Lower Courts to decide election? Let's look at the Makeup of the lower courts


Good guys wear white hats
Aug 23, 2011
Bham, AL
We already know that the left EXPECTS to lose on election day & that they will attempt to steal the White House through fraud.

It also looks like Justice Roberts is compromised & cannot be counted on to do the right thing

So, the lower courts' decisions will stand in the case of a tie from SCOTUS

what states are most likely to be targeted for leftist fraud and what is the makeup of the courts that may well decide our future?

GOOD NEWS baws! Looks like we are in decent shape where we need help the most! (PA, MI, MN & WI)!!

1st Circuit Court of Appeals


6 Justices -- 3 from Obama, 1 from Clinton, 1 by Reagan & one by GW Bush

we fucked

3rd Circuit Court of Appeals


14 justices -- 4 from Trump, 4 from Obama, 4 from GW Bush, and 2 from Clinton

we have an actual fighting chance here

4th Circuit Court of Appeals

North Carolina, Virginia

15 justices -- 3 from Trump, 6 from Obama, 2 from GW Bush, 2 from Clinton, 1 from GHW Bush & 1 from Reagan

** NOTE, 1 of GW Bush's appointees was an affirmation of a Clinton appointee done while the Senate was in recess

Virginia is lost & we need a decisive victory in North Carolina

6th Circuit Court of Appeals


16 justices -- 6 from Trump, 2 from Obama, 5 from GW Bush, 3 from Clinton

THIS is one of our better chance to beat down voter fraud!

7th Circuit Court of Appeals


11 justices -- 4 from Trump, 1 from Obama, 1 from GW Bush, 1 from Clinton, 3 from Reagan, 1 from GHW Bush

THIS district offers an even better chance to beat back voter fraud than the 6th!

8th Circuit Court of Appeals


11 justices -- 4 from Trump, 1 from Obama, 5 from GW Bush, 1 from GHW Bush

OK, I am starting to feel a little better; this circuit looks pretty favorable as well, but I still trust Reagan and Trump appointees more than Bush Jr or Sr...

7th Circuit Court of Appeals


29 justices -- 10 from Trump, 7 from Obama, 3 from GW Bush, 9 from Clinton

we are screwed here, and why in the blue hell do we have TWENTY NINE justices on one circuit???

10th Circuit Court of Appeals


12 justices -- 2 from Trump, 5 from Obama, 3 from GW Bush, 2 from Clinton

another lost cause, voter fraud is safe here with a 4-4 SCOTUS tie...
When Trump puts Amy Coney Barrett on the USSC the lower courts won't matter.
The USSC will be 6-3 conservative, or 5-4 even if Roberts flips.
we may not get anyone on right now, we already have 3 defections, which means 1 more that peels off stalls the process

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