Look who cares more.. Mitt is on his way to New Orleans

So now Obama will be visting N.O. to survey the damage . . . on Monday. A Tulane University political science professor, Brian Box said ""Since he is not currently a government official, he has no assistance to offer, and all he can do is get in the way (especially with his large entourage/Secret Service and by diverting local law enforcement attention away from recovery)," said Brian Brox, a political scientist at Tulane University. " I understand Jindal's offer and Romney's acceptance (this will allow Romney to get some optics of doing the kind of chief executive things we expect presidents to do), but I would think the best possible outcome of this visit would be that he just doesn't get in the way."

I wonder just how large Rom's "entourage" will be? I've seen these in the past and they amount to just a couple of vehicles.

President Obama to survey Isaac damage on visit to New Orleans Monday | NOLA.com
^^ "The White House said details of President Obama's visit will be released later." ^^

So why is Jindal asking to have his state suck on the people's teat?
Are you always this stupid or just practicing?


Then what took bush so long?

Dem governor delaying emergency declaration for 24 hours.

It would help if you knew some of the information troll...........

That's not true. The Governor declared a state of emergency Friday, August 26th - the day the forecast track for Katrina changed from the Florida panhandle to the Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama coastal area.

Its the governor of Mississippi who waited until Saturday to declare a state of emergency.


Very sorry the facts don't fit into FOX News's narrative.
I bought one in flood zone B. Its fully insured against floods.

What is your point? That people shouldn't build where natural disasters occur? Where do you live?

I actually live on a 35 ft boat when I'm not guarding this motel. Consequently I don't worry about floods.

We have people that live in river flood plains in Washington. We have a word for them... "stupid".

What are you protecting a motel in Seattle from?

Drug dealers, Prostitutes, Pimps, Gang Bangers, transients(AKA homeless that constantly try to break into the rooms and camp) Graffitti painters(Owner is legally obligated by Seattle police to keep the buildings free of gang and other graffitti), Panhandlers and any number of idiots that would harm the property or the patrons to the 125th St Grill that pays the rent to my boss that pays for me being here.

The Buildings were closed and fenced off in Jan of 2010 by police order as the previous tennant abused his lease and catered to the worst of the scum in North Seattle.

I have to confront and remove any one of the above mentioned offenders between 6 and 20 times a day/night. I have two pit bulls as back up and have had to call for police back up around twenty times in the two years eight months I have had this job. I've got most of the bad actors trained pretty well ... I see over a hundred of em every day/night. The new and really dumb ones keep me busy.
Earlier today, the White House said they had no plans to go.

A couple of hours ago, they said they will go on Monday.


Campaigning is more important to Obama than the people of the Gulf Coast.
So now Obama will be visting N.O. to survey the damage . . . on Monday. A Tulane University political science professor, Brian Box said ""Since he is not currently a government official, he has no assistance to offer, and all he can do is get in the way (especially with his large entourage/Secret Service and by diverting local law enforcement attention away from recovery)," said Brian Brox, a political scientist at Tulane University. " I understand Jindal's offer and Romney's acceptance (this will allow Romney to get some optics of doing the kind of chief executive things we expect presidents to do), but I would think the best possible outcome of this visit would be that he just doesn't get in the way."

I wonder just how large Rom's "entourage" will be? I've seen these in the past and they amount to just a couple of vehicles.

President Obama to survey Isaac damage on visit to New Orleans Monday | NOLA.com
^^ "The White House said details of President Obama's visit will be released later." ^^

So why is Jindal asking to have his state suck on the people's teat?
Because if the state foots the bill there's no way we'll be able to afford to eliminate the state income tax like Piyush wants.
I have family in Colorado Springs. obama landed, took a few photo ops and left. Whatever compassion he showed was a statement written by someone else and read off the teleprompter.

I don't really see how your having family in Colorado Springs negates the fact that Obama actually met with victims and their families.

He didn't meet with victims and their families. He landed, took some photos, read a prepared statement off a teleprompter and left. Had I not had family in Colorado Springs to tell me what actually happened, I might have believed the government propaganda that obama actually met with victims and their families.

WRONG! I was in the YMCA shelter volunteering when Obama met with the victims who were there.

He also visited a YMCA shelter housing evacuees, telling the few dozen people gathered there that he could “only imagine how humbling it is to lose a home” but that “everybody else in the country has Colorado Springs’ back.”

And he is going to New Orleans later today!
Are you always this stupid or just practicing?


Then what took bush so long?

Dem governor delaying emergency declaration for 24 hours.

It would help if you knew some of the information troll...........

president has toatal control. the gov can only do so much. its not like prersident did not know what was going on. you act like a gov has more power than president lol haha
Then what took bush so long?

Dem governor delaying emergency declaration for 24 hours.

It would help if you knew some of the information troll...........

That's not true. The Governor declared a state of emergency Friday, August 26th - the day the forecast track for Katrina changed from the Florida panhandle to the Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama coastal area.

Its the governor of Mississippi who waited until Saturday to declare a state of emergency.


Very sorry the facts don't fit into FOX News's narrative.

Yes it is...I didnt mention that democrats redirected levy money to a casino, I also didnt mention democrats did not have all the pumps running either...

You better brush up....You will be easy to defeat......
What on Earth does this have to do with anything I said... anyway, I'm fortunate and the exception rather than the rule.. there are tens of thousands affected, many in a life changing way.

I think his point is that Jindal has no problem sticking his hand out for that federal pork when it suits him.

