Low gas prices (<$3) projected ‘24 Election Night

Progs told us they knew better. From election night 2016 it was total war against Trump. Laughing and mocking Trump and his voters over and over and over. Everything was mocked. And we were told Progs knew better. You lied. You reconnected all the pipelines into the swamp. And that is where we are at. We exist at their behest. They are the middlemen and make decisions on our livelihood. Joe the unifier. The biggest lie out of endless lies.
yet you can't even admit Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud, despite him losing all election fraud court cases and having no real evidence of fraud.
the wofrds you type have no meaning, they are just letters in a box
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While I hope the predictions that by Nov. 2024 gasoline prices in the U.S are everywhere under $3 and general inflation is finally tamed — without a major recession — nobody really knows or can know what will happen.

The world situation is perilous and much can happen before then to upset world oil and gas production. We will need to defend ourselves and help our allies if under serious attack, or if the Near East / Gulf explodes or trade and military relations deteriorate completely with China. All of this will require sacrifices. Probably none of the “worse case” scenarios will occur and our present administration is wise enough to get us through them even if they do.

Like my wife says, eggs are cheap again! But beef is expensive! And as I point out, none of this is at all related to any great conspiracy of one party or another, and none was caused by any President. Also, nobody forced Putin to invade Ukraine. Nobody will force China to take Taiwan.

Sometimes shit just happens. And when it does, count on ignorant Americans led by MAGA Republicans like Trump to hysterically blame the “Deep State” … for everything.
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True, but what you and your family run on is a lot more expensive.

Been to a supermarket lately? 75% wrong track number means something.

I have not had a bowl of cereal in decades.
I really don’t care what you pay for your Fruit Loops
I'll take it but all it means (for now) is that the economy is slowing.
When Americans only have 25% of the disposable income they used to have, the economy is going to constrict massively.

And that time is now.
Since US oil production is at record highs under Uncle Joe, explain to me why you give RICO Don credit for gas prices during his admin. You know, other than stupidity.
PURE HOGWASH. The cost to find, transport and refine Oil for Gasoline is off the charts. A miniscule increase back near 2019 levels does little compared to demand an population growth (and ten million new Illegals too).
HInt: Your average voter ain't tracking diesel prices.

they track Diesel everytime they go to the grocery store and carry a gallon of milk or 48 diapers to the checkout you dumb OX. Your klan is too evil to tell them (those poor working alway tired, busy caring for kids) the truth.
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When Americans only have 25% of the disposable income they used to have, the economy is going to constrict massively.

And that time is now.

Oh cry me a river

What do you Snowflakes want?
The Nanny State to come and save you?

Get off your lazy ass and get another job if you can’t cut it in life
they track Diesel everytime they go to the grocery store and carry a gallon of milk or 48 diapers to the checkout you dumb OX. Your klan is too evil to tell them (thise poor working alway tired, busy caring for kids) the truth.
They don't connect that to the price of diesel.

And I notice you avoiding the topic of who sets the price for fuel.
Reading comprehension issues? My posts said gas prices wont be an issue. It doesnt give credit or fault to anyone. But now that you mention it.. .THANKS BIDEN!
Nothing like Biden interfering in once was the energy independence of the United States to where we need foreign oil from our enemies. THANKS BIDEN. Maybe one of those terrorist will show up in your neighborhood. I wont shed a tear.
The price of fuel is still $1.00 to $1.25 higher than they were on the eve of Joe Bai Dung's fraudulent presidency.

Want to brag about Trump having $1.89 gas when we were in COVID lockdown, nobody driving to work, nobody traveling, nothing open?

There was a glut of gas due to nobody using it

Cheap gas and nowhere to go
The scum-sucking piece of fucking shit has been DUMPING Crude oil into the Market to artificially lower Oil Prices.

Jesus Jumping Christ on a Fucking Pogo Stick but you are one stupid bitch!

THAT is how Sponge Brains Shits Pants is Lowering Oil Prices. No other way.

If it's so unimportant, how come he's drained 300,000,000 (Three Hundred MILLION) barrels since he stole Office?
We are making money in the transaction. Why do you hate money?

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