Love this from Laura. Cruz would lose house and senate for reps, and the elite are happy.


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Feb 18, 2009
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Laura Ingraham ‏@IngrahamAngle 27m27 minutes ago

A powerful cadre w/in the GOP wd rather destroy the Party than have it succeed under the leadership of someone not connected to Bushworld.

Cruz is another Bush, owned by bush and his billionaires. If Cruz is the nominee he tops out at 42% against clinton and the rep elite are just fine with that.. Cruz will bring no new voters to the party and will lose states romney won.
She's gone off the deep end; she, Hannity and Rush Limbaugh. It will be Trump who will have no-coat tails.

Looking back republicans will regret not going with a SCOTUS nominee from Obama because a Clinton named nominee would be a shoo-in with a democrat senate.
Trump is expanding the republican party, Cruz will shrink it. Cruz will lose the house and senate.
Yeah, Trump's expanding the party with dems who will return to their roots in November. Trump has a negative ceiling among republicans.

I personally know numerous republicans - and I've voted for republicans since post Kennedy - and none of those I know who are legitimate republicans prefer Trump.

Those I do know who go for the Trumpster are at best quasi republicans and their eventual votes are unreliable.

I will vote for trump but with trepidation.
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as opposed to the reliable romney/mccain/bush/rubio votes. Cruz would get 42% at best and everyone knows it.
Alot of sanders voters are going to crossover and vote for Trump as i will crossover and vote clinton if trump isnt the nominee.
What i love is how Fox news is still pushing rubio as the one who can beat clinton when he cant get 100 people to show up in a football stadium in the cuban heavy part part of his home state for a campaign rally
Cruz sold his sould to the establishment for a chance to beat Trump. The last thing we need in the White House is another ignorant Texan cowboy who thinks he speaks to Jesus.

He sounds like an ayahtollah. he is bought and paid for by billionaires.
The GOP needs to expand, and Trump is pushing the envelope.
What i love is how Fox news is still pushing rubio as the one who can beat clinton when he cant get 100 people to show up in a football stadium in the cuban heavy part part of his home state for a campaign rally
You must not watch FNC because that notion is straight out of thin air or the Trump followers playbook.

All the talk I hear out of Fox is that Rubio should hang it up and clear the deck. Do you actually watch much FNC?
as opposed to the reliable romney/mccain/bush/rubio votes. Cruz would get 42% at best and everyone knows it.
Cruz's ceiling would rise with a well named republican governor as running mate.

I for one never would have voted for Cruz until now when we get down to these final days when options are fast disappearing.

I think trump can be kept from getting the necessary 1237 because of winner take all states with closed primaries in which only republicans can vote, and then it will go to an open convention; then a winning team can be nominated.
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