Longtime Patriot And Hero Alex Jones Owns The Libs Again - LOL


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"Sandy Hook families suing InfoWars founder Alex Jones have won a case against him after a judge ruled against Jones who has failed to comply with the discovery process. Jones and entities owned by him were found liable by default Monday in a defamation case against them.

Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis cited the defendants' "willful noncompliance" with the discovery process as her core reasoning behind the ruling. "Mr. Jones was given every opportunity to comply but, when he chose instead to withhold evidence for more than two years, the Court was left with no choice but to rule as it did today."

Those whiney crisis actors and their families won't see a dime of that money, lol.....it is nothing but a symbolic victory...who cares about that....What really matters is that Alex once again brilliantly trolls the families and owns the libs by refusing to comply with discovery...which bought himself enough time to hide his assets in offshore accounts and crypto in case these families try to hire any forensic accountants....

Let this be a lesson to any other folks who can't take jokes being made about their children if their kids happen to get gun-down in a school shooting........if they are even dead that is.... since they still have failed to prove that these kids were not crisis actors as Alex's investigative team discovered....this is a free speech issue anyway.... and we can say anything we want about your dead kids....that is what Conservatism, Christian faith and freedom is all about; of which Alex is a big proponent of....
Biff, what is the legal basis for suing an opinion broadcaster for an opinion you do not like? Why for example are you not as butthurt that Rachel Maddow and virtually every MSM broadcaster that insists they are not opinion lied about Russia collusion during Trump's presidency? :heehee:
Biff, what is the legal basis for suing an opinion broadcaster for an opinion you do not like? Why for example are you not as butthurt that Rachel Maddow and virtually every MSM broadcaster that insists they are not opinion lied about Russia collusion during Trump's presidency? :heehee:

First of all....nobody is stopping Trump or anyone else who feels they suffered "injuries" from Maddow's reporting from taking her to court.....

Second of all......Alex was taken to court..and he lost...so whine and bitch at the judge, not me.....

Third......with the fact that Trump Jr received an email from Russian operatives promising dirt on his daddy's opponent..and then lying about meeting with these Russian operatives...coupled with the fact there were more multiple indictments to go along with that investigation...there is more evidence of collusion than Alex has when it comes to his claim that Sandy Hook was a false flag...

But I am glad you admit that encouraging the harassment of the families of school shooting victims is a Conservative principle

"Sandy Hook families suing InfoWars founder Alex Jones have won a case against him after a judge ruled against Jones who has failed to comply with the discovery process. Jones and entities owned by him were found liable by default Monday in a defamation case against them.

Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis cited the defendants' "willful noncompliance" with the discovery process as her core reasoning behind the ruling. "Mr. Jones was given every opportunity to comply but, when he chose instead to withhold evidence for more than two years, the Court was left with no choice but to rule as it did today."

Those whiney crisis actors and their families won't see a dime of that money, lol.....it is nothing but a symbolic victory...who cares about that....What really matters is that Alex once again brilliantly trolls the families and owns the libs by refusing to comply with discovery...which bought himself enough time to hide his assets in offshore accounts and crypto in case these families try to hire any forensic accountants....

Let this be a lesson to any other folks who can't take jokes being made about their children if their kids happen to get gun-down in a school shooting........if they are even dead that is.... since they still have failed to prove that these kids were not crisis actors as Alex's investigative team discovered....this is a free speech issue anyway.... and we can say anything we want about your dead kids....that is what Conservatism, Christian faith and freedom is all about; of which Alex is a big proponent of....
Jones and Trump have demonstrated that people will ignore, avoid and defend absolutely ANYTHING if you shamelessly play specifically to their fears.

One of the many fucking fascinating psychological / sociological / anthropological aspects of this time.
Jones and Trump have demonstrated that people will ignore, avoid and defend absolutely ANYTHING if you shamelessly play specifically to their fears.

One of the many fucking fascinating psychological / sociological / anthropological aspects of this time.
People leave Prog areas for some reason. Jersey has lost one third of its small businesses with the Covid scam because of you totalitarian evil agendists. The same garden state cities that were ghettos from a half century ago are the same now. Only the taxes are massively higher. Somehow you want to smell like a rose. And you don't.

"Sandy Hook families suing InfoWars founder Alex Jones have won a case against him after a judge ruled against Jones who has failed to comply with the discovery process. Jones and entities owned by him were found liable by default Monday in a defamation case against them.

