Looks like the FAA made flight turbulence worse and then blamed it on climate change…


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Who can possibly imagine government bureaucrats compelling something which causes a problem?

And rather than admitting the new concern may be caused by them, they get theirs pals in the MSM to publish some nonsense. Nonsense based on “Climate Change”.

As they move on to something else disruptive.

The fake news media has been in a frenzy lately, feverishly reporting on how “airplane turbulence” has greatly increased, and the reason why is… you guessed it… Climate Change (with two capital “C’s”). Take a look at some of these headlines:




If you listen to the “experts” and the media, you’d think everything under the sun, both good and bad, was somehow connected to the elusive Climate Change. However, is that truly the case, or could the media and these so-called “experts” be whipping everyone up into a frenzy for no reason? Well, that wouldn’t be a big surprise, right? And it could be happening, because of a new airline “environmental policy” called OptimizedProfile Descent, or OPD.


And here’s where things get interesting and possibly very manipulative. According to the tweet thread, traditional descents allow pilots to quickly move through pockets of turbulence. On the other hand, the slow descent during OPD forces planes to spend more time in turbulence, which is likely why there’s actually more turbulence.


Could “new turbulence” just be another ruse, much like the narrative around “wildfires”? We’re constantly hearing how wildfires are a direct result of “Climate Change,” even as cases of arson keep cropping up. With this kind of mixed messaging, it’s getting tougher to fully trust the so-called “experts. It seems that “science” has also been weaponized by the radical left.

Cool, a conspiracy crank website article! That's got everyone convinced.

The article, of course, gave no explanation as to why a smooth descent would have more turbulence than a stepped descent. They just asserted it was so, with no evidence to back it up.

That is, it's alt-right fiction.

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