Low information voters

Low information voter is just another 3 word meme that ignorant people use when trying to make a point.
August 17, 2015

RUSH: Well, we learn... (interruption) We learn... I used the term "low-information voter." Arthur Brooks... (interruption) No, don't misunderstand. I'm not getting on anybody for copying that. I'm not that petty. Low-information voters out there... (interruption) Yes, it's my concoction.

A sheep that hates rush always listen to him?

Why? Have not listen to him since around 1998?
I think Rush actually coined that phrase.

I still hate 3 word memes.
The pathological liar claims he coined it, but he has never had an original thought in his entire life but simply takes credit for other peoples' ideas. A perfect example is his plagiarized "Limbaugh Theorem" that he stole from Noah Rothman.
Most ideas are stolen.

Very smart woman...

Telsa and Edison ran to the patent office... Guess who won.
"OMG The Republicans are so stupid! They're so stupid! Do you see how stupid they are? OMG! SOOOOO STUPID! They're stupid! Hahahah! They're stupid!

That's all I got! I cant think of anything else!"
Everyone is stupid to believe anything we are told. They all lie make shit up and then we repeat it.

I'm trying to step outside that but it's really hard because there is no way else to learn things. Unless you are one of the few billionaires or politicians that run this country, none of us know the real truth.

i love the way you hate-filled left-wing nutjobs laugh and say Trump is destroying the Republican Party; and out of the other side of yoru idiotic left-wing mouths you attack h im.
then arent you doing us a favor idiot?

Those crazies who think Trump is destroying the Republican Party are fellow Republicans

The low information voters in the party do not realize a snake oil salesman when they see one
^ that
August 17, 2015

RUSH: Well, we learn... (interruption) We learn... I used the term "low-information voter." Arthur Brooks... (interruption) No, don't misunderstand. I'm not getting on anybody for copying that. I'm not that petty. Low-information voters out there... (interruption) Yes, it's my concoction.

A sheep that hates rush always listen to him?

Why? Have not listen to him since around 1998?
I think Rush actually coined that phrase.

I still hate 3 word memes.
The pathological liar claims he coined it, but he has never had an original thought in his entire life but simply takes credit for other peoples' ideas. A perfect example is his plagiarized "Limbaugh Theorem" that he stole from Noah Rothman.
Most ideas are stolen.

Very smart woman...

Telsa and Edison ran to the patent office... Guess who won.
There are very few original thinkers.

Lol I was going to use Edison as an example.
Low information voter is just another 3 word meme that ignorant people use when trying to make a point.
August 17, 2015

RUSH: Well, we learn... (interruption) We learn... I used the term "low-information voter." Arthur Brooks... (interruption) No, don't misunderstand. I'm not getting on anybody for copying that. I'm not that petty. Low-information voters out there... (interruption) Yes, it's my concoction.

A sheep that hates rush always listen to him?

Why? Have not listen to him since around 1998?
I think Rush actually coined that phrase.

I still hate 3 word memes.
The pathological liar claims he coined it, but he has never had an original thought in his entire life but simply takes credit for other peoples' ideas. A perfect example is his plagiarized "Limbaugh Theorem" that he stole from Noah Rothman.
Most ideas are stolen.
And ALL of you MessiahRushie's are stolen.

June 18, 2013

RUSH: "Generation Text" (My coinage.)


Generation TeXt


September 19, 2002 7:58 am

Note: This lesson was originally published on an older version of The Learning Network; the link to the related Times article will take you to a page on the old site.

Overview of Lesson Plan: In this lesson, students write sentences using different writing styles. Through peer editing, they hone their writing to create effective thesis statements.

Clayton DeKorne, The New York Times Learning Network
Yasmin Chin Eisenhauer, The Bank Street College of Education in New York City


The term generation text was created by a psychologist from New Jersey, Dr. Michael Osit, who published a book in 2008 called "Generation Text".

Republicans would like to thank obama for being the guy who oversaw the biggest Republican gains in the House in seventy years! ;)
A sheep that hates rush always listen to him?

Why? Have not listen to him since around 1998?
I think Rush actually coined that phrase.

I still hate 3 word memes.
The pathological liar claims he coined it, but he has never had an original thought in his entire life but simply takes credit for other peoples' ideas. A perfect example is his plagiarized "Limbaugh Theorem" that he stole from Noah Rothman.
Most ideas are stolen.

Very smart woman...

Telsa and Edison ran to the patent office... Guess who won.
There are very few original thinkers.

Lol I was going to use Edison as an example.
EIB Used "Undocumented Democrats" Years Before Leno

April 03, 2013


RUSH: By the way, I'll get into details of this in just a second, but I've had a number of people say, "Hey, Rush, did you hear Leno's joke? It was a great line, did you hear what Leno said? Since AP is not gonna be calling 'em illegal immigrants anymore, we can call 'em undocumented Democrats." Yeah, we invented that term back in 2010 here on the EIB Network. In fact, July 1st was the earliest use that we can document in our archives at RushLimbaugh.com, but I think April 27th it might have been. But we've been using the term "undocumented Democrat" for who knows how many years now: three years.