Connecticut Superior Court Judge Barbara Bellis cited the defendants' "willful noncompliance" with the discovery process as her core reasoning behind the ruling. "Mr. Jones was given every opportunity to comply but, when he chose instead to withhold evidence for more than two years, the Court was left with no choice but to rule as it did today."

Those whiney crisis actors and their families won't see a dime of that money, lol.....it is nothing but a symbolic victory...who cares about that....What really matters is that Alex once again brilliantly trolls the families and owns the libs by refusing to comply with discovery...which bought himself enough time to hide his assets in offshore accounts and crypto in case these families try to hire any forensic accountants....

Let this be a lesson to any other folks who can't take jokes being made about their children if their kids happen to get gun-down in a school shooting........if they are even dead that is.... since they still have failed to prove that these kids were not crisis actors as Alex's investigative team discovered....this is a free speech issue anyway.... and we can say anything we want about your dead kids....that is what Conservatism, Christian faith and freedom is all about; of which Alex is a big proponent of....
The fact you use the families of Sandy Hook to make a completely fucked up broadbrush of conservatives, many of who think that Jones is a fucking lunatic makes you as disgusting as Jones himself.

Fuck off Biff.
POS troll.
Jersey has lost one third of its small businesses with the Covid scam because of you totalitarian evil agendists.

People leave Prog areas for some reason. Jersey has lost one third of its small businesses with the Covid scam because of you totalitarian evil agendists. The same garden state cities that were ghettos from a half century ago are the same now. Only the taxes are massively higher. Somehow you want to smell like a rose. And you don't.
Care to comment on the topic of the OP?

Why is there this need to defend shit that you would have a hissy fit about if a "dem" did it?
The fact you use the families of Sandy Hook to make a completely fucked up broadbrush of conservatives, many of who think that Jones is a fucking lunatic makes you as disgusting as Jones himself.

Fuck off Biff.
POS troll.
Then how come the main folks on this post defending it or trying to minimize of deflect from it are....


What I do isn't trolling....its being good at holding up a mirror to you dic sucking morons and you getting mad at the reflection...

Fuck what you whining about
They can answer that for themselves.

Doesn't divert from the fact that you are as disgusting as Jones.
The point is....

I already KNEW the only ones trying to justify it would be CONSERVATIVES.......

Do you know why??

Because one of the main motivators for lots of Conservatives is depravity....

If you are not one of those Conservatives, then stop whining to me about it.....as they say, only hit dogs holler
People leave Prog areas for some reason. Jersey has lost one third of its small businesses with the Covid scam because of you totalitarian evil agendists. The same garden state cities that were ghettos from a half century ago are the same now. Only the taxes are massively higher. Somehow you want to smell like a rose. And you don't.
I love seeing productive people flee these areas

Soon NYC will look like another sequel to Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
People are fleeing your shit holes like crazy. It makes me so happy except all the poor innocents beaten up and murdered.But that's progress to you fools

you were saying.....New Jersey's population has grown by nearly 6% in the past decade, according to 2020 Census results released by officials Thursday. The Garden State's population rose from 8,791,894 in 2010 to 9,288,994 in 2020, a 5.7% increase. The 2020 census data also revealed the state has become older and more diverse
People are fleeing your shit holes like crazy. It makes me so happy except all the poor innocents beaten up and murdered.But that's progress to you fools
Maybe in your make-believe online world.....

Offline tho.....reality is totally different...and you are probably totally different too because I am sure you are too much of a bitch to talk that shit you talk online...offline....
Maybe in your make-believe online world.....

Offline tho.....reality is totally different...and you are probably totally different too because I am sure you are too much of a bitch to talk that shit you talk online...offline....
Hey stupid fuck. Watch something else besides CNN you dumb bastard you, and see what the fuck is happening to your paradise shit holes, shit head
Biff, what is the legal basis for suing an opinion broadcaster for an opinion you do not like? Why for example are you not as butthurt that Rachel Maddow and virtually every MSM broadcaster that insists they are not opinion lied about Russia collusion during Trump's presidency? :heehee:
Maddow was never challenged on Russian collusion stories.

The lawsuits are about defamation. Alex Jones clearly defamed sandyhook families. But by contrast, did Maddow defame OAN? a judge ruled that she was clearly exaggerating.

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