mask. Some of them on reddit said they wore a mask, gloves and hid in their basement for months and still contracted it.

There was a story recently in the Toronto Star of a man in his early 50s, very fit. He wore a mask at work as a building Super, and all it took was one person who also had a mask (I think), who was near him working on a computer when they were trying to get some information about an issue in the building.

The mans condition became worse within hours. A day or two later he was gone. It was a haunting story as his wife described how quickly his fever became his funeral.

I'm always fairly laid back, but, my own health hasn't been great of late. Has me worried about other issues not related to the Wuhan Virus. We can only do what we can do and hope for the best sometimes. I've been quite healthy myself for most of my life, I intend to fight always and hope my body takes care of me as I have tried to take care of it.
What was his position on masks?

Does it make a difference? The virus doesn't give a shit whether someone is pro or con re:masks.

Myself, I'm in the middle of the road on this. If you want to wear a mask, that's cool with me.
His positions on masks was the same as almost all republic pols, he was against mask mandates and held/attended mask less rallies.

He doesn't need a mask were he is now.
Just as an aside, I am noticing people younger and younger passing on from this virus.

Not really. People aged 55 and older make up 92% of all COVID deaths in the United States

This is horrible. He was only 41 years old. He was going to start a career as representative for people in Louisiana.

Too many people are dying.

What was his position on masks?

I don't know. I do know of people who have contracted it even though they wore a mask. Some of them on reddit [sic] said they wore a mask, gloves and hid in their basement for months and still contracted it.

Does not follow. Not wearing face protection doesn't make it easier to get infected ---- it makes it easier to infect other people.

Fer FUXSAKE do we STILL not know how this works, after a YEAR?
Died "with" or died "from"?

When did cardiac arrest become one of the symptoms of cornavirus?

When the virus weakens a person's resistance till he experiences a heart attack that he wouldn't have had without the virus weakened condition.

Coulda been worse.

Israeli man reportedly dies of heart attack hours after getting COVID vaccine

so actually having a replicating virus in your body does not qualify as cause of death, but having a vaccine does... :)
What was his position on masks?

I don't know. I do know of people who have contracted it even though they wore a mask. Some of them on reddit said they wore a mask, gloves and hid in their basement for months and still contracted it.

There was a story recently in the Toronto Star of a man in his early 50s, very fit. He wore a mask at work as a building Super, and all it took was one person who also had a mask (I think), who was near him working on a computer when they were trying to get some information about an issue in the building.

The mans condition became worse within hours. A day or two later he was gone. It was a haunting story as his wife described how quickly his fever became his funeral.

I'm always fairly laid back, but, my own health hasn't been great of late. Has me worried about other issues not related to the Wuhan Virus. We can only do what we can do and hope for the best sometimes. I've been quite healthy myself for most of my life, I intend to fight always and hope my body takes care of me as I have tried to take care of it.
It’s “ Gone with the Wind “
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
There's a Democrat / Establishment GOP RINO political machine.
  • Luke Letlow had earned a bachelor's degree in computer information systems.
  • Herman Cain had earned a master's degree in computer science.
The political machine doesn't want the computer knowledge in Congress. Those fellows play chess, and they play ping-pong across the aisle with the Democrats like Beto O’Rourke.
Both Luke Letlow and Herman Kane attended Trump rallies shortly before being diagnosed with Covid 19 and dying. I wonder if Trump knows, or even cares that he could be responsible for the deaths of both of his supporters. I'm betting he doesn't care.
There's a Democrat / Establishment GOP RINO political machine.
  • Luke Letlow had earned a bachelor's degree in computer information systems.
  • Herman Cain had earned a master's degree in computer science.
The political machine doesn't want the computer knowledge in Congress. Those fellows play chess, and they play ping-pong across the aisle with the Democrats like Beto O’Rourke.

You know that's bullshit, right?

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