Low Energy Jeb Bush says he 'can't imagine having to attack someone to win an election'.

Jeb...and anyone who knows him, to include his own momma...can't imagine him WINNING a Presidential election...much like Hillary. :p
Jeb is a weeny.
That may be true, not saying it is, but he had Donald's number early on.

we all knew that... that's why he was cc'd elected...

at one point 3 of the top 5 Republicans were

all 3 have never held office.....there is a reason for that
Trump played the egos of the what was it 17 or 13 Republicans? He rarely got any of the votes of the dropouts during the primaries. He was the last pick of many by default, as it was all about Hillary being the alternative.

We have many people today acting like children saying "Hillary made me do it" in reference to voting for Trump

Negative voting. That's what FPTP is all about.

Positive voting is Proportional Representation. You can look at the German elections and see that up to 10% of people will switch their vote at the same time from FPTP to PR and towards smaller parties.
Your attempt here to divine how and why people voted the way they did is amusing. There was a Trump base, and then there were other subgroups. We data on who, why, and how these people voted.

German elections in no way reflect how elections are run or play out in America.
Anyone who can't spew personal insults, blatant distortions, comical hyperbole and absurd straw man arguments has no place in contemporary American politics, particularly on the national level.
I don't believe that cynicism is a truism, but during the age of Trump, I believe it to be more true than not. But next election (2020) we shall see.
Low Energy Mitt Romney ruled out 2020 run, said Trump is gonna win re-election easily.

time for Low Energy Jeb! to follow suit...

Both Romney and Bush are out of 2020 and would get whipped in 2024.
Their aspirations to become President are over.

2024...right now...is shaping up as a 3-horse race between Mike Pence,
Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Rubio though, will have a lot of work to
do before now and 2024.
Not very smart here. In 2024, most of those you mention would not be ambulatory. Try thinking before you Hit POST REPLY
Low Energy Mitt Romney ruled out 2020 run, said Trump is gonna win re-election easily.

time for Low Energy Jeb! to follow suit...

Both Romney and Bush are out of 2020 and would get whipped in 2024.
Their aspirations to become President are over.

2024...right now...is shaping up as a 3-horse race between Mike Pence,
Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Rubio though, will have a lot of work to
do before now and 2024.
Not very smart here. In 2024, most of those you mention would not be ambulatory. Try thinking before you Hit POST REPLY


Before being critical, even as weak as it is, you must be able to spell
Low Energy Mitt Romney ruled out 2020 run, said Trump is gonna win re-election easily.

time for Low Energy Jeb! to follow suit...

Both Romney and Bush are out of 2020 and would get whipped in 2024.
Their aspirations to become President are over.

2024...right now...is shaping up as a 3-horse race between Mike Pence,
Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Rubio though, will have a lot of work to
do before now and 2024.
Not very smart here. In 2024, most of those you mention would not be ambulatory. Try thinking before you Hit POST REPLY


Before being critical, even as weak as it is, you must be able to spell
Still trying to divine meanings?
Low Energy Mitt Romney ruled out 2020 run, said Trump is gonna win re-election easily.

time for Low Energy Jeb! to follow suit...

Both Romney and Bush are out of 2020 and would get whipped in 2024.
Their aspirations to become President are over.

2024...right now...is shaping up as a 3-horse race between Mike Pence,
Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio. Rubio though, will have a lot of work to
do before now and 2024.
Not very smart here. In 2024, most of those you mention would not be ambulatory. Try thinking before you Hit POST REPLY


Before being critical, even as weak as it is, you must be able to spell
Still trying to divine meanings?

Yep...It takes longer when I have to slow down and figure out
what you're trying to spell.
Jeb was 100% correct on this: "When I ran for office, I said he is a chaos candidate and would be a chaos president," and Trump bloviating and trying to claim his administration is a 'Well oiled machine" is almost as laughable as the claims of his inaugural crowd size and his fingers

JEB! would have been schlonged royally in 2016 by the Dawg, if he had been nominated.

I don't see how the man could have stood the kind of attack that Trump withstood.
Trump: Hey Jeb pretty soon you will be way out on the end of the debate stage ahaha!

Jeb: God I hate you Donald.

Trump: You are so low energy Jeb. What, little Marco you said something?
Jeb is a weeny.
That may be true, not saying it is, but he had Donald's number early on.

we all knew that... that's why he was cc'd elected...

at one point 3 of the top 5 Republicans were

all 3 have never held office.....there is a reason for that
Trump played the egos of the what was it 17 or 13 Republicans? He rarely got any of the votes of the dropouts during the primaries. He was the last pick of many by default, as it was all about Hillary being the alternative.

We have many people today acting like children saying "Hillary made me do it" in reference to voting for Trump

Negative voting. That's what FPTP is all about.

Positive voting is Proportional Representation. You can look at the German elections and see that up to 10% of people will switch their vote at the same time from FPTP to PR and towards smaller parties.
Your attempt here to divine how and why people voted the way they did is amusing. There was a Trump base, and then there were other subgroups. We data on who, why, and how these people voted.

German elections in no way reflect how elections are run or play out in America.

Oh God.

You think it's amusing that I use my brain? This isn't going to work out between us if you think that using your brain is "amusing".

Firstly, I can PROVE what I say.

German federal election, 2017 - Wikipedia

The Germans have a duel system of FPTP and PR. The people vote at the same time on the same day.

FPTP is to decide who wins the constituency vote, so that people still have politicians who are ties to their constituency, and PR is for the make up of the Bundestag. So that the whole country decided on the make up of this Congress like body.

With FPTP the CDU/CSU gained 37.2% of the votes. They also gained 77% of the seats. Which is totally unfair.

