Long time rightwing-leaning Arizona newspaper endorses Clinton


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
US paper facing threats for endorsing Hillary Clinton

"The paper's editorial board said that while Clinton was by no means without flaws, she was by far the 'superior choice.'"

Hilarious. There really is no denying how unqualified that orange sack of shit is to be president.

And of course like the cry babies republicans are, the paper is getting death threats over it.
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Sad so many media are fighting for the status quo - corrupt, career, non-representative, socialism-embracing politicians / status quo.
Sad so many media are fighting for the status quo - corrupt, career, non-representative, socialism-embracing politicians / status quo.
Oh right. Like Trump isn't corrupt at all. How about his support for Hillary years prior or the support he had for democrats in general?
Trump is NOT a corrupt career, non-representative government, access/favor-selling, terrorist-aiding POS who further victimized her husband's victims, allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, AND who broke the law while running for President...like HILLARY.
US paper facing threats for endorsing Hillary Clinton

Hilarious. There really is no denying how unqualified that orange sack of shit is to be president.

And of course like the cry babies republicans are, the paper is getting death threats over if.

The bought and paid for media is backing the globalist Hitlery.....what a surprise. So far it has been Hitlery backers that have been trying to intimidate people that don't bend to the will of the communist agenda. As long as we have guns and the means to defend ourselves? That leftard utopia is going to be a work in progress regardless of how many fake and staged shootings the commies throw out there.....
Trump is NOT a corrupt career, non-representative government, access/favor-selling, terrorist-aiding POS who further victimized her husband's victims, allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, AND who broke the law while running for President...like HILLARY.

Apparently he's a kitchen sink.
Trump is NOT a corrupt career, non-representative government, access/favor-selling, terrorist-aiding POS who further victimized her husband's victims, allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die, AND who broke the law while running for President...like HILLARY.
So rather than acknowledge anything negative about Trump you just deflect to bitching about Hillary? That's pathetic.
US paper facing threats for endorsing Hillary Clinton

"The paper's editorial board said that while Clinton was by no means without flaws, she was by far the 'superior choice.'"

Hilarious. There really is no denying how unqualified that orange sack of shit is to be president.

And of course like the cry babies republicans are, the paper is getting death threats over it.

rightwing leaning?

they've never endorsed a democrat before..... never.

and USA Today broke a long-time determination to never endorse anyone in a presidential race, feeling that their readership was diverse and had different beliefs.

they broke that 35 (i think) year position to take no position to come out to tell people DON'T VOTE FOR DONALD TRUMP, saying he is unfit for the presidency.

USA TODAY's Editorial Board: Trump is 'unfit for the presidency'

no one has seen anything like this ever.
How many threads on this topic are needed? But here we go. They are losing money hand over fist.

Good. Let them go bankrupt. Same thing is happening with the Dallas paper. Hope they go broke too.

Ariz. paper faces threats, loses subscribers after Clinton endorsement

Ariz. paper faces threats, loses subscribers after Clinton endorsement

because morons like you are too stupid to even get why not a single editorial board endorsed dumb donald.

and all the more reason to congratulate the editorial board on its integrity.
99% of Law Enforcement groups endorse Trump, the Border Patrol endorses Trump, thousands of parents and relatives who have had loved ones killed by illegals endorse Trump, choke on it libs.
How many threads on this topic are needed? But here we go. They are losing money hand over fist.

Good. Let them go bankrupt. Same thing is happening with the Dallas paper. Hope they go broke too.

Ariz. paper faces threats, loses subscribers after Clinton endorsement

Ariz. paper faces threats, loses subscribers after Clinton endorsement
Yes, republicans hate everyone else's freedom of speech.

Cutting off the paper is hating free speech ?

You are on drugs.

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