Long Term Relationships


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2022
I've been dating my current girlfriend for just over a month and she is fun to be with and is a good listener.
My sister and her husband have been married for 14 years and still going strong.
Those few of my peers that stayed married are (like myself) enjoying their retirements.....Most of the rest are still working after a divorce or two.

I went in to the courthouse yesterday to renew my CC permit....Two of the deputies there were my peers, both had been divorced, one guy twice....I said, Damn you two are still working?

Pro Tip.....You don't get ahead by giving half your shit away and paying child support in your prime earning years.
Those who play together, stay together!

If your partner is also your trusted friend, and you treat each other as friends, then you have a good shot at making it!


A boyfriend when late for a date, the girl may get all pissy....

A friend when late for a girls night out on the town, the girl friend will simply forgive and brush it off...

Treat your wife, husband, or partner as you would a FRIEND, goes a long way and makes for good long relationships imho.
Those few of my peers that stayed married are (like myself) enjoying their retirements.....Most of the rest are still working after a divorce or two.

I went in to the courthouse yesterday to renew my CC permit....Two of the deputies there were my peers, both had been divorced, one guy twice....I said, Damn you two are still working?

Pro Tip.....You don't get ahead by giving half your shit away and paying child support in your prime earning years.
This is a good reason not to jump into marriage without vetting your love interest. Too many people rush into it without really knowing the other person.
There's a certain segment of society, both male and female, who never marry. Or they were briefly married early on. They just move on from one live-in to another. And people who do marry are waiting later and later. I got married in the 1980s at age 28 was considered old. Today, it's not old at all. Marriage prospects for many are like a jet plane in the air. It's either on the way up or on the way down. It seems like the point of no return for many is age 32 or 33. After that, the plane is going down, and one is less and less likely to marry.
There's a certain segment of society, both male and female, who never marry. Or they were briefly married early on. They just move on from one live-in to another. And people who do marry are waiting later and later. I got married in the 1980s at age 28 was considered old. Today, it's not old at all. Marriage prospects for many are like a jet plane in the air. It's either on the way up or on the way down. It seems like the point of no return for many is age 32 or 33. After that, the plane is going down, and one is less and less likely to marry.
I'm 34 now and I still am looking for the right person. I guess I'm kind of picky.
Those who play together, stay together!

If your partner is also your trusted friend, and you treat each other as friends, then you have a good shot at making it!


A boyfriend when late for a date, the girl may get all pissy....

A friend when late for a girls night out on the town, the girl friend will simply forgive and brush it off...

Treat your wife, husband, or partner as you would a FRIEND, goes a long way and makes for good long relationships imho.
In the end it may be accepting that two living together gives a more comfortable life. No matter the negatives.
It is the road travelled to get there. And it can be painful and destructive. A percentage who skates into old age is not the same as those who take the punches and knockdowns to get there. And this is called equality.
Next Wednesday, my parents will be married 70 years! Holy Cow! Only 1/10 of 1% make it to 70 years! I wish I could be there to celebrate with them, but I can't....:( My older sister is taking them out to dinner!

Next month, my hubby and I will be married 34 years.... We really haven't had too many hard times or difficult situations.... Other than being poor as shinola when we first started out, which was a struggle we managed together.
Joined a Yoga class that my girlfriend attends.

Next Wednesday, my parents will be married 70 years! Holy Cow! Only 1/10 of 1% make it to 70 years! I wish I could be there to celebrate with them, but I can't....:( My older sister is taking them out to dinner!

I have an aunt/uncle that are on 73 years of marriage. It is something to admire, being married longer than many people will be alive.

Next month, my hubby and I will be married 34 years.... We really haven't had too many hard times or difficult situations.... Other than being poor as shinola when we first started out, which was a struggle we managed together.

We just hit 31 years last month and have truly never been closer. As you said above we are truly best friends as well as spouses. We used to get accused of being co-dependent and we were like "and, what is wrong with that?" We do rely on each other for most everything. Seems that is the way it should be.

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