The Big Apple: Undocumented Democrat (illegal alien nickname)

Entry from April 26, 2010

Undocumented Democrat (illegal alien nickname)

Republicans have often claimed that the Democrat Party is the political party of illegal immigration. One joke is that they’re no longer called “illegal aliens,” but are now called “undocumented Democrats.”

The term “undocumented Democrats” was a tagline of “Ric” on the website LawnSite.com since November 5, 2001. “Undocumented Democrat” has been used frequently since 2006.

11-05-2001, 07:56 PM
The Term “Illegal Aliens” will no long be allowed.
Henceforth they will be referred to as Undocumented Democrats.

08-25-2005, 01:25 AM
The Term “Illegal Aliens” will no long be allowed.
Henceforth they will be referred to as Undocumented Democrats.

The World According to Mike
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Illegal Imigration; The Quiz
As the debate on illegal immigration heats, this Pop Quiz will help measure ones “liberalism quotient"---the opposite of intelligence--- on this vital issue:

1. Illegal immigration is:
( ) Desperately needed by liberals in order to win elections
( ) A misnomer...they are actually undocumented Democrats!
( ) Mexico’s chief export
( ) NOT a threat to U.S. homeland security. Why would Mexican peasants destroy the land of free gravy and tacos?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006
First things first: Fix Mexico
by Jonah Goldberg
So here’s the funny part. As my colleague Rich Lowry has noted, liberals and Democrats tend to oppose free trade agreements, most recently the Central America Free Trade Agreement, on the grounds that they “export American jobs” to underpaid Latin American workers. But the same people generally favor importing underpaid Latin American workers into the United States to take many of the same jobs. One hand giveth, the other taketh away. The cynicism in all of this is fairly breathtaking. It seems that what many liberals prefer is not preserving American jobs or bringing more undocumented workers, but importing undocumented Democrats.

Google Groups: alt.native
Newsgroups: alt.native
From: “Red Cloud”
Date: 19 Sep 2006 12:24:45 -0700
Local: Tues, Sep 19 2006 2:24 pm
Subject: Why Some Politicans Are Pandering Mexican Invaders?

Why Illegal Aliens Must Be Licensed to Drive
By John W. Lillpop
Liberal politicians in California have attempted on several occasions to grant driving privileges to illegal aliens, otherwise known as undocumented Democrats.

News Blaze
Published: January 18, 2007
Op-Ed Contributor
Illegal Aliens or “Undocumented Democrats”?
By John Lillpop
Those who argue on behalf of illegal aliens and their “rights” often play word games in appealing to the pride of real Americans.

Lion’s Roar Report (Amos 3:9)
Monday, August 11, 2008
Illegal Aliens Cause Global Warming?
Actually you decide what you think about this article.

Illegal Aliens Cause Global Warming!
by John Lillpop February 16th, 2008. Filed under: Invasion.
Senor~ Bush has received plenty of help in making America a safe haven for invading Latinos. That help has been forthcoming from liberals who see illegal aliens as “undocumented Democrats,” and from RINOs always looking to scare up a bountiful supply of slave labor for big business.

Thursday, October 08, 2009
Undocumented Democrats
Posted by: Greg Hengler at 11:53 AM
After yesterday’s decision by the Department of Homeland Security to strip Sheriff Arpaio of immigration authority, it does not take a genius to figure out why:
(A photo of Barack Obama says: “The term ‘illegal aliens will no longer be allowed. Henceforth they will be referred to as ‘undocumented Democrats.’")

Dead Man Dance
Random Gripe of the Day
From an email of an old crotchety guy I know:

Remember, to be politically correct, illegal aliens are now known as “undocumented democrats”

Conservative New Media
The Truth About ‘Undocumented Democrats’
Posted by Mark Ciavola in Opinion, Politics on April 25, 2010
Despite the rhetoric coming from the left, there IS a difference between legal and illegal immigration.

Posted by Barry Popik

New York CityGovernment/Law/Politics • (1) Comments • Monday, April 26, 2010 • Permalink
How else do you explain 33% of Republicans saying they would want Donald Trump as their President?

While Trumps 33% is 20% higher than his next highest competitor, it is far from insurmountable. Look at it this way....67% of Republicans do NOT want Trump as President. That 67% is divided among 15 candidates, that is why Trumps numbers appear so high. Once candidates start to drop out, their supporters will not go to Trump, they will go to one of the remaining other candidates and Trumps lead will diminish

Who are the 33% that support Trump? The same low information voters who support the Tea Party, who cheer when the government is shut down, who think anyone from any walk in life is better qualified than a career politician


And you have Clinton / Sanders lol. Currently the Democrat party is irrelevant this election, you might want to focus on that. You won't agree with that but it does not change the fact that Sanders has some incredibly major problems but they are being glossed over because the left is trying to find anyone but Hillary at this point.

