(Louisiana Muslim) Student Admits She Made Up Story Of Attack By Trump Supporters


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The hate never goes away!

Daily Caller and Arcadia Advocate ^
A student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette admitted to fabricating an alleged attack by Donald Trump supporters Wednesday, in the wake of his shocking electoral victory. A currently unnamed woman called Lafayette police Wednesday claiming that two men had attacked her, screaming racial slurs and stealing both her wallet and the hijab she was wearing. The woman also said she was knocked to the ground by “something metal.” According to the woman, both of her attackers were white men, and one was wearing a Donald Trump hat. She said the attack happened around 11 am, with her two...
They keep trying and trying and lying and lying, but the left will never find the amount of violence perpetrated against them to match the amount perpetrated against the right.
And she should be charged with filing a false police report. Dumb tart.
To me, she should be charged with being the flip flopper that she is. First she says that she was attacked and now she is saying that she was not attacked. WHICH ONE IS IT??? Pick a spot, stay there, and be done with it already!!!

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And that goes for everyone else who can not make up their minds too!!!
And she should be charged with filing a false police report. Dumb tart.

Seems like a waste of resources....but every media outlet that used it to promote the meme of Trump support being full of bigots should give the same space to a story of how they found themselves in the same toilet as Hillary by running an obvious fabrication...surely there are other stories that deserved that space....
Deport them. A Jeffersonian cleansing campaign is what this country needs. Stop pandering to vermin who are openly attempting to murder our police, commit violent racist hate crimes and thuggery, lie incessantly and corrupt our entire system and culture, and sell us out to the worst scum on the planet. Deport them all. They are a contemptible disease.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816
And she should be charged with filing a false police report. Dumb tart.
And her parents can pick her up at the Deans office after they throw her off campus.

They'll probably put her in an honors program.....teaching it.

Harvard certainly would; they have the criminal racist scum vermin Deportable 'Founder' of the domestic terrorist gang Black Lives Matter teaching a course there, on looting, murdering police, and how to organize store lootings.

Now that the Democrats laid hundreds of millions of dollars on them, they're organizing riots all over the country now. That is a slam dunk RICO indictment of them and every single one of their 'organizers' and employees. They recruit criminals on sites like Craig's List, in case there are those who haven't gotten the latest news on these riots yet and who is behind them. They're being imported into these cities.
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The hate never goes away!

Daily Caller and Arcadia Advocate ^
A student at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette admitted to fabricating an alleged attack by Donald Trump supporters Wednesday, in the wake of his shocking electoral victory. A currently unnamed woman called Lafayette police Wednesday claiming that two men had attacked her, screaming racial slurs and stealing both her wallet and the hijab she was wearing. The woman also said she was knocked to the ground by “something metal.” According to the woman, both of her attackers were white men, and one was wearing a Donald Trump hat. She said the attack happened around 11 am, with her two...
Deport her to some Islamic nation where she will no doubt feel better. If she was born here, strip her of her citizenship and deport her to some Islamic nation where she will no doubt feel better.

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