Looting is okay in Costa County CA "if you need it"


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
New guidance from Diana Becton, first-term Costa County (California) District Attorney, states that law-enforcement officers must consider if looters “needed” the merchandise they stole before charging them. And whether a shop is open or closed when the thievery takes place matters, and whether the looting was done because of a "state of emergency" or "just because" makes a difference in who gets charged, too. That the looting happened seems irrelevant.

RedState's Deputy Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar has a watermarked screen shot of an internal Contra Costa County DA's office internal guidance document called "Looting Guidlines.docx (sic)" that appears to confirm the prosecution policy.

And if all true, it would explain why looters keep looting in the Bay Area, given all the huge loopholes for avoiding any charges. There likely isn't a single charge that can't be dismissed in Contra Costa on these described grounds.

California law, under Penal Code 463, defines “looting” as taking advantage of a state of emergency to commit burglary, grand theft or petty theft, and those engaged in the act can be charged with a felony and serve up to three years in jail. But Becton, who is one of many radical district attorneys financially supported by George Soros, is attempting to circumvent the law by proposing preposterous charging guidelines for the crime. Becton says that when considering charging looters, law enforcement types should ask, “Was the theft committed for financial gain or personal need.”

Are you kidding me? It's okay to steal someone else's property if you can show a personal need? Guys, gov't at every exits to protect us, our safety and OUR PROPERTY. Becton is essentially saying that your property isn't really yours if someone else needs it. Whether they need it more than you do is beside the point, and whether they earned it is obviously irrelevant. I hate to say it, but the absence of property rights is fundamental to communism, isn't it? California is one fucked up place.
I really need a new TV and couch......and a new popcorn air popper and a beer fridge that has a glass door and lights up....and a pool table would be nice...and a new oh what?....it only works if you are black?....oh okay never mind......
Have to be Democrat for sure not sure about just black though think any demographic that votes heavily dem would work.
I really need a new TV and couch......and a new popcorn air popper and a beer fridge that has a glass door and lights up....and a pool table would be nice...and a new oh what?....it only works if you are black?....oh okay never mind......
Have to be Democrat for sure not sure about just black though think any demographic that votes heavily dem would work.
Oh well hell I can fake that...okay I'm back in....a new car and golf clubs and a........
New guidance from Diana Becton, first-term Costa County (California) District Attorney, states that law-enforcement officers must consider if looters “needed” the merchandise they stole before charging them. And whether a shop is open or closed when the thievery takes place matters, and whether the looting was done because of a "state of emergency" or "just because" makes a difference in who gets charged, too. That the looting happened seems irrelevant.

RedState's Deputy Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar has a watermarked screen shot of an internal Contra Costa County DA's office internal guidance document called "Looting Guidlines.docx (sic)" that appears to confirm the prosecution policy.

And if all true, it would explain why looters keep looting in the Bay Area, given all the huge loopholes for avoiding any charges. There likely isn't a single charge that can't be dismissed in Contra Costa on these described grounds.

California law, under Penal Code 463, defines “looting” as taking advantage of a state of emergency to commit burglary, grand theft or petty theft, and those engaged in the act can be charged with a felony and serve up to three years in jail. But Becton, who is one of many radical district attorneys financially supported by George Soros, is attempting to circumvent the law by proposing preposterous charging guidelines for the crime. Becton says that when considering charging looters, law enforcement types should ask, “Was the theft committed for financial gain or personal need.”

Are you kidding me? It's okay to steal someone else's property if you can show a personal need? Guys, gov't at every exits to protect us, our safety and OUR PROPERTY. Becton is essentially saying that your property isn't really yours if someone else needs it. Whether they need it more than you do is beside the point, and whether they earned it is obviously irrelevant. I hate to say it, but the absence of property rights is fundamental to communism, isn't it? California is one fucked up place.
The District Attorney Diana Becton, will now be referred to as D.B....for Douche Bag.
If the state is approving taking property without due process, it is clearly unconstitutional. A federal suit should be successful (and profitable).
New guidance from Diana Becton, first-term Costa County (California) District Attorney, states that law-enforcement officers must consider if looters “needed” the merchandise they stole before charging them. And whether a shop is open or closed when the thievery takes place matters, and whether the looting was done because of a "state of emergency" or "just because" makes a difference in who gets charged, too. That the looting happened seems irrelevant.

RedState's Deputy Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar has a watermarked screen shot of an internal Contra Costa County DA's office internal guidance document called "Looting Guidlines.docx (sic)" that appears to confirm the prosecution policy.

And if all true, it would explain why looters keep looting in the Bay Area, given all the huge loopholes for avoiding any charges. There likely isn't a single charge that can't be dismissed in Contra Costa on these described grounds.

California law, under Penal Code 463, defines “looting” as taking advantage of a state of emergency to commit burglary, grand theft or petty theft, and those engaged in the act can be charged with a felony and serve up to three years in jail. But Becton, who is one of many radical district attorneys financially supported by George Soros, is attempting to circumvent the law by proposing preposterous charging guidelines for the crime. Becton says that when considering charging looters, law enforcement types should ask, “Was the theft committed for financial gain or personal need.”

Are you kidding me? It's okay to steal someone else's property if you can show a personal need? Guys, gov't at every exits to protect us, our safety and OUR PROPERTY. Becton is essentially saying that your property isn't really yours if someone else needs it. Whether they need it more than you do is beside the point, and whether they earned it is obviously irrelevant. I hate to say it, but the absence of property rights is fundamental to communism, isn't it? California is one fucked up place.
Becton is a typical racist Democrat.
We offer plenty of opportunity to succeed in America.
We even support people who don't want to work.
We provide free housing, food, healthcare, education......
She is telling the Violent Left Wing Extremist that they do not have to work for what they want.
BTW, how would Becton feel if BLM and Antifa looted and destroyed her property?
New guidance from Diana Becton, first-term Costa County (California) District Attorney, states that law-enforcement officers must consider if looters “needed” the merchandise they stole before charging them. And whether a shop is open or closed when the thievery takes place matters, and whether the looting was done because of a "state of emergency" or "just because" makes a difference in who gets charged, too. That the looting happened seems irrelevant.

RedState's Deputy Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar has a watermarked screen shot of an internal Contra Costa County DA's office internal guidance document called "Looting Guidlines.docx (sic)" that appears to confirm the prosecution policy.

And if all true, it would explain why looters keep looting in the Bay Area, given all the huge loopholes for avoiding any charges. There likely isn't a single charge that can't be dismissed in Contra Costa on these described grounds.

California law, under Penal Code 463, defines “looting” as taking advantage of a state of emergency to commit burglary, grand theft or petty theft, and those engaged in the act can be charged with a felony and serve up to three years in jail. But Becton, who is one of many radical district attorneys financially supported by George Soros, is attempting to circumvent the law by proposing preposterous charging guidelines for the crime. Becton says that when considering charging looters, law enforcement types should ask, “Was the theft committed for financial gain or personal need.”

Are you kidding me? It's okay to steal someone else's property if you can show a personal need? Guys, gov't at every exits to protect us, our safety and OUR PROPERTY. Becton is essentially saying that your property isn't really yours if someone else needs it. Whether they need it more than you do is beside the point, and whether they earned it is obviously irrelevant. I hate to say it, but the absence of property rights is fundamental to communism, isn't it? California is one fucked up place.

OMG are you telling me that this moron is a DA??

The law is pretty cut and dried and doesn't say anything about a thief needing what they stole?? I'd like to see the laws this moron is using. She'd get laughed right out of a courtroom.
Pretty transparent what the policy is about. . .


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