Luis Elizondo/Chris Mellon/Harry Reid/NT-Times UFO Scam AATIP Outed As Near Total BS!


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2020
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Hayward Wisconsin
This is posted in politics because this whole episode was, and remains entirely political in nature, many Americans, many many Americans, were suckered into this unusual political scam due to three primary events, a NY-Times cover story, purported US-Naval UFO video leaked by Chris Mellon to the media, and the emergence from the shadow of a mysterious DIA spook named Louis Elizondo who claimed "dramatically" to have headed up a super classified pentagon black program called AATIP!

The story actually was begun well before the Times front page spread, via a former rock & roller(was he compromised by DIA in some manner permanently endearing him to them?)who was actually the first to bring Elizondo & Mellon(two of the deep states deepest of spooks)to the public awareness, however it failed to gain any traction whatsoever, the Times story changed that, and to this day, its almost assured that most Americans believe Elizondo was the director of this AATIP black program.

As it turns out, just as I strongly suspected it would, the whole thing is total, or near total BS as AATIP never even existed at all, it recieved absolutely not one cent of funding, the following from the New York Post's Steven Greenstreet is an excellent example of actual journalism, oh and one more very important nugget kiddies, everyone involved in this scam is a democrat, or democrat operative closely associeted with the Clinton's, Obama, or most likely both!!!

This is posted in politics because this whole episode was, and remains entirely political in nature, many Americans, many many Americans, were suckered into this unusual political scam due to three primary events, a NY-Times cover story, purported US-Naval UFO video leaked by Chris Mellon to the media, and the emergence from the shadow of a mysterious DIA spook named Louis Elizondo who claimed "dramatically" to have headed up a super classified pentagon black program called AATIP!

The story actually was begun well before the Times front page spread, via a former rock & roller(was he compromised by DIA in some manner permanently endearing him to them?)who was actually the first to bring Elizondo & Mellon(two of the deep states deepest of spooks)to the public awareness, however it failed to gain any traction whatsoever, the Times story changed that, and to this day, its almost assured that most Americans believe Elizondo was the director of this AATIP black program.

As it turns out, just as I strongly suspected it would, the whole thing is total, or near total BS as AATIP never even existed at all, it recieved absolutely not one cent of funding, the following from the New York Post's Steven Greenstreet is an excellent example of actual journalism, oh and one more very important nugget kiddies, everyone involved in this scam is a democrat, or democrat operative closely associeted with the Clinton's, Obama, or most likely both!!!

The NY Times has been reduced to bird cage liner.
The NY Times has been reduced to bird cage liner.
Beyond all shadow of doubt, the only question remaining to my mind is what exactly was the objective of Elizondo & Mellon, and from within that question emerges another, specifically what about these naval aviators and their reported encounters???

As for the Times, they virtually manufactured this whole story from the real black program run through pentagon, one so lunatic fringe they had to hide it from the pentagon itself, or face immediate extinction, it was so kooky crazy Reid applied to have it converted into a SAP and it was denied! The whole thing is huge pile of shit, run by a democrat spook very closely associated with the Clinton's!
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