

Shut the $%$ Up!
Jan 15, 2009
Now I know why they named the show "Lost"! I'm very lost now on the entire last few shows. WTF?

Like this picture show watchers? THoughts?

Leonardo grouped the apostles into four groups of three, with Jesus in the middle. From left to right are, they are: Group One: Bartholomew, James the Lesser and Andrew form the first group of three, all of them appearing surprised. Andrew holds both of his hand up in front of him in a frightened gesture.
Group Two: Judas Iscariot, Simon Peter and John form the second group of three. Judas is holding a bag of silver in his right hand, while reaching for a piece of bread with his left. Simon Peter is leaning over the shoulder of John, a knife held in his right hand, symbolizing his zealous defence of Jesus. John appears to be swooning.
Prior to Leonardo, it had been traditional to isolate Judas from the rest of the apostles by either seating him across the table from Jesus, apart from the others who were traditionally depicted as sitting on only one side, or by giving all the rest of the apostles and Jesus haloes, and excluding Judas. Leonardo created a more subtle and thus dramatic effect by swathing Judas in shadow. He also presented a realistic explanation of Christ's prophetic words that the first man to share bread with him would also be the betrayer: Jesus and Judas are shown reaching for the same piece of bread, although everybody's attention is riveted elsewhere.
Group Three: The third group is made of Thomas, James the Great and Phillip. These three appear in varying degrees of shock; Thomas, with his hand raised, and Phillip seem to be requesting some sort of explanation, while James the Great, between them, appears to be recoiling from Jesus in horror.
Group Four: The last three, Matthew, Jude Thaddeus and Simon the Zealot appear to be discussing the matter with each other, in a rendition of Luke 22:23: "They began to question among themselves which of them it might be who would do this."
So if going by the grouping, Siad is Judas
I don't get that Lost is God and Satan exactly but more along the lines of good and evil.

And for the life of me I can't figure that Sawyer and Kate will stick with Locke. It's just not their nature to side with evil. Yeah, even Sawyer . . . he's good guy at heart.
I didn't see the previews for this coming weeks show did anyone? It looks like Desmond was a prisoner on the sub, are they going to be showing his story this week? Last I heard of him he got off the Island and was with his GF, Whitmore's daughter
I didn't see the previews for this coming weeks show did anyone? It looks like Desmond was a prisoner on the sub, are they going to be showing his story this week? Last I heard of him he got off the Island and was with his GF, Whitmore's daughter

Yes, I believe it will be a Desmond episode this week.............hallelujah! :eusa_drool:
I didn't see the previews for this coming weeks show did anyone? It looks like Desmond was a prisoner on the sub, are they going to be showing his story this week? Last I heard of him he got off the Island and was with his GF, Whitmore's daughter

Yes, I believe it will be a Desmond episode this week.............hallelujah! :eusa_drool:

I had no idea Desmond would be the 'package'. I'm lost.
I didn't see the previews for this coming weeks show did anyone? It looks like Desmond was a prisoner on the sub, are they going to be showing his story this week? Last I heard of him he got off the Island and was with his GF, Whitmore's daughter

Yes, I believe it will be a Desmond episode this week.............hallelujah! :eusa_drool:

I had no idea Desmond would be the 'package'. I'm lost.

So many dirty thoughts........................................... :redface:
I thought Aaron was going to part of this, that he was 'the package' . . . .

Have all the back stories been told? There's only 6 eppies left, they have to move the story along to the big finale!
I have to wait for NetFlicks to get this years episodes.

I'm still confused by the last year's developments.
what about Michael and his Son? They left the Island....why no mention of them?
what about Michael and his Son? They left the Island....why no mention of them?

Michael died, he was shot.

I don't think they'll revisit his back story but . . . .it's Lost, you never know.
oopsie yeah now I remember Michael died, but his son left the Island. Will they show Michael son?
Sorry folks but I avoid the show like the plague.

I'd sooner slam my dick in a door a hundred times.

I'd rather watch "Driving Miss Daisy"

But I support your right to watch mindless BS on network television.
Sorry folks but I avoid the show like the plague.

I'd sooner slam my dick in a door a hundred times.

I'd rather watch "Driving Miss Daisy"

But I support your right to watch mindless BS on network television.

Thank you for sharing, now go make me a grilled cheese.

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