With PR the CDU/CSU gained 33% of the votes. They lost 4.2% of their votes based on one system or the other.

The SPD gained 24.6% of the votes with FPTP and 20.5% of the votes with PR. That's a 4.1% loss of votes.

The two main parties together lost 8.3% of the votes. That's about 4 million people.

Who gained? The smaller parties.

Get this. The FDP gained 7% of the votes with FPTP and gained ZERO seats. Yes, 7% of the country wanted them to represent them, and were Germany to have FPTP, not a single person would have had the FDP representing them.

3.2 million votes, wasted.

But with PR 10.7% of people decided to vote for them and they got 80 seats. That's a massive difference.

Why would someone vote for the CDU with FPTP and then FDP with PR?

Well it's simple. Constituency voting is a choice often between two people. You feel that if you vote for the third party, you'll actually help the guy you hate the most. So you vote for the larger party AGAINST the person you really don't want to get elected.

But with PR, you want to vote for your party because your vote could mean more seats for those you want to represent you. Hence positive voting.

FPTP is negative voting.

Now, with PR, there are often 6 or more political parties or blocks.

I know if the US had PR instead of FPTP, that there'd be more political parties, that the Republicans and Democrats would lose a large share of their votes. Hence why they don't want a change.

Simple said, a country cannot be divided into two groups on the political spectrum.

In Germany there is the CDU/CSU which is traditional right. The SPD which is traditional left. There's the FDP which is center right, the AfD which is further right, the left which is further left, the Greens which are environmentalist left.

That's six different groups at different parts of the political spectrum.

The US voters are really getting fucked over. They don't have real choice, so they vote negatively, for the party they don't like. Because the reality is, about half the people probably wouldn't vote Republican or Democrat if given a real choice.
Oh God.

You think it's amusing that I use my brain? This isn't going to work out between us if you think that using your brain is "amusing".

Firstly, I can PROVE what I say.
Yes, you can prove what you say, regarding German elections. Never challenged that. But your opinions on US elections and the system are horseshit.
Jeb put the Bush dynasty in perspective when he said "I'm not suited to compete in such a divisive political landscape". That about sums it up for the no balls Bush brothers.
W. was tough. And Jeb was appealing decency and civility in public discourse, while you appear to celebrate coarseness and vulgarity as the new norm?
Americans were fed up with dynasties of Bush and Clinton................Fed up with Establishment types they took the path of a Wild Card............given the options the people had nothing to lose..................and the left put up the Lying Sack Hillary...................people were like give me a damn break..............Many choosing to stay home in the election......saying fuck it why waste the gas...........we are screwed anyway.............

Where Trump won was Blue States...............specifically on the TPP and taking on China and the unfair trade balances...........During the election many Unions were dang close to endorsing Trump over Clinton........which caused a major swing in traditional blue States.............in the Enclaves of liberalism.........the numbers were the same as always.............California and New York............but Trump went after key states in the process and this strategy won.

The opposition spent nearly a Billion dollars against him and lost. They are perplexed on how their pay to win normal policy didn't win this time........and now are mad as hell that they spent so much not to get a return on their investment.
Americans were fed up with dynasties of Bush and Clinton................Fed up with Establishment types they took the path of a Wild Card............given the options the people had nothing to lose..................and the left put up the Lying Sack Hillary...................people were like give me a damn break..............Many choosing to stay home in the election......saying fuck it why waste the gas...........we are screwed anyway.............

Where Trump won was Blue States...............specifically on the TPP and taking on China and the unfair trade balances...........During the election many Unions were dang close to endorsing Trump over Clinton........which caused a major swing in traditional blue States.............in the Enclaves of liberalism.........the numbers were the same as always.............California and New York............but Trump went after key states in the process and this strategy won.

The opposition spent nearly a Billion dollars against him and lost. They are perplexed on how their pay to win normal policy didn't win this time........and now are mad as hell that they spent so much not to get a return on their investment.

Really? Yet Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primaries (without help from Super Delegates). Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, getting millions more votes than Trump.

Trump was the last choice of most GOP voters during the GOP primaries.

So I guess I'm calling out Bullshit on your opinions
Americans were fed up with dynasties of Bush and Clinton................Fed up with Establishment types they took the path of a Wild Card............given the options the people had nothing to lose..................and the left put up the Lying Sack Hillary...................people were like give me a damn break..............Many choosing to stay home in the election......saying fuck it why waste the gas...........we are screwed anyway.............

Where Trump won was Blue States...............specifically on the TPP and taking on China and the unfair trade balances...........During the election many Unions were dang close to endorsing Trump over Clinton........which caused a major swing in traditional blue States.............in the Enclaves of liberalism.........the numbers were the same as always.............California and New York............but Trump went after key states in the process and this strategy won.

The opposition spent nearly a Billion dollars against him and lost. They are perplexed on how their pay to win normal policy didn't win this time........and now are mad as hell that they spent so much not to get a return on their investment.

Really? Yet Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primaries (without help from Super Delegates). Hillary Clinton won the popular vote, getting millions more votes than Trump.

Trump was the last choice of most GOP voters during the GOP primaries.

So I guess I'm calling out Bullshit on your opinions
Baloney.............They submarined Bernie...............He was done before they even started..........with the Super Delegates.............and he took a hell of a lot of votes.........and would have won if the deck wasn't stacked against him.

Popular Vote.............inflated by Liberal immigration Enclaves like New York City and California ...........large population centers...........where the votes are like 80% Blue every election.......including the illegals. who vote there no matter how you try to shift that debate.....................

Hillary LOST......because she thought she had it in the bag........ignored some Northern States and LOST THEM.....................The unions turned on her...............

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