We all know the Republican party is a joke, and I agree Trump only makes things worse for the Reps. But you are a unique breed of bottom feeder in that you would rather spend energy bringing your opponents down as far as possible as a way to make your appointed rulers seem more appealing rather than just find good people to represent you.

Reps clown car might be full but Dems clown car is mostly empty because not many care to make their show...
yawn; WHERE'S A BOARD MONITOR when a LWNJ is spamming the board with useless information?
yep another thread of leftardz obsessing on Republicans rather than saying what their own candidates can do for you?
is it because the Dem Party's beneficiaries are illegals and their relatives; and other types most likely not reading these threads, and they just need a group of useful idiots to donate money and mindlessly vote against their own interests???
Low information voters support a candiudate who:

1. Is a Birther
2. Has zero political experience at any level
3. Has been married three times and cheated on all his wives
4. Calls Mexicans murderers and rapists
5. Considers POWs to be losers

But these are the same people who supported Palin

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Thankfully....the ane "silent majority" of Republicans usualy triumph when choosing a candidate

The 70% that currently do not support Trump will congregate over a single candidate. That candidate will be Jeb Bush

But the question remains....how much dmage will Trump do to the party before that occurs?

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yep another thread of leftardz obsessing on Republicans rather than saying what their own candidates can do for you?
is it because the Dem Party's beneficiaries are illegals and their relatives; and other types most likely not reading these threads, and they just need a group of useful idiots to donate money and mindlessly vote against their own interests???

What in my OP do you disagree with?
Regardless of what the news and political mainstream pundits say the Donald has the courage to say what he believes and not just spew the crap some political adviser promotes as politically acceptable. He is addressing issues without all the superlatives and glowing crap the beltway compassionate progressive conservative wing of the party is so well known for. Damage, not too clear on what damage there is considering he is expressing his thoughts and apparently addressing the concerns of most Americans. So let me ask just one question, is amnesty without consequence justified regardless of violating federal law? What value does one place on law of the land and securing the boarder?
The problem with the current candidate slate, as I see it, is there are very few not afraid of telling it as they see it, which begs the question, which one will actually lead and which one will just kick the can down the road and cower in the face of public opinion polls? In closing, the grand old party is and has always been the party of ideas centered squarely within the framework of the constitution, justice, and freedom to choose.
Regardless of what the news and political mainstream pundits say the Donald has the courage to say what he believes and not just spew the crap some political adviser promotes as politically acceptable. He is addressing issues without all the superlatives and glowing crap the beltway compassionate progressive conservative wing of the party is so well known for. Damage, not too clear on what damage there is considering he is expressing his thoughts and apparently addressing the concerns of most Americans. So let me ask just one question, is amnesty without consequence justified regardless of violating federal law? What value does one place on law of the land and securing the boarder?
The problem with the current candidate slate, as I see it, is there are very few not afraid of telling it as they see it, which begs the question, which one will actually lead and which one will just kick the can down the road and cower in the face of public opinion polls? In closing, the grand old party is and has always been the party of ideas centered squarely within the framework of the constitution, justice, and freedom to choose.

"I am not PC" is not an appropriate response

A president is expected to know the impact of his words....Trump does not care
Biggest problems: People voting based on single issues like Abortion, and voters who truly believe everyone who disagrees with the republican candidates are communists.
Regardless of what the news and political mainstream pundits say the Donald has the courage to say what he believes and not just spew the crap some political adviser promotes as politically acceptable. He is addressing issues without all the superlatives and glowing crap the beltway compassionate progressive conservative wing of the party is so well known for. Damage, not too clear on what damage there is considering he is expressing his thoughts and apparently addressing the concerns of most Americans. So let me ask just one question, is amnesty without consequence justified regardless of violating federal law? What value does one place on law of the land and securing the boarder?
The problem with the current candidate slate, as I see it, is there are very few not afraid of telling it as they see it, which begs the question, which one will actually lead and which one will just kick the can down the road and cower in the face of public opinion polls? In closing, the grand old party is and has always been the party of ideas centered squarely within the framework of the constitution, justice, and freedom to choose.

"I am not PC" is not an appropriate response

A president is expected to know the impact of his words....Trump does not care
It has become clear to me that those complaining about political correctness just want an excuse to be bigots, it's why the only ones complaining are xenophobic/racist right wingers.
This political game has a long way to travel, it would surprise me if the current slate remains as it is today. For now the Donald is the lightning rod, former Sec of State is being exposed for what she is,and Bernie is promising prosperity at the expense of someones else's hard work, while the rest kick the can and bide their time.
Low information voters support a candiudate who:

1. Is a Birther - No he's not
2. Has zero political experience at any level - Good, look at what these career politicians have given us. Obama was a junior csenator for what, a couple years?
3. Has been married three times and cheated on all his wives - So what? Clinton was a serial adulterer.. you guys admired him for it.
4. Calls Mexicans murderers and rapists - No he didn't, he said some, and he's right.
5. Considers POWs to be losers - No he doesn't.

But these are the same people who supported Palin


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