But you're right- it had nothing to do with your post.

Hey, that isn't a (D) or an (R) thing... Anyway, I have no problem with disaster assistance... but I think the feds have an obligation to not give us shitty levees and I think we have an obligation to take care of ourselves as best we can and not deliberately burden the system. Both help mitigate disasters.

BTW.. I think Mitch did a great job... what a refreshing change...

Mitch did do a great job - of course, if the levees had failed and everyone had drowned people would have said he made a horrible mistake in not ordering a mandatory evacuation.
I don't really see how your having family in Colorado Springs negates the fact that Obama actually met with victims and their families.

He didn't meet with victims and their families. He landed, took some photos, read a prepared statement off a teleprompter and left. Had I not had family in Colorado Springs to tell me what actually happened, I might have believed the government propaganda that obama actually met with victims and their families.

WRONG! I was in the YMCA shelter volunteering when Obama met with the victims who were there.

He also visited a YMCA shelter housing evacuees, telling the few dozen people gathered there that he could “only imagine how humbling it is to lose a home” but that “everybody else in the country has Colorado Springs’ back.”

And he is going to New Orleans later today!
Bullshit. Obama won't go until Monday, only because that is on his way to his scheduled campaign appearance at Fort Bliss.

"President Obama will visit Louisiana after all.

Obama campaign spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki told POLITICO earlier Friday that the president had no plans yet to visit the Gulf state and review damage from Hurricane Isaac, even though Mitt Romney announced plans to visit Friday.

But the White House announced a few hours later that he is now planning to go there.

"On Monday, September 3rd, President Obama will travel to Louisiana to meet with local officials and view ongoing response and recovery efforts to Hurricane Isaac," the White House said in a release."

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Dem governor delaying emergency declaration for 24 hours.

It would help if you knew some of the information troll...........

That's not true. The Governor declared a state of emergency Friday, August 26th - the day the forecast track for Katrina changed from the Florida panhandle to the Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama coastal area.

Its the governor of Mississippi who waited until Saturday to declare a state of emergency.


Very sorry the facts don't fit into FOX News's narrative.

Yes it is...I didnt mention that democrats redirected levy money to a casino, I also didnt mention democrats did not have all the pumps running either...

You better brush up....You will be easy to defeat......

I had no idea the Democratic Party had been assigned the responsibility of operating the pumps.

Considering the water would have just flowed right back into the city through breached levees I don't see how it would have done much good.
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So now Obama will be visting N.O. to survey the damage . . . on Monday. A Tulane University political science professor, Brian Box said ""Since he is not currently a government official, he has no assistance to offer, and all he can do is get in the way (especially with his large entourage/Secret Service and by diverting local law enforcement attention away from recovery)," said Brian Brox, a political scientist at Tulane University. " I understand Jindal's offer and Romney's acceptance (this will allow Romney to get some optics of doing the kind of chief executive things we expect presidents to do), but I would think the best possible outcome of this visit would be that he just doesn't get in the way."

I wonder just how large Rom's "entourage" will be? I've seen these in the past and they amount to just a couple of vehicles.

President Obama to survey Isaac damage on visit to New Orleans Monday | NOLA.com
^^ "The White House said details of President Obama's visit will be released later." ^^

So why is Jindal asking to have his state suck on the people's teat?
Because if the state foots the bill there's no way we'll be able to afford to eliminate the state income tax like Piyush wants.

Amazing that inbred states, like Louisiana, are too fucking feeble to do it on their own.
That's not true. The Governor declared a state of emergency Friday, August 26th - the day the forecast track for Katrina changed from the Florida panhandle to the Louisiana/Mississippi/Alabama coastal area.

Its the governor of Mississippi who waited until Saturday to declare a state of emergency.


Very sorry the facts don't fit into FOX News's narrative.

Yes it is...I didnt mention that democrats redirected levy money to a casino, I also didnt mention democrats did not have all the pumps running either...

You better brush up....You will be easy to defeat......

I had no idea the Democratic Party had been assigned the responsibility of operating the pumps.

Which party headed the leadership.

I know any excuse for you will do.........
Earlier today, the White House said they had no plans to go.

A couple of hours ago, they said they will go on Monday.


Campaigning is more important to Obama than the people of the Gulf Coast.

obama is trailing along in Mitt Romney's shadow.
If Mittens had a job, he could do that, but his schedual is free to fly when and where he wants.

President's Schedule - August 31, 2012 | The White House

He is the President, he can change his schedule at a moments notice if he wishes.

That said, I don't see the point of him going to area, in reality, it serves no useful purpose.

Yes, he IS the President. Which means he can send FEMA in. Has he?

Okay, you agree with me but want to bitch anyway. Good for you.

According to people on this board, Obama sent FEMA to that area BEFORE, we even knew where it was going to hit.

That all said and all aside, Obama doesn't need to go down there, and he can change his schedule on a dime if he chooses.
Yes it is...I didnt mention that democrats redirected levy money to a casino, I also didnt mention democrats did not have all the pumps running either...

You better brush up....You will be easy to defeat......

I had no idea the Democratic Party had been assigned the responsibility of operating the pumps.

Which party headed the leadership.

I know any excuse for you will do.........

Operating the pumps is a civil service job.\
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obama is in Texas for a photo op with military families while he trolls for votes. Going to Louisiana might mean actually acting like a president and obama just doesn't care to expend enough effort to act.

He's going to a state he can't win to troll for votes? You need to think before you post.

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